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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. The only gratuity you pay is the mandatory service charge that you mentioned. The drinks and dinner gratuities are for US guests that don't pay for FAS. If you're in Europe and pay for it, there will be no more charges. Do note that it's "from" 49.50 for FAS. So, like I said before, around €100 per person for a 10 day cruise.
  2. No extra gratuities to pay if you prepaid the service charge. And no extra for drinks or meals in the FreeAtSea for EU guests. Although for a 10 day cruise the FreeAtSea should have been around €100 per person with the 50% discount, not 49. Check again!
  3. I do hope your son can find a way to deal with his thoughts. Personally I feel I deal with much more dangerous situations more or less daily (driving, flying, being in crowded places, the list goes on. But honestly, will pointing out all the everyday dangers be helpful? It could just cause new anxieties. Living in fear is not what anyone should do. But it's not like you can turn it on and off with a switch!
  4. I'm sorry but I'm not with you. What's this Best Value deal? I'm in Europe so probably nothing for us, but still curious! Usually I can learn about ongoing deals here at CC, but I haven't heard of this one. Nor have I heard of a Black Friday deal involving dinners. (Except the FAS that is currently half price on Europe.)
  5. Not yet. But I may be able to tell in about a month. 😁
  6. I uploaded a picture for a cruise earlier this year with no problem. Saved the picture and tried to use it for the next cruise. Was not accepted. I tried to use it anyway when checking in for another cruise last week. No problem! So its really a hit and miss!
  7. True. I had a real difficult time taking the picture for my passport before this one. (We do it in the Passport office when applying) "Don't smile" "I'm not!" "Yes you are" "You're still smiling!" "Noooo... I'm not!!" It took a while to get it done. And the guy handling it definitely was not smiling...
  8. From what I've read during this week or so: They doubt the eventual eruption will have anywhere near the effects on air trafic that the one some years ago had. Or even any effect at all. The effects on the ground from the earthquakes (and possible lava flow) though is, and will continue to be huge. My thoughts are with the evacuated people that may never be able to return to their homes.
  9. While I still had my darling dog I couldn't pack early. He was a rescue with separation anxiety and got very nervous if I brought the suitcase out. He always had a great time at the kennel (when we made that last turn to get there he got super excited and it was like "bye bye mum, see you later. I'm with my spare mum now!" when he got out), so I really didn't have to feel guilty about travelling. But to see him worried, well that broke my heart! Now that he's not around any more it's a feeling of luxury to have my bag lying there, open, ready to accept my stuff. Not that I actually bring much, and could easly pack in 15 minutes if needed. But still... I'm actually leaving for a land trip to Valencia, Spain in about an hour. Bag has been ready at least a week.... 😁 Heck, being winter here and summer temps (for a Swede) there I'll be WEARING almost as much as I've got in the bag (carryon only). It's easier, or at least less bulky, this way round than going from warm to cold like @DominicAUS is doing.9
  10. I am so relieved and also impressed you were able to sort It out! What I try to remember to do is take pictures of meeting place, bus, guide... I said "try to remember"... It gives me some peace of mind when there are several groups, buses, same looking buildings... I have had some slight moments of panic when realizing not being 100% sure of where/who to find. Seville is a labyrinth and being in the wrong place there is something I can definitely see happening! I rode a bicycle around there last year and frequently lost my direction. Figuring out what corner I was actually in was not always straightforward! Without Google maps "my position" I'd probably still be trying to find my way home! 😁
  11. Yeah... kind of... They do have this "I have a very special offer right now" thing going to get people to buy more than they planned to. Not actually lying or anything. Just muddying up things. Like when I bought 2 certificates on a cruise. "I have very special offer. Instead of the onboard credit I can give you TWO EXTRA FOR FREE! Isn't that great?" Eeehhh... That would be the same thing as if I had come there to buy 4 and get 500 OBC. No better, no worse. Still 125/each. If I had wanted 4 then I would have asked for 4 in the first place... On the next cruise I did buy 4, because my daughter "needed" some. "I have very special offer. Instead of the onboard credit I can give you FOUR EXTRA FOR FREE! Isn't that great?" Still 125/each... (But nice if indeed you want 8 of them). I have overheard conversations between other people actually thinking they made a better deal declining the OBC and getting extra certificates FOR FREE! Buying more certificates than they planned. Which I guess is exactly what the CN people wanted.
  12. Book Moderno first to be on the safe side to not be expected to payt at checkout.
  13. And, FWIW, you didn't actually lose anything. OK, you're not getting the discount you "should" when using the CN certificates, but at least they will be worth the 250 you paid for them if you're able to use them as part payments.
  14. I am absolutely not sure about this, but here are my thoughts: The "1 device" can only be used on that particular device. That's why they are a little less. (The ones without "1 device" can be used at more than one device, but only one at a time.) "Premium" are the ones that include streaming. As for the discount it will probably show when checking out.
  15. And I'm the opposite! OK, if it was relatively clean dishes neatly stacked I might accept it. But when it's half-eaten food and it's there in the hallway for hour(s) I find it disgusting! (My last two cruises were on deck 5 on Star if that makes a difference. Dishes could be in the halway for LONG times!) Having said that, I do understand it since there may be little to no space to put it in the room. I would appreciate some place, maybe a trolley or something, where people could put their dirty dishes instead of just putting them on the floor. One can dream...
  16. I haven't looked at balconys, but when it comes to inside an oceanview it seems like it's the least desireable cabins that have been made into solos. So I'm not too impressed so far.
  17. No. The benefits are linked to YOU via your keycard.
  18. Once onboard you MAY be able to make arrangements. Dealing with customer service reps before the cruise is less likely to work. Good Luck! (And I don't know how anyone could have gotten the idea that you might be planning to just not appear and stay ashore. But this is CC. People can be on the confrontational side at times...)
  19. Misunderstood! Drinks pass available for purchase but can't see FAS+
  20. I THINK it has to do with immigration clearance. To stay in Germany instead of returning to the ship you need to be cleared by immigration. A somewhat different procedure than just visiting for the day. Something they do not plan for. If it happens by accident it happens, so to speak. I¨m not saying the CAN'T make those arrangements, but they may not be willing to.
  21. According to the document, yes.
  22. It's returning next week according to "people who know" (I actually saw a photo of a document stating so either here or on FB).
  23. Since Cagney's is a la carte there won't be any charge anyway.
  24. Oh, I see now! You don't get half price on those.
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