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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Great seeing you posting and have a great cruise. Bon Voyage!
  2. As soon as you board go make your reservations and you should be fine. Usually have a team taking reservations either in Windows or across from Windows entrance in pool area.
  3. We booked the Oasis once by getting enough folks from our roll call to go in together. Off the top of my head I believe the max was twelve of fourteen people. We had a great time at a lot cheaper cost per person.
  4. I asked HD Vogel that the other Onward HD had told previous cruisers they were awaiting a new shipment. Her reply “ he would have never said that!” There was quite a discussion at the Ask the Captain and in the end there were no orders to replace them. Some on the World Cruise asked if they could bring their own chairs and were told no. We are sure spending a fortune to sit in the cheap seats!
  5. In my humble opinion I’m thinking it’s being locked to prevent continued post after the day. IMO it’s a Daily and we don’t need three to four Daily threads on the front page. I may be wrong but that’s what I’m thinking. It does get a little confusing when there are a couple Daily post.
  6. The molded chairs arms cut into your arms. When we cruised Onward in the cabin we will have for the world cruise they didn’t even have seat pads. HD Vogel stated that’s all they could get during pandemic and refurb. It has been quite an item of discussion and dissension on the World Voyage roll call.
  7. Roy bet you can’t wait to enjoy that wonderful local seafood in that area.😁
  8. Good morning! Seems I’m back on normal schedule. It’s currently 71 and will reach 87 later. After a couple of dry days one can sense humidity is back. So after coffee and Daily I plan on getting a walk in. Tonight we’ll be attending our small church group for study and camaraderie. @ocean soundsBon Voyage! That should be a great adventure. It’s trash day and so far no signs of bear. It’s funny but every time I step outdoors now I stop and peruse the neighborhood for our local bear. Definitely do not want to come face to face with that huge bruin. International Peace is a dream. It would be nice but with so many angry, selfish and do it my way folks around it is not going to happen. Sad. Thanks for the Daily and to all who share their talents and daily life’s here on the Daily. Common denominator is we all love to cruise! Have a great day. Bruce
  9. Keep in mind there is more movement towards the front and aft cabins. The front leading suites balconies can be pretty breezy.
  10. I’m a mooer. Had open heart to replace my aortic valve. Upon release from hospital my surgeon ordered me to sleep sitting up which I did for a month. Fortunately I had a recliner. If you don’t have a recliner you might want to look into renting one. Good luck and prayers for a successful surgery. Bruce
  11. Good morning. Could have slept longer. Maybe a couple of more days to adjust to Central time. Pepperoni pizza sounds great as I’m pretty much a traditionalist pizza lover. Though I’m one of the few who enjoys anchovies and onions on pizza. Oh yeah, extra cheese and well done please. We are starting a slight cool down with morning temps in high sixties and highs in mid eighties. Need for the Gulf to cool down and put an end to hurricane season. Roy I was very happy to see that you’re taking steps to going on your cruise. I think it’s just what the doctor ordered and hope you return rejuvenated. Thanks Rich and all who contribute. Have a great Hump Day. Bruce
  12. Good morning! I slept for 12 hours. A wonderful nap! The rest of the day will be unpacking, sorting through mail, pharmacy run and anything else that catches my eye. @mamaofami Happy Anniversary. Do hope your Sam is doing better. @StLouisCruisersSafe travels. I missed it. Where are you going? Our trip home was on time and as much as we enjoyed our latest adventure it’s always good to be home. Neighbor who picked us up at airport reports no new bear activity in neighborhood. OK. Small tasks are calling. Thanks Rich and to all who make the Daily a daily must read. Bruce
  13. Just landed we are home from a great reunion and vacation.
  14. At the present price of lobster per pound those days are pretty much over. We use to get live Maine lobsters in Florida for around $10:00-12:00 per pound now they are $18:00 and up depending on size. Of course more reasonable in Northeast.
  15. We just arrived Atlanta on time and now have a 4.5 hr. layover before flying home. Should be home by 6:30 Central. Camped out in Delta Sky Lounge. A long day! Bruce
  16. @smitty34877 Terry my deepest condolences to you and your family. Bruce
  17. @rafinmd Roy have you made a decision on going on your cruise yet? We are on board along with bags. Bruce
  18. Up at 3 AM and now at gate waiting to board. If all goes well we will be home by 6:30. Light drizzle in Seattle so good to go. Have a great week. Bruce
  19. Sometimes all that is needed is to just ask and one would be surprised what a bartender can offer in drinks not on menu. Got a problem in your stateroom then tell your steward.
  20. Have a great cruise. So needed. Thanks for providing with the Future Cruise List for many years. Always nice to know where cruising friend are cruising. Bon Voyage! Bruce
  21. Good morning! Just a brief post as we are all up and ready for our day travels. Our son and family are already on their way as they have the longest drive back to Bay Area in California. We’ll set out for Seattle at daylight. @kazu Jacqui was happy to hear you got through the storm without any major issues. Back to stripping beds and following other instructions on how to check out of rental. Have a great day everyone. Bruce
  22. Most of you are light’s out but bedtime here is getting close here. After early pizza at the brewery we returned to clear skies and great hours watching surf roaring in on the beach. Great vacation and time for some home recliner time. The picture of the family on shoreline at sunset I have named Generations. A large unknown family enjoying a Oregon West Coast Oregon sunset. Goodnight. Bruce
  23. Hope you go Roy. Just have some trip insurance and enjoy being waited on hand and foot. Bruce
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