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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. Based on the highlighted portion, it appears you may be making an oranges to apples comparison. NCL has the Free@Sea air offer...which, as pointed out in Post #17, is different than NCL's Premium Air service. I suspect that RCCL's Assured Arrival Program is more like Premium Air.
  2. Yes...at this point, you have to test. Not to say that won't change by your embarkation day.
  3. No, of course not. As the booking agent they have no control over airline operations. They are no more responsible for a flight delay/cancellation than the cab company who took you to the airport. As long as the booked flights are scheduled to get you there on time, they have fulfilled their obligation. Nothing. They have no control. If the airline causes you to miss your cruise, then it should be the airline who has to "handle it".
  4. If, as you describe, a return flight was delayed and then cancelled, this would be the actions of the airline, not the cruiseline. Why would the cruiseline then have to compensate? Wouldn't any compensation need to come from the airline?
  5. The answer is actually very simple: it is because FDR is in charge of NCLH now...plain and simple. Prior to being acquired by, and joining NCL, FDR had all of his ships built by Fincantieri. He has prior work experience and familiarity with them. No surprise then when he gest put in charge that NCL moves from Meyer Werft to Fincantieri. What is interesting is that in the past Carnival has used Fincantieri. Now with all of the NCLH contracts in place, Carnival had to go to Meyer Werft to have the Carnival Jubilee built.
  6. Believe it or not, its for the same reason that people will pay to go out and eat at a restaurant at home instead of eating in their own dining room for "free". Sometimes you want to try a different place, with different decor...something smaller and more intimate where you can get more attentive service from the staff. One could also ask why people would eat at a buffet instead of in the restaurant with multi-course sit down dining, but there are plenty of people who opt for the buffet. Different strokes.
  7. I believe they are referring to Simon Akinwolere
  8. When the restaurant said NONE were available...that the restaurant was full and could accept no reservations...are you suggesting that we should ignore that because NONE doesn't mean NONE? Are you suggesting that we argue because there might be a reservation when they say there isn't? How do you suggest we tell the difference between NONE and absolutely NONE?
  9. I disagree...see below Correct...and it isn't just the concierge. I was on the Getaway a while back and someone I knew onboard was upset because there were no reservations available for Le Bistro for the rest of the cruise. (This was for the last 2 days of the cruise...the reason that there were no spots was because it was Valentine's Day). I later ran into the AHD and told him the situation, he made 2 phone calls, and viola...I had a reservation for Le Bistro...so yes, space can "appear" when none is available.
  10. Sounds like you are onboard right now? If so, have you asked the GM? That would be the person in the best position to answer your question. You could, of course, also take the reservation(s) that guest services made for you, show them to the concierge, and asked why you were told nothing was available, but I think the GM would be the better avenue.
  11. Likely a very good question to ask while on board and you have access to employees who might know. It is certain that someone in NCL made that decision. It is just as certain that NCL does not explain "why" to Cruise Critic.
  12. You won't see the discount (which is a lowered minimum bid amt) since you already have bids in. This is just a technique to entice non-bidders into the program.
  13. What was your PCCs answer and what about it is causing you the lack of confidence?
  14. There is a chance, but not a guarantee. It all depends on what you book and who you book through.
  15. No...I don't. Please explain how you came to that conclusion about people you don't know in the couple hours that you've been on CC. And if that is how you feel, why join? BTW...have you contacted the Administrators with your allegation that they condone racist behavior? That is a fairly serious accusation after all.
  16. Wow...you've judged people here as "racist", "bullies", and "without a clue", and you only joined CC earlier today?? If you felt that way about people, why even create the account?
  17. Try here: https://www.cruisecritic.com/reviews/review.cfm?ShipID=349 Not only will you find CC's review of the POA, there are also over 2,250 member reviews posted there as well.
  18. Exactly...which is why CC has a specific place outside of the discussion forum(s) for trip reports and/or reviews. When you post them there, there is no commenting and thus no arguing...nothing but the review.
  19. And those are the people who don't really "get" the point of the M&G. They aren't there it interact, but to curry favor with upper management. Done right, nobody from the ship even needs to attend. It is a nice gesture that they do, but it isn't needed. But the coordinator doesn't control the ship, they just request an available space for their group to meet. The rest is gravy.
  20. Yet, you have to realize that enabling private and off-line conversations (ie "messaging") would make the site virtually useless. It's just not going to happen. And sure, you can call it software out of the 90s, but that what a forum is...nothing more than a public electronic bulletin board for information sharing. This isn't meant to be a networking site...you don't follow posters here, and they don't follow you either. As to the other comment, the LAST thing that M&Gs need is cruise line organization...they aren't a cruise line function. Look at it this way: people join a roll call to chat, plan, share, and anticipate with others on their cruise. Some are involved for many weeks or even many months...or longer. These folks are talking to each other behind screen names, or maybe first names...but they are basically strangers. The purpose of the M&G is to allow those roll call participants the opportunity to Meet and Greet each other. It isn't to Meet & Greet the ship staff or vice versa. M&Gs are a roll call function held by, and for, the roll call participants. Now we have 4 cents...
  21. Wow...nothing like a good pot-kettle post to put someone in their place. Bravo for this.
  22. Just my two cents, but there is nothing stopping you from being that "someone" on your cruise roll call(s). As they say, let the good times roll.
  23. Whether NCL removes pre-cruise testing or not, there is nothing to prevent you from testing on your own...at any time.
  24. In cruising, like life, things sometimes go wrong. This thread is a perfect example of that. What I've seen here: #1 - People who look at a situation and immediately go to "compensation" #2 - People who look at a situation and try to make the best of it. Call it the "silver lining response". But what I find interesting is another group, #3 - People who look at a situation and then crap on/put down the people in #2 above...as though they've done something wrong for daring to, as the saying goes, turn lemons into lemonade. For the OP...I hope things go well. Don't over-obsess, just try to make the best of it. Also...seek out and speak with the GM onboard. Explain the situation...and then let them do what they do. I think you'll find them very responsive and willing to help smooth things out as best they can.
  25. CC is not going to make the change to allow that...it would only make the situation worse. Read through this thread and you see repeated mentions of the fact that people don't mingle...instead they sit with and only interact in small groups. If CC were to allow private messaging, then people would use it to ask/answer questions and seek advice...privately...where it only benefits one person instead of the whole community. Then the cliquish behavior at the M&Gs would migrate to the forums making the current situation were discussing worse.
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