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Everything posted by daiB

  1. We were on her at Christmas and people were using pagers cos you could hear them in Andersons. I think the app was used as well.
  2. Andrew you are not that young to not know who The Who are
  3. On Aurora at Christmas we had to check in with the disability team for my scooter to get a tag. Then to checkin then to the holding bay for assistance passengers. Those of us who were assistance and priority got on first. Result. On the cruise were 800 top tier passengers so 3/4 loyalty lunches all packed. Don’t expect this to be the same next month.
  4. Oh. Now we are on to size now.well apart from Venice which other ports are involved or4 is it the whole of the Med. That would take out most of the Italian lines Costa MSC.
  5. If you are Ligurian, you will not have time to look for the bar. When we have been in a suite we have often not had time for our tea/coffee in the “lounge” it did not matter how early we got there.
  6. I think you are comparing apples with oranges. If you were right cruising would stop completely in the med for all cruise lines without LNG ships. Which is most of them.
  7. ????? What about all the other ships in all fleets that are not LNG. Don’t know where you got this from?
  8. Keep the reports coming John as we are on in 3 and a bit weeks. Glad you are enjoying the ship, again.
  9. I think Gib is following other ports and reducing the number of cruise passengers at any one time. Also if it were anything to do with duty free and the EU why do ships of non UK lines go there. And have done for a long while.
  10. No not at all, read my post it was Arcadia. The people when I was there were having full meals and not top ups. As I said they outnumbered those not formally dressed. Now it may be that these were experienced cruisers and had been around when the rule was that the dress code of the day was in force over the whole ship after 18.00. This was the case up until 2007/8/9.
  11. The times you are given are still by deck. That is after Caribbean and above levels which on Aurora was much later as there were over 800 top tier passengers. I have seen the list for all the older ships but not the 2 new ones.
  12. Selbourne, The last time we were on Arcadia my OH was feeling off one night, forma;, and I went to the buffet on my own, not in DJ. I was interested to see that more than half of the diners were actually formally dressed.
  13. Hi John We have looked at changing from OBC to parking as we could not get the hotel we wanted. However our TA pointed out that our OBC was still much more than the parking. However this was before the price rise. I have checked and after the price rise this was still the case. We are not in a suite. A number of people on our next 2 cruises have reported that the CPS was full as they waited too late to book. Sorry should have said yes it was possible. Dai
  14. People have mentioned that they have “linked” two bookings together and expect that this will mean boarding together and going to priority lunches together. This is completely wrong, the linking of two bookings simply means that in club dining you will be given a table together. We have done the a number of times. Of course now with freedom dining it is not needed at all as it serves no purpose.
  15. Yes when we were in a mini suite we got priority and into the lunch. Of course there are very few mini suites left only Aurora and Arcadia.
  16. Having read most of the comments on this thread you can see why P&O tend not to give out details they know can change. Exact port times, names of the guest acts in the theatre. There is always someone who will call ‘foul’. They have clearly found it easier to say very little because of these people.
  17. True but then again the low demand is due to the war.
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