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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Back from the dentist. Small piece of watermelon seed under gum line. A seventy dollar watermelon!😁
  2. Good morning. For last two days I have had a slight soreness around one of my back molar teeth. So I called my dentist yesterday and they will be seeing me in an hour. With our travel to Pennsylvania next week I wanted to have the dentist check out the tooth. Geez was there last week! Received the estimate for clearing up shrubbery and over growth around woods on our property. It’s going to cost a cruise in an inside cabin but it needs to be done! Weather cooperating they should start Friday. @Lazy1 Jane Happy Birthday to you. 🎂 Thanks for the reports and enjoy your Hump Day. Bruce
  3. Never have seen one and have stayed many times in a Neptune Suite. Have received a nice key faux leather card holder on other lines. Neptune Suite’s have pretty much stayed the same with the exception they now have a small coffee machine in each cabin and access to Club Orange.
  4. Good morning. Currently mid seventies and will be in mid nineties with no rain expected today. Joined a Webinar showcasing the third segment of our World Cruise yesterday. They are doing a good job of highlighting activities and excursions at each port of call. We have already planned many private excursions. We enjoyed a Thai Larb salad for dinner that Sue made. Watched our usual news, Jeopardy and Wheel Of Fortune some reading and off to bed. A simple but happy life. Have a man coming by today to give estimate for downsizing some shrubbery and clearing some undergrowth around our heavily wooded backyard. Mother Nature has been closing in so in need of good sprucing up. So that’s what’s happening around here. Thanks for the Reports and Postings from our Daily friends and distant neighbors. Have a grand day. Bruce
  5. Sure do miss the Elegant Explorer. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Good morning! Another week and soon another month goes by. One more casual day and we should be recovered. It’s Monday so still need to do laundry and some weeding in a couple of spots. Currently a nice 73 degrees but it will rise into the nineties. Wonder what August will be like?🥵 Love the Rodney quote and I have been enjoying a lot of watermelon this summer. Not only is watermelon super nutritious it supposedly helps remove belly fat? Maybe I need to eat more of it. Thanks for the Fleet report and featured post! @Mr. Boston Enjoy your last week of work and best wishes for wonderful retirement years ahead. Bruce
  7. It might take a few seconds to get this but most of us have had this experience.
  8. This was our experience July 30, 2017 on the beautiful MS Prisendam. Scenic sailing on a beautiful day way up North around the Polar Ice Cap.
  9. Good morning. Slept in a little later this morning. I think both of us are fairly worn out and we enjoyed some down time. Bought some fresh Alaskan Salmon and cooked it on the grill on a cedar plank last night. The plank really enhances the taste. We wanted to go out for dinner but with summer tourism it’s usually too much of a hassle with traffic and long lines. September is coming and we’ll get a piece of paradise back. Need to get ready for church. Thanks for the Fleet Reports and contributing post. Have a great day. Bruce
  10. Just arrived back home. Just think we both will laze back and enjoy the quietness and not having to do anything. Phew!
  11. Okay just filled up the car with gas and getting ready to pack the car. It’s grand daughter transfer day. Need to get moving. Read later have a great day.
  12. Cruise experience for 28 days on Journey last June. Perfect!
  13. Good morning. @Heartgrove Jack that’s a beautiful home and yard. Well the biopsy was quick and painless. No swimming for two weeks and will hear the results Aug 22. Visit the dentist this morning for a quick repair and hopefully that will be it for awhile. Today is last full day of grand parenting and tomorrow we will meet her parents half way in Tallahassee. Months seem to be flying by. In a couple of weeks we’ll fly up to Pittsburgh for a few days to visit son & family. That is a well overdue visit as it has been two years. Just could not get our schedules to jive. Thanks for the postings. Chocolate does sound tempting but not included in my diet. My treat has been mainly watermelon. Have a great day. Bruce
  14. My neighbor just text me. Our garbage can tilted over and our garbage strewn all over the place. Though we live in Florida always glad I kept old snow shovel for use in these situations. Bear is back or could be the neighborhood Bob Cat or a couple of really large raccoons. I suspect bear as the trash can was loaded and very heavy.
  15. Good morning. No live plants in this house as there would be quick death with all our absences. First off @marshhawkAnne so sorry to hear about your Chuck’s medical issues. You’ll both be added to my prayer list. Also concerned about Carol’s Sam and other’s with issues. Most of us regular subscribers are in the so called “zone” and with aging medical issues can be expected but it doesn’t make it any easier especially for those affected and their caretakers. As I said yesterday aging is A Gift. Did my time in the pool yesterday and she wasn’t happy when Pop Pop won at Simon Says! Have a medical appointment at noon at dermatologist to have a biopsy on a suspicious spot on shin. Been there for years. Then tomorrow it’s back to dentist as they saw a slight crack or chip on a tooth they want to bolster. Never stops but does get more frequent. Thanks for the reports and all your contributions. Have a great day. It’s a Gift! Bruce
  16. Keep in mind that you can still dress to the nines but the minimum dress code for males is a collared shirt. Very few men in tux and same with long gowns. It is probably even more lax in Alaska. It’s your choice and your cruise so be happy.
  17. That is what they warn about when issuing heat advisories. It’s just too dam hot. Last night’s news had a feature that some of coastline waters in Southern Florida are over a 100 F! That is darn right scary for many reasons but especially here in Florida’s hurricane season. @grapau27 I don’t know how you can eat that much after a huge pizza for lunch? Enjoy.
  18. In my AC house desperately trying to keep granddaughter entertained.😁
  19. I’ll be darned. I was driving beside the beach and lo and behold I believe I spotted @RedneckBob
  20. She didn’t sound too enthusiastic over it but did like the popcorn! Her father posted a thank you to Nana because he won’t have to take her. Keeping granddaughter quiet and entertained for ninety minutes. PRICELESS!😁 B.
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