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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. The theme of the night doesn’t mean everyone has to eat Chinese there’s other options. How good is new Starlink internet connection? Yesterday I downloaded a Kindle E-Book in less then two minutes. One thing you have to realize the rooms are smaller and really small bathrooms in many cabins. Take some You Tube tours of these ships.
  2. Good morning! All things do come to an end and today is our last day of the cruise. It has been a good one. Will be home for a couple of weeks then it’s off to Cancun to our time share for two weeks. Catching up on all our Covid cancellations is keeping us busy. It’s a small world sometimes. Ate in the MDR last and started talking to the couple at table next to us. Turns out we live six miles from them! Last night’s dinner theme was China. I had egg drop soup and a delicious beef stir fry. We skipped dessert and went to the first show and watched the singer and dancers who are very talented and put on a great show. We turned our clocks back an hour last night so we enjoyed the extra hour. Headed off to breakfast. Thanks for the Reports and here’s wishing all a good week. Bruce
  3. Now this is one decadent cocktail. Forgive me Father as I have sinned.
  4. If memory is correct I believe it was because no wash stations nearby? All they would need is a couple of those portable hand washers. I’m enjoying many things that used to be on BHB’s. This morning I went to pastry station and one of the staff said can I help you. I said I was just seeing if you had any plain donuts? He stated just a minute. Came back and said where are you sitting? A few minutes later freshly made and warm donuts were delivered for dunking with my coffee! Dover Sole is not on menu but if you let them know in advance of your specialty restaurant reservation they will prepare it for you. We are in lowest suite category which includes no cost for dining in specialty restaurants. Enjoy your day! How about those Jaguars!
  5. Good morning! We have a little ship movement this morning and right now sailing under some dark skies. Enjoyed our day in Tortola and we also got some pool time in. Ship had a pool side Buffet with some charcoal grilled items. Ship’s band played some jazz as we sailed away at our 2:00 PM departure. Had a great Dover Sole dinner and we went to show and watched a mentalist baffle all of us. Today we are attending a lecture and have a wine tasting at 2:00 PM. Thanks Roy and prayers to all in need. Our internet is so good we may try our church’s online service.
  6. Funny! T-Mobile now so I don’t have to run around searching for WiFi. I sure wish Hal will get Starlink. It was installed on this ship a few weeks ago. Very fast and we were able to watch a 30 minute You Tube video stream without delaying reloads.
  7. Good morning! We will be arriving soon in Tortola, , British Virgin Islands which will be our last Caribbean visit followed by two sea days to Miami. It has been a wonderful cruise and the weather has been great. Seas have been calm and the crew has been outstanding. Off to coffee. Thanks for all who make the Daily a daily habit!
  8. We had an Azamazing Evening this week in Barbados on our Azamara Onward cruise. Held in Bridgetown’s large Cricket arena.
  9. Called Lobster and Champagne Tour. Six hour tour sailing along beautiful shoreline with two beach stops for swimming. They grilled the lobster onboard caterman then set up tables and chairs and they served us lunch on plates. Large catamaran that holds quite a lot of folks but we all found space. Beverages alcohol, beer, wine and bubbly included. First time Antigua and it’s beautiful. Excuse my thumb!🙁
  10. All I know so far it is a catamaran ride including lobster lunch. Will let you know. Your forward echelon scout. B.
  11. Good morning. We are just arriving I St Johns, Antigua. Another catamaran day here. Last night we had another Chefs Table with the theme being Italy. Very good! Slept in a little to late so now kind of rushed getting ready for excursion. After dinner we went to late show where the singers and dancers put on a great show. Really enjoying the entertainment on board. Thanks Roy for all you do and to all who contribute.
  12. A beautiful day as we enjoy lunch and the views as we arrive in Dominica.
  13. Graham. Just wanted you to know your Sarah is in our thoughts concern and prayers
  14. We enjoyed our Azamazing evening last night. Bussed to Bridgetown’, Barbados large cricket stadium we were treated to a Carnival like atmosphere with lots of steel drums, singers, dancers in lavish costumes. It was a nice evening of enjoying the history, culture and music of the island. Upon return to the ship we were offered flutes of bubbly at the gangway and the ships band playing outdoors on the promenade. A classy way to end the day after catamaran, snorkeling, buffet an our Amazing evening. Arrive Dominica at 1:00 PM.
  15. Good morning! We are currently at sea headed for Dominica. Last night was our Amazing evening were we were all transported by bus to Bridgetown’s Barbados large Cricket Stadium were we entertained by a show of Carnival of rhythm and history and culture of the island. Lot’s of steel drums, singers, dancers in lavish costumes. Upon return to ship we were welcomed with flutes of bubbly and the ships band playing on promenade. A very amazing evening indeed. Azamara has one of these evenings each cruise at no extra cost per guest. I guess I can relieve my wild man days as I’m pretty tame these days. Mae’s quote has a lot of truth. Thanks to all who contribute.
  16. Yes I remember that cruise as it was the only time we have ever held a M&Gin the piano bar. Thanks!
  17. Per Hotel Director Elisabeth Voget the uncomfortable balcony chairs are permanent and there are no new ones on order!🙁
  18. Bob if I ever run into you again I’m calling security!😁 By the way what cruise did we meet each other?
  19. Good morning! Just a short post this morning. Early breakfast then a catamaran excursion here In Barbados. This will be the fourth time on Calabaza and it’s always a fun day.
  20. It just cracks me up that Azamara can have charcoal grills cooking lamb chops and kebabs and Holland can’t.
  21. We have been enjoying trying the different cocktail selections offered at Atlas Bar. Some tasty concoctions. Wi Fi has been so good that we have been able to watch long video streams.
  22. We are in Saint Lucia today and it’s a pretty nice day but we have had a couple of lite showers. Hopefully it will clear off so we enjoy White Night by the pool. We really enjoyed our dining experience last night at the Chef’s Table. It was the Stateside Theme menu. There was a typo on menu. They did not offer white wine with beef or Red with fish! Here are some pics for foodies!
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