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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Ironically Host Jazzbeau is our host on Azamara and is quite active and vocal. I enjoy his postings.
  2. Maybe we should ask our Cruise Critic host how we can change our print size default. Since our late Host Walt I’m not sure who that is?
  3. She was a Cruise Critic Hall Of Fame member, if there was such an honor. Many of our membership pass on without any of us knowing or become incapacitated or just drop CC when cruising is no longer viable. So I will just say I have no idea but that we miss her and her countless contributions to our forum. She definitely loved the MS Maasdam and the Cruise Critic Community.
  4. Yes it’s in the Spa. I did a search here on CC and came up with nothing as how much it cost. It’s basically a large hot tub.
  5. Kurt it was nice meeting both of and thanks for sharing your cruise experience. Bummer on the Covid. I tested negative several times and in my case it was my semi annual case of sinusitis which is fine now after treatment. I remember not seeing you for a few days and thought you must have got off in San Diego. Later saw your wife and found about you having Covid. I believe at one time there were 58 cases on board. For us it was a great cruise and you can usually count on that when Mark Pell’s is Hotel Director. Again nice meeting both of you. Bruce
  6. Thanks for sharing your cruise experience. Always good information.
  7. Good morning! Already 75 degrees and it will rise to upper 80’s. Humidity is on the rise which increases chances of afternoon thunderstorms. Girls are high maintenance this morning so maybe later. Thanks to all and have a great day.
  8. Good morning! Looks like another warm and beautiful day in Florida. We are keeping our meals simple but have been successful in fussy one’s finishing their dinners. Less than a week to go. Get home, do some much needed chores and start packing process for our Intensive Spain and France cruises on the Azamara Journey. In August we’ll be heading to Pittsburgh to see oldest son and family. In September we’ll spend two weeks at a beach house on Depoe Bay, Oregon that other son has rented. Then believe it or not I believe we will be home for a few months. Sandi thanks for the report and kick start. Are you going to be lost or relieved when Rich resumes posting? You’ve done a great job and we all appreciate all the time, effort and enthusiasm you have so graciously committed too in keeping the Daily Fleet Report going. Have a great day. Bruce
  9. We had a crisis this morning. Time to go to school and the 3 year olds shoes are missing. Looked everywhere!😱 Finally found them. She had taken them off and put them in backyard. Got back from my school bus driver duties and had another coffee and this one laced with Baily’s Crème. Phew!
  10. Good morning. Currently 69 degrees and will be 90 this afternoon. Don’t wear socks very often in Florida as I’m usually clod in my SAS leather sandals. Sweet wine is definitely not my forte. I need to Google some day and explore how these proclamations are started and declared. Oldest is up and ready and we have ten minutes before her sister burst unto the scene. Time for coffee! Thanks Sandi for getting it all started. @kazu Ivan is a handsome gentleman. Enjoy the day. Bruce
  11. If we have a cabin issue I always find getting the best action is bringing the issue to the attention of Head Housekeeper, though room stewards usually come through.
  12. Rich thanks for taking the time in sharing your great adventure. B.
  13. Good morning! Waking up to another week of being responsible for something other than ourselves. We got a little relief yesterday as SIL’s Dad, Grandpa had an extra ticket to hockey game playoffs and took the seven year old to game. Sue and I treated ourselves to a NY Strip and baked potatoes accompanied with a glass of red wine. I was in charge of bathing and little one and I had a fun time. Thanks Sandi and all who contribute. Bruce
  14. @ger_77Gerry the birthday party at the pool was fine. 8 screaming 7yo’s but it was a huge development pool complex with spiraling water slides, competition swim lanes, gymnasium and a playground so the gals had a good time. Now I wish our trip to grocery store this morning went as well. Future shopping will be done during school time!
  15. Good morning! Got about 5 minutes before we go on duty. Someone is mumbling in her bedroom. I told our daughter yesterday while doing Face Time that we won’t take this task on for their twentieth anniversary!😁 Did manage to watch the Kentucky Derby. Always hard finding TV channels at our children’s houses. None have cable or dish but various internet services. Probably should look into options for us and save money. Our Cox Cable tv and internet cost are ridiculous. Got to go have a great day and thanks Sandi for the early jumpstart in getting the Daily going. For all our recent surgeries and ails!🙏 Bruce
  16. On Azamara each cruise segment has a free Azamazing Evening. This week we received a listing of events slated for our 2024 World Cruise segments and offered to all of us booked for entire. Thought you would enjoy seeing. Scroll down from our Roll Call.
  17. Thanks Graham.Always concerned I’ll not find new ones. Congratulations to you and Pauline on your new King. Grandparents did not have time to watch Coronation.
  18. Good morning! Long live the King. Got a little extra sleep in but could have used some more. Little overcast a there is a good chance of rain so maybe the birthday party will be held in clubhouse. Either way I’m getting psyched for six screaming girls enjoying themselves. Other than that the day will be spent entertaining grandchildren and maybe a break to watch the Derby. We received some up dates on our World Cruise and was thrilled that a day trip flight to the Taj Mahal is included at no cost for those booked for entire cruise. It’s back to entertaining and feeding. Have a great weekend. Bruce
  19. They still could have done the echocardiogram that he could evaluate without even seeing you. After my aortic valve open heart replacement surgery I require an annual echocardiogram which is accomplished by an echo specialist and appointment with cardiologist that follows. Sorry about your legit frustrations.
  20. I’ll claim a Will Rodgers quote. “ I only know what I read in the newspaper!” Which wouldn’t hold up in this day and time.😁
  21. David Burke stated he only cruises twice per year so that was probably a pretty exclusive dinner. It was a great meal. Got to talk to him in the Neptune Lounge. So we lucked out on that cruise and it was a great cruise prompting us to book longer cruises versus 7 day or repetitive back to backs.
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