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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. We have not had a good one in the five cruises we were able to do since the restart. Maybe supply chain issues, or just getting lower quality.
  2. I was just reading this, that I got in an email today. I am happy to report that I have eliminated 1 of the 6. I don’t think the other 5 will ever be eliminated by me. And why do they consider alcohol a food?
  3. That is one that I posted, and it is from an app and not a web site. It is this one, and it only covers Port Everglades.
  4. Pretty predictable for a rom-com, with a couple of aging actors. It isn’t a movie I would pick, but Susan said she liked it. I think it had a 56% on rotten tomatoes.
  5. I really got behind on this, and all the live threads yesterday. Started out the day by going to daughter’s house to do some work at their place, and that consumed the morning. I did see the nice Fantasy Football League trophy my son-in-law made on the 3d printer. Then it was back to our place to tackle more leaf cleanup. Just as I got out our blower, I noticed one of our neighbors starting to work on our elderly 90+ YO neighbor’s yard, so we headed over to lend a hand. I think we had about 12 piles this size. After disposing of his leaves, Susan took our blower and started blowing ours, while I took our tractor and cut our neighbor’s grass. I can’t believe we were able to finish both yards in only 4 hours time. When I asked Susan where she wanted to go for supper, her answer was, “I want to go to the movie and eat popcorn and drink pop”. Not exactly the healthiest choice! So we went to see Ticket to Paradise with George Clooney and Julia Roberts. After getting the tickets, In my best Eddie Money voice, I start with “I’ve got two tickets to paradise…..” We ended our day the same way we started. A soak in the hot tub to sooth our sore muscles.
  6. We both got the high dose flu shot this week. I just had a sore arm for a day, and Susan had no reaction. As for a 4th shot, I am also on the fence. When I had it (after having 3 shots), it was no worse than a cold. And after my Sister-in-law got it a couple weeks after getting the latest, and greatest, shot, it has me questioning the value.
  7. I was viewing on an iPad Air 4. Sorry for the late response, but it has been a crazy, busy day.
  8. @FromSea2ShiningSea Sorry to hear about testing +ve. That’s what I would worry about on those long cruises. Hoping you get to explore some, and that you will be -ve soon.
  9. I am seeing some pixelated, but it may be those that are pushing the limits of zoom for those photos.
  10. I like everything about that meal, except the spinach. Only time I will eat it, is when it is in a spinach artichoke dip.
  11. My son’s first cross country move ( from Sunnyvale, CA to Buffalo, NY), they used PODS. I helped him box everything and load the POD. Let me say, that was a lot of work. Thankfully, they hadn’t accumulated too much stuff at that point, but everything made the trip without anything broken, or even scratched. I attribute my packing skills to the one summer in college that I worked as a furniture mover. I was more than relieved, when his company picked up the tab to have everything packed and shipped, when he moved back to California.
  12. Good morning. I haven’t posted here for a couple days, but I have been enjoying the Italy pictures. Also, glad you are back on the road to recovery from Covid, @Sunshine3601 And, congratulations on the new house @helen haywood Yesterday was such a crappy day, I decided to put some things off till today. Well, maybe not all crappy, because I did manage to squeeze in a nice filet and baked potato for supper. It was 26° when I woke up today, so it was started like most mornings. A soak in the hot tub while watching the news. Helping out at my daughter’s house this morning, then back home to do a couple projects. It is nice to see the sun today.
  13. So how was your area at Eagle Beach? We have always been a little further south than the part of the beach you were at. We always parked ourselves by the Coco Loco Beach bar. Their price for two loungers and an umbrella was $40, and the ones next to them were $50. The beach seemed less crowded where we were. It is nice that you had an outlet. We had planned on renting a 4x4 to explore the island on our next trip, but as you know, we had to cancel. I do know, we will be doing that 8 day again.
  14. Yes, I remember those! And as Forest Gump would say “That’s all I have to say about that!” Anything else would be NSFFT (Not suitable for family thread). 😏
  15. Great stingray video, Greg. Have you ever looked at the underside of them? Maybe it is just me, but they look like a face. A picture of one from this summer.
  16. I was just going to say Look at those prices. We had some of those glasses, but someone got rid of them. I found out after the fact. Had hurricane glasses from NCL, Carnival, Royal, and from where I had the best Cat 5 ever, Pat O’Brien’s.
  17. The bus looked like it was really packed in. Agree with the touch of a stingray, smooth and silky. How did you manage with your arm out of the sling?
  18. That is a little bit of a hike, if you walked there from Eagle Beach.
  19. Susan hates driving in the larger cities, so I usually drive those parts of our trips. Plus, I would be too nervous with her driving those places.
  20. Got to love winter hockey. I just got an email that tickets are available for the Winter Classic on January 2, 2023 at Fenway Park. A matchup between our Pens and the Bruins. My son made the first Winter Classic in 2008 at Orchard Park between the Pens and Sabres. That was a memorable game with the snow, plus a Pen’s win with Sid getting the game winner in a shoot out. He was there with some of his grad school buddies. I took him to the 2011 Winter Classic at Heinz Field between the Pens and Caps. Unfortunately, we saw our Pens have a loss in that one. The Pens had their new arena open that season, so I had a package that included the home opener to christen the new arena, and the Winter Classic. So we were supposed to be the first event at the new arena, then they decided to bring in a singer earlier to open it. I know it was just a ploy to make me spend more money, but I did it. Paul McCartney put on one of the best concerts I ever saw. Sorry, but talk of winter hockey took me down memory lane.
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