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Everything posted by IAcruising

  1. Barely. 53% was the most recent number I could find. Pretty sad, actually. It's true that Americans don't need passports for some international travel -- until they do and don't have one. I mean, c'mon. You can't even drive to Canada without at least a passport card.
  2. Thanks! Now I don't have to do it. Mark me down for one "wrong" so far today.
  3. Of course I'm not sure. I was wrong TWICE yesterday. If I recall, I read it on NCL's website regarding proper documentation. If I get motivated, I might look again, but probably not.
  4. The more I think about this, the more I empathize with OP's consternation. This just shouldn't be possible. However, that does not change the fact that, in the end, it's the passenger's responsibility to ensure they have the proper documentation, not NCL's.
  5. I believe it's a NCL requirement regardless of country visited. I assume it's to make everything uniform, rather than having different criteria for different itineraries.
  6. Unfortunately, yes, you should have known -- especially as an experienced cruiser. It's common knowledge, to anyone who makes any effort at all, that a BC can only be used on a closed-loop cruise. I'm sorry this happened to you, seriously. I agree that NCL should not have the option available on an open jaw cruise, but ultimately, it's all on you. Good luck getting it resolved.
  7. See? This is why you get the reaction you get, and others who have posted their experience get some respect. Learn how not to be an arse.
  8. If this post had been the OP, this thread would have taken a completely different direction.
  9. You can't use a FCC that isn't posted to your account yet. Why didn't you wait? I hope the best for you, but I doubt you can apply a FCC to a cruise after final payment. Hope I'm wrong.
  10. I don't believe there are non-Haven suites on the Prima.
  11. Fair enough. I pay no attention to the gender of the poster. I have no idea if you're a guy or gal, or cruiseny, Bunny, julig or anyone else. Makes no difference to me. So, I assume that is all you have to say regarding my recap?
  12. Well, let's recap a bit. He questions if he should call corporate and complain about rough seas. He insinuated that staff would get in trouble for saying anything. He wants an apology for the rough weather. He claims the ship was damaged and taking on water. He questions the captain’s decision to leave port and insinuates that NCL just wanted to avoid port fees. He wants anyone who doesn't empathize with him to "go away". Sorry, but that's going to get some feedback.
  13. LOL. Says the guy throwing crap at the fan on a public message board. Good luck with that.
  14. This might be the primary cause of your disappointment. What made you think NCL is an "upper scale" line? It's a mass-market line.
  15. Mother Nature apologizes to no one. Sometimes, she'll let us forecast what she's going to do, sometimes not. One thing she never does is call up cruise ship captains to announce her plans. 🙃
  16. Wasn't it quite obvious what happened? You're on ship and hit big waves. What else did you expect them to tell you?
  17. So it would seem. I don't know why they didn't schedule this for the first or last two-weeks of the repo. How many times do you need to see Choir of Man on a 21-day cruise? And it's certainly a partially filled ship, so it's not like you wouldn't be able to get a seat.
  18. I originally wondered why our Encore repo next April stops in Colombia for maybe 4-hours or so. Now I know it's because Colombia is in South America. Fun facts.
  19. Same. But I do bring along an official list of my prescription meds. Never had to show it, but I don't like to risk anything.
  20. How else would a business dispose of excess inventory?
  21. Roll Call says they are accepting bookings for the first week of the repo, so doesn't seem to be permanent.
  22. That doesn't bode well for the Panama Canal repo either.
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