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Everything posted by Peregrina651

  1. I'm not home this week so we will have to depend on my memory. First, let's clarify for the entire audience, that I am talking about the invoice generated by Viking and not any invoice that might be generated by the travel agency. Since invoices can be of different lengths it is hard to say which page. It says something like "send documents to" and then gives name and address for each guest. When I review the invoice prior to putting down the deposit, it is one of the bits of information I check for. As for getting the red luggage tags, the phone bank and chat are the lowest levels of customer service and they don't have all the answers. Try contacting Viking at tellus@vikingcruises.com. Tell them your story and ask if they are able to send you a set of luggage tags. Include your booking number and a telephone number in the email.
  2. I work with an outside TA. At our request, she has told Viking that our documents should be shipped directly to us and that is exactly what happens. It says on our guest invoice that is where they are to go. When it comes to e-docs, she and I both get a copy -- and then we each forward them to the other, just in case Viking failed to send to both of us. We have been known to hit 'forward' simultaneously.
  3. Amazing how she dominates the skyline.
  4. The Iceland circumnavigation (2021) crosses twice but there were only certificates for us as there were no sea days on which to hold the ceremony. Midnight Sun (2016) was a different story. We were in the second ever initiation held on board a Viking ship. DH and his brother went in together; the wives were not as enthusiastic. They did the dunk, had their nose dabbed with blue shaving cream and downed their shot of Aquavit. No kissing the fish at this point in the evolution of the ceremony. A fun time was had by all!
  5. Hey, Phil! Are are you all doing? Any helpful hints for those doing the train on their own? For the hotel?
  6. As for the timing, no need to worry if the package does not arrive before you depart on your adventure. There is nothing in the package that is required for boarding. The personalized luggage tags can be gotten at the airport as you turn over your luggage for transfer to the ship or on the pier. It is disappointing but not catastrophic. And, the same goes for the e-docs. Nothing in the email is required to board the ship. On the other hand, don't forget your passport or to check its expiration (at least 6 months to go) or the number of blank pages required. That would be catastrophic. ☹️
  7. @Moonlion, hope you will tell us train ride as an independent and about the Thon Opera. TIA
  8. THANK YOU! Is that confirmed for all decks?
  9. I can't handle the weight of a DSLR anymore let alone the weight of additional lenses. I have a Sony Mirrorless but, again the weight and the hassle of extra lenses. A compromise was necessary, a big compromise. I found the Panasonic Lumix ZS models. The two I have now are the ZS40 and the ZS100. Both of them can be used like a simple point&shoot and like a DSLR. As a DSLR it has plenty of bells and whistles including RAW, automatic bracketing and other stuff I can't remember off the top of my head. And macro. Neither is full frame and I bought them second hand The compromise is depth of field. You'll see when you check the specs on line. On the other hand, they fit in a pocket and they are fairly light.
  10. Contact Viking at tellus@vikingcruises.com. it is further up the food chain. Ask them your questions about the tour. Include your booking number and your phone number.
  11. @Moonlion Thank you for the shorex. pricelist and for this marvelous live thread. Keep it coming!
  12. Happy to confirm everything you just said. Each cruise has its own unpredictable vibe.
  13. Would someone who is on board now be willing to photograph and post the shorex pricelist?? There should be one in your cabin, just a list ot the tours and their cost. TIA
  14. What you see on the Viking website are potential tours. Not all the tours shown are offered on every cruise for varying reasons (out of season, site closed the day you are there, etc.) The tours for your sailing along with prices will be available for viewing on MyVikingJourney.com about 120 days before departure.
  15. Now that sounds like a project for this forum: a survey of launderettes fleet-wide.
  16. The answer to this one is "yes." Each cruise has its own vibe, so there is really no such thing as "usually" to describe things that are passenger-driven. This includes: how full the MDR and buffet are at any given time of the evening, how long the line to be seated in the MDR is when it opens and how many people are choosing to sit down at 8pm, which tours fill up first and how many people are using the launderette at any given time. It has taken us a long time to learn how to pack for travel, and we still are learning. One thing that we have learned is that it depends on how many days before and after the cruise we will be traveling to determine how many outfits we need. Usually we pack clothing for 5 days and we make use of the laundry service for everything except sox and undies (which we each do in the shower using shampoo as detergent). I use the launderette sparingly, especially on a trip with no sea days. I'm on vacation; I do not want to spend time doing laundry and/or ironing. We plan on one outfit per day as opposed to two. Everything we take can be worn day or evening (except for jeans which are not permitted in the MDR, Manfredi's or Chef's Table). Fortunately, there are no formal nights on board, so DH does not pack a sports coat or a tie -- even if we have theater/concert tickets.
  17. It is best that you confirm your issues with the restaurant staff when you board just to make sure that it has been duly noted.
  18. If you haven't seen them already, check out these two threads: ORION -Noisy cabins ? 6072-6094 Viking Ship Juniper - Are rooms above the restaurant noisy? This thread drifted a bit and talks about cabins under Aquavit
  19. Andy, your announcement is crushing. For you, to have been brought to this point. For those of us here, who have depended on your understanding of the industry for clear, reasonable explanations of the inner-workings and who have so enjoyed your blog. Your voice will be missed.
  20. We were just discussing these cabins on another thread (which is not what you would expect from the title but that happens sometimes.) : Viking Ship Juniper - Are rooms above the restaurant noisy?
  21. Three times now over the dining room and not a sound, not even the cleaning crew. We have two more sailings booked in the same vicinity. I have tried other locations but have decided that Deck 3 aft in a DV6 is my preference. Being over the dining room is a lot better than being under the buffet, where the sound of scraping chairs on bare deck is more apt to be transmitted to the deck below.
  22. Keep checkinging. Ya never know.
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