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Anoynmous Phoenix

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Everything posted by Anoynmous Phoenix

  1. @Northern Aurora Thank you; will see if I can find the place on Google Maps. A P
  2. @CruiserBruce Thank you. Do you know if cruise lines usually put on a shuttle from the dock in Homer into Homer itself? Looks a long way. Kodiak looks a little easier, only a mile, but a a shuttle would help.
  3. Two things I would like help with please. Where exactly will the NCL Jewel dock (tie up) in Dutch Harbor; Kodiak and Homer? Any recommendations for shore excursions in those ports? We are there in late April and, I believe looking at the ship information sites, that we will be the first ship at each port in 2024. Thank you. Anoynmous Phoenix
  4. Is this the beginning of the end of ALL "hot" pools on NCL ships? If one in a private room has to be dealt with in this way how do they manage to allow the continual use of the public ones?
  5. We ate in Onda on the Prima recently and nothing sticks in my memory!! Yet I can remember quite a bit of the times we have eaten in La Cucina on a number of ships. I would say that la Cucina would be my choice.
  6. The only upcharge in Cagney's is Surf & Turf But it is interesting to read the menu critically. It mentions specifically "Dining Package". Does that actually mean that they don't charge it if you are using the "Latitudes Voucher"? It is also damn stupid. They charge $25 for it to take the "free" price down to $30 BUT still allow Porterhouse at $47 and Lamb Chops at $43. Logic would have a $40 "free" limit on all items.
  7. On short cruises with lots of people trying to get in specialty restaurants, booking one early on Embarkation Day is brilliant. Can sit in peace and quiet getting to know the staff and watching as we sail away, only one side though.
  8. @Esilef Lots to do and see in Rotorua but my "don't miss" is St Faith's Church at Ohinemutu with Christ walking on the water.
  9. I would make sure you have a VERY effective anti-dust mask especially if you have any breathing difficulties at all. A Welsh ex-coalminer friend of ours who was on the cruise with us had a terrible time there.
  10. @denise143 If Richards Bay is included in your itinerary I hope you don't dock at the coal wharf. We did!!!
  11. Request one from your steward but be quick as the number is finite.
  12. Try posting on https://boards.cruisecritic.com.au/topic/2903807-2023-where-are-they-now-officers-crew/
  13. At one point I asked if we could do that but was told "NO". Have not wanted to since. But someone did ask "recently" about the same thing and my advice was to contact Reservations 1 800 327 7030 and ask there. If the answer is "NO" ask to speak to a supervisor. The point to make is that people take an NCL shuttle FROM the ship TO the airport with no flight details (we have done that innumerable times) so why can the opposite not be possible. Not allowing it is inconsistent, (NCL's middle name) A P
  14. Another one that someone prompted me about when there was a question asked/comment made that had been previously written about on a Roll Call. Read all posts on your Roll Call rather than just go to the end, there is usually so much information on there that you won't have any questions!! A P
  15. Notice the ALL in the screenshot; don't expect any assistance
  16. Just because everyone does it, doesn't make it right.
  17. Here are screen shots With Dining and Beverage Without Dining and Beverage SAME PRICE!! AP
  18. For those who haven't cruised before. Make sure you have a carry on with ALL documents, ALL medicines and a SPARE everything just in case you are one of the MANY unlucky ones whose luggage never arrives on board.
  19. What happens if you have to be offloaded at a foreign port for any possible reason? You should NEVER travel without a valid passport even if one is not NEEDED.
  20. Totally wrong South American cruise. Buenos Aires to Santiago is the one to do.
  21. In the Australian market "FREE" at Sea costs are built into the actual cost of the cruise. If you deicide not to accept the Dining or Drink packages there is no decrease in the fare.
  22. I hope the Jewel has had its bottom scrubbed before it arrives here!! P&O didn't have the Pacific Adventure done!! Look at https://www.nzherald.co.nz/travel/po-cruise-rejected-at-new-zealand-border-leaves-passengers-fuming/4K3DDW2GK5C4VP3A33JSZ5VHYY/
  23. @numberguy Those dates are right in our early SUMMER!! There should be no need for any winter clothing. The only thing to worry about is if the Tasman is rough with gales from the south. Then deck walks could be COLD; 10C Ashore in Australia 23-25C; in New Zealand 19-20C. But in Australia be prepared for HOT days, up to 35C.
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