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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. Yesterday, I had the unenviable job of taking Ricky to the vet. Time for another blood test to see how he is progressing. He is still on steroids and antibiotics. Yeah, he doesn’t want to leave the carrier at the vet’s office. Time to rest after getting home from the ordeal. He does still seem to be improving.
  2. Painting is done, and cleanup is done. Looks good so far. Now, to get cleaned up and pick up our grandson from school. He would much rather spend time with us on Mondays, instead of watching his sister at gymnastics. Not many comments today, or did they have the same fate as the other day?
  3. We found Agreeable gray not so agreeable for our master bath repaint. We had to find the perfect new wallpaper border to go around the room about an inch from the ceiling. And all the colors had to go with other accent pieces. So our color choice is Opal Silk That is my task today. To paint. Taping and covering is done. Why is it that taping and covering things takes longer than it actually takes to paint?
  4. Look in to International Friends. We booked a post cruise tour with them that took us from the ship and dropped us at our hotel in London. It included stops at Salisbury, Stonehenge, and Windsor. It was a small, 15 passenger van, but I think we only had 8 people which was nice. You may be able to coordinate a pickup with them. They do have stops at some of the places you list. This is their current pricing.
  5. The sun came out yesterday, after several days of heavy rain. We are still under a flood watch thru tomorrow with a few roads closed due to high water. We were able to walk to this part of the campground, but water level is up another 1 foot + this morning, so the access road we used to get to this point would be under water this morning. Our water levels are up, since they are trying to reduce the amount of water reaching Pittsburgh.
  6. @dani negreanu and @BonTexasNY I was watching the news this morning, and was glad to see the defenses were 99% effective. Continued prayers for you and your families that are in harms way. Hopefully things will be resolved soon.
  7. I hope you are bringing them luck for a win. They are in the driver’s seat for a playoff spot. All they have to do is win their final 3, but all three are good teams.
  8. Demand may be a regional thing, but we certainly are not seeing it in our area. My guess is that it will be 10 to 15 years before the technology is refined to the point where the average consumer would consider them. We didn’t even consider electric when we bought a new car last month. My son in California has had two electric vehicles, a BMW i3 that had a very limited range, and a Tesla Model X that he has had for six years now. California has a better network of charging stations, but all I see are trade offs and downsides. He has a charger in his garage, and is able to charge for his daily commute, without waiting in line. He has taken it on a longer trip, They are just returning from a trip to LA (about 400 miles). They had three stops for charging, with charging times of 1-1.5 hours each. Two of those you could combine charging with meal time, but the other is wasted time, in my opinion. The one Tesla charging stop has a ton of chargers, but the electric grid can’t handle that many, so they supplement with diesel generators to power the chargers. Not seeing how that makes sense. I am fairly confident I will never have one in what remains of my life. Sorry, I am not from those countries you asked about, but just thought I would add my 2 cents.
  9. I had to use my PC to change the password this morning. It now works for both the browser and the IOS app. I did find that I could not use the same password for the Celebrity app as I do for Royal. It would tell me I couldn’t reuse passwords when I tried to set it to the new one I use for Royal.
  10. Made final payment for our cruise this morning. And also just this morning, Southwest sent an email changing our flights before that cruise. Batting 1000 on flight changes.
  11. We went with a semi frameless when we remodeled. No problem with leakage, and it is easy to clean. But then, we wipe our shower down after every use.
  12. Today is National Pet Day. A Ricky update. I took him to the vet this week for a blood test. He wasn’t happy they had to stick him 3 times to get blood. Everything looks good so far. His blood count is up. Still looks a little funny with short leg hairs. I will have to take him again next week, so hopefully his counts will still be up.
  13. I was surprised how quickly I got it. I put a reserve on it when it showed up on our library website. The next day they called and said it was ready for pickup.
  14. Yesterday, I read an article about a proposed change in Pennsylvania’s cell phone use in a vehicle. No texting or talking, which isn’t bad, but they would expand to not permit you to have a cell phone in your lap or hand for any reason. That includes snapping a picture, or taking a video. Now I have been known to snap a picture or two, so I am not pleased with that part. And speaking of snapping a photo, I encountered an odd phenomenon in our new vehicle. If I open the camera app, it will automatically shut off Sirius radio, and the time on the infotainment screen will be surrounded by a red bubble. As soon as you close the camera app, the music returns. Not sure if this is something new and unique to Toyota, or if others see this. Still getting familiar with Apple CarPlay, plus all the new symbols. Anyone know why I get the ref signaling touchdown, when I shift in reverse? Susan thinks it means she backed into the garage without hitting anything. 😁
  15. We got that same email, and I think it was to remind you to book dining and excursions and other things. You still do your check in as normal. No need to go through a TA for that.
  16. Those scheduling people at Southwest have been busy trying to annoy me. Yesterday, they made two changes to our flight to San Francisco. The first change, they moved our departure time up by about 10 minutes. I thought, ok, I can live with that. Then, about 2 hours later, they send this. New times, new plane, new flight! So now, instead of a change in Chicago, we have one in Denver. And that new departure time got moved to 5am, which would mean getting up at 2am to be ready for a drive to the airport. Not happening, so we booked a hotel at the airport. Now, I wake up this morning to see that our flights to and from Myrtle Beach this summer were changed. Differences of 10 minutes to 1.5 hours. Can’t wait to see if they change again later today. I am fairly confident they will change our flights to and from our Utopia cruise. Maybe they are reshuffling the fleet to find planes that haven’t had parts fall off.
  17. I don’t think 315 miles for a one day drive is bad. When we make our drive to Florida each winter, we break it into three 400 mile segments. Of course, depending on how bad traffic is, even short distances could take a long time. I was just reading about the 12 hour traffic backups on the interstate in New Hampshire after the eclipse. Sounded like people faced some challenges with that.
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