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Everything posted by Peregrina651

  1. Even having that information is no guarantee of what will be served on your sailing. Chef's Table menus are on their own schedule and the menu changes every three days without regard to the start date of each new cruise. What was served in Halifax on one cruise is not a predictor of what will be served in Halifax on future cruises. Even knowing what menus were served on the last sailing is not a predictor of what will be served on the next sailing.
  2. I love how there is always someone taking the time to ponder life's deepest questions. I also like how there is always some smart-alec with an answer. Leap year is not a problem. They take an extra day in the Canaries on the way north.
  3. We booked with Grayline for their Golden Circle Tour in 2021. Pricing was similar, lunch not included. They picked us up at the ship (luggage and all) and dropped us near our hotel at the end of day.
  4. Would you talk a little about the weather that you have encountered on this trip and a bit about wardrobe? Did you bring the right shoes/boots? Sailing at this time of year, did you need warm boots? Waterproof boots? Are there any wardrobe items that you regret not having brought? Are there wardrobe items that you highly recommend for this trip (as in don't leave home without them)? Thanks in advance.
  5. If there was a charge for it perhaps it was because they were asking for it outside of meal hours. Except with the drinks package, soft drinks are charged for outside of meal hours.
  6. Lol. I was always sure that rare meant special; I just didn't know how. Took awhile to figure it out.
  7. The "rare" badge is for those whose live posts have been brought to the attention of the management. I'm not sure what the ship is for. There are badges as well but no place that I can find that describes why or how they are awarded. If you go back to Patti's original post, you will see the message from Community Manager Laura at the top of her post awarding her the badge.
  8. I don't know if Tarragona is an industrial city but I do know that it is an ancient Roman outpost and is chock-a-block with Roman ruins,especially in the old city area.Tarragona is not a back water. It is a provincial capital with a long history. Yes, it is a long way from the Barcelona airport but the 20 minute ride from the port of Barcelona has us spoiled. But, it isn't the only port that is some distance from a major airport, so why the complaints. Rome is inland (for which we can thank the ancient Romans; even they had a 70 mile chariot ride to their seaport of Ostia). London is inland and very few cruise ships dock in Greenwich. Athens is a distance from its port. True, it is not be a great place from which to explore Barcelona but there is plenty to see in the Tarragona area. As for the taxi prices, I wouldn't worry. Tourism is a major source of income. Once the terminal opens and operations ramp up, public transportation (trains, buses, airport shuttles, limo/private car services) will be tourist-ready. city square build on the ruins of the roman forum; only some old stones are left. It's December 31. It has been fairly quiet as we wander the streets.
  9. I have to say that all of the hassle is why I skip comfort check in and let them take whatever photos they need at boarding. Those who are not tech-comfortable may find it a relief to know that advanced check-in is not a requirement and can be skipped. The app only works when it is connected to the ship's wifi. So, if you are wandering around port for the day, it is not usable.
  10. Some things you should know about this e-mailing 1. There is nothing contained in the email that you need in order to board the ship. There are no vouchers that you must present in order to board. So, don't panic if they are late or don't arrive. It is annoying but not a fatal error. All you need to board the ship is your passport and a credit card. 2. If you worked with a TA, sometimes the e-docs will go to your TA to be checked over for mistakes/changes and then forwarded to you from the TA. If you have seen them by 10 days out, call your travel agent before you call Viking. Some TAs set it up so that the guest also gets this e-mail. 3. If you don't work with a TA and you haven't received this e-mailing by the 10 day mark, call Viking. If the agent you talk to doesn't know how to send you that e-mail right then and there, politely say thank you, hang up and call again. Rinse, repeat until you get an agent who knows what to do. 4. As Tas353, said the "document" contains a summary of your booking and the list of excursions you booked. Check this information against the "final" guest statement that you received; the one that said you were paid in full and against the list of shorex that you booked. 5. The e-mail also contains some important information that you don't already have. • Embarkation location (and this is subject to change) • Ship's phone number • Ship's e-mail address
  11. Thank you. I have learned something new today.🙂 Diamond Circle was not offered on our 2021 Iceland circumnavigation with Viking. We did Northern Iceland’s Natural Treasures, similar kinds of sites but heading off in a different direction.
  12. Do you mean Golden Circle? If so, it is designed for a wide range of ability but the better your ability to walk and climb steps, the more you will get to see up close. We are fairly mobile but low on stamina. We did not find it demanding but we did not walk as far as others. Still, we did not feel as though we were missing out on things we thought were must see items because they were too far a walk. There was enough to keep us busy and satisfied within our walking range.
  13. multiple bus stops within walking distance of the tender dock, including a stop for the HOHO (hop-on-hop-off).
  14. Would someone be willing to photograph and post the shorex price list, the pager left in the cabins? Thanks in advance.
  15. Up here in Boston, too. "Fine Particulates" is what the weather alert says.
  16. Yup. People change their minds and don't show up. A table finishes a lot more quickly than expected. All sorts of reasons.
  17. Also,check out the Ports of Call forum: Italy Ports And see what you can find on TripAdvisor.
  18. 7012 & 7014 are DV cabins and do not have free laundry. The remaining cabins on that corridor are junior suites and laundry service is included.
  19. DV4 cabins are on Deck 4. Many of them are right over the tenders. I've done GTY V 2 times now and have ended up in a DV4 both times
  20. Cabins over Torshavn are noisy. Cabins over Star Theater can be noisy. Cabins over the tenders (deck 4) can be noisy. Cabins under the World Cafe and Aquavit can be noisy. Cabins over the dining room are not noisy. For more info on noisy cabins, try these threads: Has anyone stayed in PS 1 Cabin 8004? Good or not so good?? ORION -Noisy cabins ? 6072-6094
  21. You might get more answers to this question in the PORTS OF CALL section of these boards. It has a bigger audience.
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