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Everything posted by kywildcatfanone

  1. 🙂 In your image, the plug on top I use for the European plug for the lamp, or as you say 2 prong adapter, and you could plug your US plug in the back one and use the ground. At least that is how I do it.
  2. I have the same as above and works well, although you might take a spare as I had one fall apart, I think from the weight of having the lamp plugged back into the top, and then my adapter plugged into the US power of it, just the weight of it caused it to fail after about 4 cruises. I now take a spare with me.
  3. Seems like the majority of complaints are either food related, which is highly subjective, or just pricing in general (cruise fare, packages, nickel and diming, $1 veggies, etc). Some of that you can avoid if it bothers you. I know I do. I like reading opinions and reviews and comments, but I also take some of it with a grain of salt. I think the days of mainstream cruise lines being considered a "luxury" experience are well over and people need to recognize that has happened.
  4. We were on Infinity last year and had a great time for it being a smaller ship, but it only had like 800 passengers too. Sorry you had a poor time.
  5. I hope for others to chime in. I've had basic wifi on Celebrity once and it was barely usable for anything other than reading email, wouldn't even download pictures. I would expect you would need premium to make wifi calls. Princess only has one wifi I think, so they don't segregate between basic and premium.
  6. Wouldn't a simple solution for the dress code problem be to have dining rooms that adhere to things like Chic/Formal nights and those that don't? That way everyone gets what they want.
  7. I think people are going to have to vote with their wallets to get things to change. Currently cutbacks are occurring across all major cruise lines. Benefits to loyal passengers are being removed or changed, quality of food and choices are degraded, but ships are sailing full, and until that changes, paying more isn't going to get you a better experience.
  8. Premium wifi is supposed to let you stream, so I hope to watch ball games, Netflix, etc on my device and I'll be at PS complaining if I can't and getting a bunch of money back.
  9. In fairness to his first complaint, the Caribbean Princess is 19 years old, so he should have known that before he boarded. I'm normally a Princess cruiser, but on Equinox soon. Food is subjective. I'm not fussy, can always find something to eat, but food quality is down from years ago. No one should be surprised by that at this point. There are still lots of options to enjoy on most any ship.
  10. Well, they just set our game time for 7pm either SECN or ESPN. I wonder if while leaving FLL you get regular ESPN or SECN on the ship or if I'm going to have to hope I can stream it on my phone or computer.
  11. Well said. eliminating the ability to get coffee for the mini bar swap still makes me mad because now I have to pay about $70 per cruise for something I used to could trade for, but now resign myself to about $10 worth of soda. It is what it is though, and you have to make the best of it.
  12. For us, not so much ballgames, but we cruise different than most. Also, seems to me espn in the Caribbean is mostly soccer or cricket. We both work, long hours in stressful environments and we use cruises mostly just to hang out and chill. Don't go to MDR or specialty dining, rarely do excursions or other shipboard entertainment, maybe a comedian or something. Basically our day, at least when the weather cooperates, is hang out by the pool, shop around ports, then go eat a leisurely dinner, maybe walk around a bit, and go back to the room and watch TV. That's why I bought premium (kills my soul) so we could stream stuff. On Princess it's not needed because they have a large selection of on demand stuff to watch.
  13. I think it's safe to assume regular price increases will continue till they see a noticeable decline in purchases.
  14. I bought it during a "sale". Still outrageously priced.
  15. Well, I think if you are trying to cast from your phone to the TV you have to be on wifi to do that because the TV is on wifi. Now, I have premium, which I loathe what I had to pay just for internet, but I did swallow and purchase it, but I'm also taking a computer and a HDMI cable. If you are taking a device with a HDMI port, you probably could take the cable and connect to the TV and then display your downloads on the TV. I mean that should work, if Celebrity allows you to change the input on the TV, which I'm not sure about, but I'm taking a cable to see. Perhaps others who have done this can comment.
  16. One other comment after re-reading your post. You had 1 gallon jugs, so those are more fragile than 6, 12, or 24 wrapped water bottles, so maybe that was the reason.
  17. Interesting. Some have posted, as in this thread, no issues checking bottled water. We are leaving out of FLL, so curious about there from recent experiences. I suppose for me, if I got there and they said carry on, I just take it with me, but would anyone recently out of FLL comment on this? We have found FLL security to not really care what you have when we cruised with Princess as far as water and soda.
  18. Yes, to a degree, but steak has varying grades of quality separate from the cut itself, choice, select, prime, etc. What I have noticed is they might still offer strip, but it's select now instead of choice or prime. At least on Princess have seen this change in their specialty steak houses, but haven't been to one on Celebrity. As to the comment from someone that "they didn't starve", I sort of share that sentiment and view it as a positive. To me, that means there are enough choices to try different things and still be satisfied that you had a meal you didn't have to pay more for. Now, if your expectations are Jeff Ruby or Capital Grill or Ruths Chris, then yes, you likely will view all the options now on a cruise ship as substandard. At least that is my view. I have tempered my expectations that the quality of the meals are going to be just okay and if it's better than that I'm pleasantly surprised. Higher quality is not coming back to mainstream cruise lines unless the passenger capacity drops off, which it isn't likely too.
  19. Back to food. Food is very subjective, but I have found cruise food to be reasonably equivalent to a chain sit down restaurant with better presentation, similar to say Cheesecake factory. The difference on the ship is you can easily get a different entree or have choices of food venues that you don't have at a sit down restaurant. We used to go to Crown Grill on Princess on formal nights, but stopped doing that when they raised prices and used cheaper cuts of meat, and this was before covid. Cutting costs, and raising prices is everywhere now.
  20. Oh, yes, of course. Take a bag with handles it would fit in and tag it. That's a great idea. Will do that next week. Am also going to get some soda to take on, but I think it's more fragile and I'll carry it myself. Thanks for the tip.
  21. Hello to you! I have no animosity to Louisville sports fans. I might have been the only Kentucky fan who was glad to see Pitino back in the state, lol. Okay, so let me see if I get this right. You have say Netflix logged in on your mobile phone on Celebrity Wifi I guess. You click streaming, get a code, then get the ability to cast, which I have never done. How do your phone and the TV "talk" to know this? Is that where the codes come in, you get prompted? That sounds interesting. I've never done that before, but I would love to give it a try. Edit to add: I'm going to be on Equinox, not sure if that matters. Hopefully all ships operate the same.
  22. Wait, you mean buy like a 24 pack of packaged bottled water, put a luggage tag on it and the porters will take it to your room? That would be awesome. edit: I guess I would need to take some tape with me to do this.
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