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Everything posted by Asawi

  1. I travel alone all the time and I can honestly say that this has NOT been a problem! I think my plate may have been removed in error a couple of times, but only becuase there was very little left on it. I almost always get my food, leave it on the table and go back for drinks (cold or hot). I do leave a personal item as well to indicate that the table is occupied. At least if there isn't much left on my plate and I'm off to get dessert and/or coffee. But I do agree that trying to get everything in one go is a potential recipe for disaster!
  2. I'm not sure why I keep reading this topic since I personally have zero interest in Vibe. I just don't understand how it can be worth $30/day. To ME that is a lot of money for, well... nothing... BUT, and this is important, I'm sure I spend money on things that many (most?) people can't understand. Those things make ME happy. Therefore they are "allowed" to cost me whatever I pay. If Vibe makes you happy it's worth it! (And in the discussion here I see many good points to consider to help making you decide.)
  3. Well, a suitcase is a lot less smaller than a scooter. And in my (admittedly limited, but still...) experience they get removed, if not quickly, then at least not left there for the whole night. But yes, it can be a bit tight if bothe sides of the corridor happen to have suitcases out.
  4. You do not choose your time to embark. You choose your time to check in at the terminal. And then there might be a waiting time to embark, as you experienced. But, as you noticed, noone actually check yuor chosen time. I have not been on Getaway, but on the ships I have been to there has been trays available in the buffet, but maybe not that obvious where to find them. Did you ask?
  5. On my cruise in October it was City one way, Horizon the other.
  6. Was on Gem, going from Rome, in December. No Coke Zero or Diet Coke on tap. Only cans with Diet Coke on that cruise. If ordered with ice one can was used for two drinks. I have mine without ice. so usually around a can per drink. (And at a couple of occations, outdoor bars, busy times, they just handed me the can.)
  7. Maybe I should add that I'm talking about the younger segment of millenials, under 30's in my above post.
  8. I don't know how much you've been around millenials in your daily life. I have had them around me a lot, and I can assure you that there is very little probabilty you'd see many if any, of them as audience on a game show unless they were desperate and had nothing better to do than go there and mock it. No way will NCL hook any of them with game shows! I doubt the people claiming to enjoy the game shows are more likely to be the parents, or maybe even grandparents of millenials. And that's why they (NCL) can get away with it: Us old farts will part with our money regardless of what's on offer. As for the rest of your "description" I won't go into it since this topic is about entertainment. (Not that sticking to the topic seems to be particularly important at CC)
  9. This really made me laugh (in a nice way!). I live in Sweden. I have almost never had a car as new as 3 yo. When winter hits with sub-zero (yes, I mean sub-zero Fahrenheit! We've been at -30 Celcius/-20 Fahrenheit in what feels like forever this winter) my car can be standing for WEEKS. You should be fine! But what an ordeal with your flights! A big sigh of relief there!
  10. There was a short while (less than an hour) during the night (in Europe, so evening in USA) when there was some sort of server issues. Like so many other weekends...
  11. Interesting read! I have not been on Getaway or any other of the big ships.. I've been on Spirit, Star and Gem. Out of those Star was my least faviourite when it came to food, but not even there did I come across any cold food that wasn't supposed to be cold. Entertainment isn't a priority for me, but I do prefer shows with the production cast to any other kind. It seems like NCL is cutting back on those and that's a bit sad. I would be happy to go on another cruise line if they had itineraries to my taste and good solo pricing. Unfortunately I've been unsuccessful finding any, so my next few cruises will be NCL. Trying out a couple of the big ships with studios and studio lounge with good coffee. That's a good way to keep me happy. 😄
  12. Ships are sailing more or less full now. This means they don't have to pull people in by taking away solo supplement to the same extent as when starting up post pandemic. How good a deal the solo rooms are can be a matter of opinion I guess. I have mostly looked at insides They are slightly less than regular insides. but in many cases they are also the least desirable rooms in the category.
  13. I have had good results using online chat. Cancellings and changes.
  14. The entertainment isn't a big deal for me when cruising. BUT, having said that, when there is something that looks like it could be to my liking I try to catch it. And get a little bit annoyed if it clashes with other things (like the slooooow dinner service on Star back in October). When shows are replaced with game shows it makes things a lot easier for me. Since I HATE game shows there is a lot less risk of "missing out" and I can have my dinner for as long as it takes. Or finish that exciting book. Or... (Yeah, I'm one of those tiresome "glass half full" people... 😄 )
  15. Yeah... It¨s a shame NCL's worst (?) ship has the best itineraries. Itineraries are my main priority. And, like I said before, it's not so bad that I wouldn't cruise on Star again. I'm pretty easy-going and as long as I'm fed and caffienated I'm fine. Even if food isn't the best, there is enough to choose from to find something edible or maybe even nice!
  16. I don't see it as misleading. It seems it's what I thought all along. An offer that you can accept or decline. Decline it and don't pay the $300 and wait for flight info until around day 30.
  17. But then you have no control and will not get your fly info right away, right? What OP has been offered is earlier info and some control. As I understand not a "standard" BOGO.
  18. But isn't that kind of what Premium Air is? Regular BOGO you don't have any control, and now they are offering some control for a fee. If you don't want to pay the extra fee I guess you can still get the BOGO and get your info the usual 30 or whatever days before departure.
  19. Not a Samsung, Android. Not working as it should.
  20. I LOVE ice cream! But on the NCL ships I've been at (Spirit, Star, Gem) the ice cream, both softserve and hard, is of really bad quality. Like the cheapest I can get at Lidl (budget supermarket chain). So I eat very little of it (I may put a little on a crepe or that thing they call "cobbler" and insist on not serving with vanilla sauce/custard). No big deal though. There's enough things to eat and drink to keep me happy anyway!
  21. I'm struggling to think of what would make go and get my DSC reduced. I'm a solo traveller so the DSC on my booking is "just" $20/day and as far as I'm concerened it's part of the cruise cost (and you really don't get much for $20 nowadays). If we were 4 in the room, making the DSC $80/day I might think differently. I don't know... On my latest cruise my room stewart wasn't great. But not bad enough for me to go to guest services and complain. To be honest, I don't really need much steward services so I wasn't really suffering. But he didn't get a tip or a hero card. As for port taxes/fees, here in Europe they are included in the advertised price. I like that! (DSC isn't though)
  22. Phew! What a relief! I was actually thinking along those lines to but wasn't sure how well it would work.
  23. I'm pretty much a hermit. Never been to a solo meet. Don't strike up conversations. Prefer being on my own. BUT, having said that, if I've almost finished my lunch/dinner in the buffet and I see someone looking for a seat I might invite them to share mine (after all, I'm almost done...) and enjoy some light conversation. That, to me, is part of the charm with cruising: IF you want to chat for a few minutes there is lots of opportunity. But it's perfectly fine to chat a little and then move on! I'm not Platinum yet, but I will be later this year. I don't know what I will do with my "dinner for two" coupons. The thought of having a sit down dinner, having conversation with a stranger does not appeal to me. But it's such a shame to just waste that free speciality meal. 😄 Luckily my daughter might join me on my first Platinum cruise (in her own room - we are SO different in SO many ways. It would not be relaxing to share a small room!) and I don't mind eating with her. 😄 We can even NOT have a conversation unless we want to without it being awkward. 😄
  24. If for nothing else, go there for dessert! Those chestnut and red bean triangles... YUMMY! I thought most ships have somethinh similar to Ginza nut under different names, but I can't find anything on Bliss.
  25. Here in Sweden it is not common practice to sterilize unless you have reason to suspect bad water quality (which is relatively unusal here). But you are absolutely right to not use the hot tap water! And better sterilize one time too many that one to few!
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