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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Good morning. Well I have no need to celebrate bald day but I’m waiting for Receding Day which I will proudly celebrate. Walked to school for 14 years through wind, rain and lots of snow. This morning the irrigation specialist will be installing a new control box. He was amazed it was still operating since we bought the house new in 1995. They don’t build them like they used to! Thanks Rich for the fleet report and to all who contribute. Need to finish my coffee and get my walk in before repairman arrives. Have a great day and enjoy your upcoming cruises. Bruce
  2. Good morning! Just turning light and it’s 57 degrees with a forecasted high of 85. Pretty much tied to the house this morning as an lawn irrigation repair person is coming out to check our system. Think we need a new control box as it has a mind of it’s own lately. I’m having to run the system manually but with our travels it needs to run properly on automatic. Tonight is small group bible study so I need a little more preparation for that. With so many of our Daily cruisers headed for Canada we started longing for Maine or Canadian lobsters. So ordered two from Publix and we will pick up Sunday afternoon and enjoy these tasty crustaceans. Will be interesting to see what the recipe of the day is. Thanks to all and have a great and meaningful day. Bruce
  3. @Sharon in AZQuebec City gives me many memorable visits since my youth. Having a cocktail in the Château Frontenac and people watching is always a memorable event, in my adult years. Though I probably enjoyed a coke when my parents took me to Quebec City and we stayed at the Château Frontenac. Having done this repositioning cruise several times I’m sure it will be a favorite! Enjoy the lobster and fried belly whole clams!😁
  4. As I said before a great couple. We got together with them after we went on one of our favorite excursions. We rode on the mail truck along the postman’s route. Got the history of the residents, beautiful scenery and a beautiful picnic spot and delicious scones with spot of tea cooked by the postman’s wife that morning. Unfortunately, right in the middle of the excursion I was starting to come down with the crud. The Oosterdam had a bug spreading around that kept the clinic open to 11:00 PM. Throughout the ship it sounded like a tuberculosis ward. They actually ran out of cough medicine. It was then we found out that our visit to Milford Sound was cancelled due to a large storm coming from Antarctica. Crossing the Tasmanian Sea aka the Ditch was one of the roughest nights at sea we have ever experienced. Once during the night I was tossed out of bed!😱 Kia Ora! Bruce
  5. Really enjoying your post. Thanks for sharing your cruise experience.
  6. Good morning! @cunnorl Have a safe and fun trip. We had the pleasure of meeting the @erewhon and what a nice couple they are. I’m going to pass on the pizza. I like kale and sweet potatoes but I’m a traditionalist when it comes to pizza. We received our third boosters yesterday and other then another sore arm no problems. Probably a little more tired then normal last night and we fixed that by going to bed earlier. Rich I do hope your day of travel goes well and that your airborne and headed for another great cruise. Need to refill some prescriptions, get a haircut and I told my dear wife I would take her out to dinner. The manual labor was yesterday as I had to trim some shrubbery that was beginning to grow out of control. Seems like we just attended church and here it’s Hump Day already! Roy thanks for you care list and to all who make the Daily a fun part of our lives. Bruce
  7. @JazzyVHappy Birthday!🎂💐 @Cruzin TerriHappy Anniversary 🍾💐 Happy Yom Kippur to our Jewish friends
  8. Good morning! We have an appointment this morning to get our third booster shot so another sore arm is in the forecast. It’s a little warmer with present temp 61 F with a high today of 81F. Great weather but we really need some rain. Rich thanks for the Fleet report and enjoy your cruise. Other then booster shots not much on the agenda. Really should be still sleeping but one of those morning it was time to get up. Have a great day everyone and thanks for your contributions to the Daily. I’m kind of drawing a blank this morning! Bruce
  9. As far as OBC goes nothing. Just need a 100 shares. If you had a 1000 shares the OBC would be the same.
  10. Good Morning! Slept late and woke up to a nice sunny 59. Little late as I needed some time on a Roll Call. Yesterday, we enjoyed an old New England classic of Boston Baked Beans, hot dogs and homemade Brown Bread. Delicious and I believe I will have a bean sandwich for lunch! I checked our World Cruise Itinerary as I thought we were going to visit Fremantle. Nope! So thanks for the pics. It’s the usual laundry day but sometime this week I need to get a haircut. One of my former troops called me and asked “Chief how’s retirement?” I replied “Listening to my hair growing!” Back on active duty it was common to maybe get a weekly or bi weekly haircut. So upon retirement some still maintained the style and other’s like me enjoyed the freedom to let it grow. So that inch of hair behind my neck is probably the longest ever. And that’s all I got to say about that!😎 Well DW aka the Colonel wants me to get going so with a crisp salute and Yes Ma’am I’m out of here. Have a great day and week. Thanks for the reports. Bruce aka Chief🇺🇸
  11. I’m very happy to proclaim I have never lost an earring! Just saying?😎
  12. Lenda that might just be the longest post II have ever seen here on the Daily! 😁
  13. We have done this repositioning cruise 4 times from Quebec and once from Fort Lauderdale North. Various ports of call but one of our favorite cruise itineraries! Hope to do it again some day. Enjoy!
  14. @VMax1700 and if the line has enough money left to afford a dry dock!☹️
  15. Thanks! This is our first ever river cruise and we are really looking forward to it. It’s a culinary theme cruise with celebrity chef on board. One of our excursions is we’re going to forage with dogs for truffles! We were scheduled on a Viking River cruise but that was cancelled due to the pandemic. We’re excited and really looking forward to this new adventure.
  16. Good morning! It’s another nice cool morning at 58 degrees. Yesterday brought back Hal memories of yore as we got to do our document dance! A large plastic wrapped parcel was delivered to our house from Scenic Luxury Cruise. Inside were two very high quality, super designed back packs and a nice document holder with our transfer passes, excursion tickets, medical forms for filling out prior to boarding , luggage tags and instruction booklets. Downloaded their app which is going to be very useful. I guess you get what you pay for. We had a couple from across the street over for dinner last night for a delicious dinner and enjoyable evening. We had a pork roast that we cooked on the rotisserie, mashed potatoes and Brussel sprouts and finished with an Apple strudel that Sue made. Yummy! Need to start getting ready for church. We have been to Corfu and will look through my photo library later. Thanks for the report and all who post. Bruce
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