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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. It was not offered on our Eurodam cruise. Surprised as I thought that meal was no longer offered. We wouldn’t have booked it as we had done it a couple of times and that was enough. Our cruise with the Celebrity Chef David Burke onboard we did book in advance but most folks booked on board. I believe 82 guest were booked and some booked last minute.
  2. Happy Cinco de Mayo. Every other year we usually celebrate today at our time share on Poipu Beach, Kauai. Due to our World Cruise booking next time will be Sept. 2024. On a South American military embassy mission where we brought supplies to every US Embassy in South America our transport plane experienced a fire onboard while flying. We extinguished the fire and made an emergency landing resulting in a four day stay at a hotel in Rio on Copacabana Beach for four days awaiting parts. Back before credit cards we all were running out of cash but survived. We are in routine mode but that will change tomorrow as I take Lana Jayne (7yo) to a pool birthday party. Reminder bring ear plugs!😁 Thanks for getting the Daily started and May all of you have a great weekend. Bruce
  3. On recent cruises we have witnessed the MDR early dining woes. Too many folks want early dining and it causes lines and stress. Late fixed just the opposite a was like dining experience of yore. Time for interaction between head waiter and wine steward. Walk in at 7:45 on Eurodam sit down, order, dine and out in under an hour or at your leisure and pace. Hard to give this tip away in risk of changing our future cruise experience.
  4. Happy to see you got through your ordeal and release from hospital and that your healing will quickly return to full strength. Bruce
  5. Top of the morning to ya! One up and having breakfast and another soon to be. Tending children, what a wonderful trip down memory lane.❤️ Not going to be much news as we are getting into a pretty low key routine. Up early, get them to school, come home and do housecleaning, laundry, tend the two dogs and take naps, plan meals. Last night’s meal was a big hit with the girls. Help Pop Pop shuck fresh corn on the cob to go with chicken and broccoli and carrots. The fussy eaters had two servings. Victory! Did I mention we had tricycle driving lessons for three year old and there was progress. Getting ready for school bus driver duties. Thanks for the Fleet Report and I could use a Dark and Stormy this afternoon. A nice libation. Have a great day. Bruce
  6. On auto insurance in Florida one can usually find cheaper insurance by using one of the companies that searches for your best deal but remember you get what you pay for ; also do research on how fast they respond. I have a premium company that serves military families who rapidly responds and takes action. My neighbor had the cheapest she could find and it took months of haggling to resolve her claim. Also private insurance company’s, that are owned by their customers do get annual some dividends back.
  7. Good morning! Not a good night of sleep getting up at 3:00 AM seeing the kids off. Now we are getting the granddaughters up and ready and our first test of school drop off. We have three pages of instructions!😁 It’s time for getting the three year old up so back to duty. Have a great day and thanks for the Daily contributors.
  8. We made it safely to daughters. Got our power of attorney’s done for caring to grandchildren. Did an orientation run on process for picking up children and got to enjoy a family dinner together at home. The 3:30AM driving daughter and husband to Jacksonville Airport is being done by Sue so she’s already to bed and I’m soon joining her. @kazu Jacqui. That new loving furry is just what you need after all you have endured the past years. Unconditional love from our furry friends is priceless. Jet lag is fading but I still wanted to stay up a little later as between West, Central this morning and now Eastern this old body is saying what the hell is going on. See you tomorrow morning after Pop Pop chores. Goodnight! Bruce
  9. Very nice review. Thank you very much for sharing your cruise with us.
  10. Good morning. Getting on our way to St. John’s, Florida. Have a good one.
  11. What an excellent travel log. Thank you for sharing your cruise experience. Feeds the excitement for our 2024 World Cruise on the beautiful Onward with it’s great team of crew members.
  12. Today has given me the sense of what it must be like for a crew member on turn around day! Started off at an Urgent Care Clinic getting treated for the sinusitis I have been struggling with the last couple of weeks. Strong antibiotics, a steroid shot and prednisone pack medications will fix that. Then it was unpacking, laundry, repacking, house hold chores, outside tidy up combined with jet lag. Whew! Still have some packing to do but that’s pretty easy traveling with Florida weather and having daughters laundry to use. Need to get a fairly early start tomorrow so we can get some medical power of attorney done. So maybe no Me’sMe’s or early post from moi. It’s going to be pizza delivery and early to bed night. Didn’t get around to reading all post today but sometimes one has to prioritize tasking. Sunset in Seattle Sunday evening and a couple of 40,000 plane shots of the Rockies.
  13. We arrived home an hour late last night after our pilot arrived late from a previous flight. Today is going to be a hectic turn around day for us in preparation for heading to Jacksonville and taking care of grandchildren for almost two weeks. Jet lag isn’t helping. Off and running. Have a great week. Bruce
  14. Good morning. It was a 4AM wake up and we are here at airport checked and waiting to board in about 50 minutes. I believe I will be ready for a nap. Thanks for the Fleet Report and have a great week.
  15. With the view from our hotel balcony we will have a good view of Norwegian Bliss sail-away. Gorgeous day in Seattle.
  16. Good morning. Sadly it’s kick us off the ship day. It was a great cruise which is true of all our cruises if one has the right attitude. What a demographic change on ship last night. Apparently there was many one night cruisers onboard. Lot’s of families including children. It was like date night. The dining room must have been a zoo as the specialty restaurants were sparsely used. We dined in Canelleto with Kirk and Barbara and called it a night. Headed to Pinnacle for early breakfast. Thanks for the Report and list. Bruce
  17. We’ve been on for 19 days. Fun to see many one day date night cruisers on board having lots of fun.
  18. Went on a walking cultural private walking tour of Vancouvers China Town today and also got to sample some dim sum, Chinese BBQ a tea tasting and much more. A great tour which is ranked among top 25 food tours in the world.
  19. Good morning everyone. It was a beautiful day yesterday in Victoria, Just arriving in Vancouver. Our plan today is another walking tour through China town with a few stops to sample some cuisine. Then it will be back to ship and do some packing. Will disembark in Seattle where we will spend the day on a wine tasting tour and fly home Sunday. This has been a very nice cruise experience. The flowers in front of the famous Empress hotel yesterday were gorgeous and in full bloom. Headed to breakfast in a few and we also will have to clear customs at 9:30 which always seems as a waste of time and manpower. Thanks for the Fleet Report. @StPeteCruiserOuch! Sorry to hear about your trauma and hospitalization. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
  20. Have never understood Canada’s rule on how many bars can be open on different decks on a cruise ship. As usual couldn’t have a drink in Pinnacle Bar tonight and had to go to Ocean Bar. What purpose does this serve? Don’t get me started on purpose of Jones Act!
  21. John and Maria have a great cruise. Beautiful day in Victoria, B.C. Bruce & Sue
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