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Everything posted by arxcards

  1. The downside is the loneliness, which never quite makes up for the plus of disembarking without a bill. I have done a few solo, but often at the edge of a large group booking. There are times I didn't enjoy that way, even though I still had Barb to go home to. My only plus to solo was that I could cover 3x more ground in port. Glad you otherwise had a pretty good time. Yes, embarkation has got way better.
  2. Also available at the shop adjacent to the tram terminus.
  3. I think the Choice review was only targeting regular tomato sauces, as even Beerenberg doesn't market theirs as low salt. Some brands also have a reduced salt version, although that is also relative to their normal product, and not necessarily low salt. Masterfoods reduced salt is 606mg/100ml compared to their regular version which is 828mg/100ml. Their "reduced salt" version is still near double of Beerenberg.
  4. Which ship? P&O won't even let you take a bottle of water aboard, and only sealed cans of anything non-alcoholic. I think most others would allow you a bit of bubble tea in port.
  5. The price of airfares to anywhere has gone through the roof. Domestically for me to fly to Brisbane is nearly triple what it was before lockdown. Hawaiian airlines flights are not up yet for next October, but it appears they have currently dropped their Bris - Honolulu direct flights, instead operating two flights out of Sydney. That would be an added pain, and their prices are up and down from day to day for this October as well.
  6. It is even hard to know which Australian owned companies keep all their money in Australia. Overseas finance of an Aussie owned company still flows money out of the country in the same way overseas ownership does. For pies, Garlo's & Mrs Macs would appear to be 100% Aussie owned. Taken a step further, if your local bakery does a good pie, it is even better to keep your money in your community. Like most though, I am a hypocrite. After I eat my 100% Aussie pie, I sometimes wash it down with Norco Aussie iced coffee, sometimes with multinational Coke. Then drive to work in my Japanese car to help produce Aussie steel products for a foreign owned company, in order to save up for cruises with overseas companies that almost exclusively employ overseas staff. I agree, Four N Twenty matters little in the grand scheme of things. If you like their pies, keep eating them, and support the Aussie people that make them.
  7. Much lament about the loss of PES discounted cocktails, or their happy hour BOGO or BOGO +$1 deals of the past. With so many on drinks packages, I guess it all gets a bit less relevant. Still, for a loyalty perk, a glass or two of free bubbly wouldn't break their budget. We rarely bother, as it will spoil our appetite for our early dinners.
  8. Correct, but you will have masks in your cabin for that and would be advised for each port arrival. Queensland has also dropped their mask requirements for cruise terminals.
  9. Yes, website is out of date. Contact them. They and some of the other Kingsford Smith Dve hotels are still doing a shuttle to the new terminal, limited and by pre-arrangement.
  10. For 4 people, that is reasonable value for the whole day of doing your own thing or choosing your own wineries. If you just want to do some tasting and have lunch in the Barossa, the coach tour is "only" $180pp https://www.princess.com/ports-excursions/adelaide-australia-excursions/barossa-valley-and-wine-tasting No doubt, you could also pick up a private operator tour for less.
  11. It does it from time to time for me as well, including this morning. I just close the app and try again, and at 3rd attempt this morning it loaded for me.
  12. At least they still had their data, but it wasn't updating to their site. Back last night. I trust everyone had a great time.
  13. For Carnival, you probably do. They are asking for photos of your rat with your photo ID and a date reference in shot. To be deemed a close contact with anyone outside your family or travel group would involve some sort of notification. As mentioned, you would need to thoroughly need to pick through Carnival's policy before trying to pull a swifty on them. I am not talking about covid re claiming insurance. The OP has a reason for needing to defer their cruise. If the reason is covered by insurance, there is a claim.
  14. Thanks Stu, for your 2 1/2 year edition of the Non-Cruisers Almanac. Yes, everything is pretty much back as our summer season kicks-off in a couple of weeks. Some ships have gone, some of the deck chairs have been shuffled, and a couple of extra surprises announced along the way. Vale David. He has been waiting a while for the heavenly QEII cruise itineraries, and they have now become available. Yes, stick a fork in it.
  15. I guess that means you are required to wear a mask once you reach the gangway, and the existing rules apply aboard. I wonder how many heard the cruise terminal announcement and thought it would apply to the ship as well?
  16. That is worth reading-up on Carnival's policy - which I haven't. Currently for P&O and Princess here, if you were to test positive to covid on your pre-cruise test, you would get a full credit of your fare. I guess it depends how far out your cruise is. Otherwise, that would be a travel insurance thing for any loss of fare.
  17. If you are talking Covid protocols, it is a bit of both. Vaxx requirements match Australia, pre-cruise testing matches US. Most things aboard are the same for both countries - any specific thing you need info for?
  18. And yes, remaining in Australia. Back to base in Brisbane in November.
  19. As said, no T/A referrals are allowed, and even thinly veiled hints can lead to a trip to the naughty corner. Any good agency is an all-rounder, even the ones that market themselves as cruise specialists. Take some time to throw together what sort of trip you want to do, then get in touch with some agents in your area and online, and see who gives you the best responses. Our T/A is interstate from us, but we can do all of that via phone or email.
  20. Not in my books, although it is an improvement on Sailwx. Back and forth when following more than 1 ship, no P&O Australia coverage, and only terrestrial tracking or scheduled location.
  21. If things keep going cruisily well, hopefully the masking aboard will be revisited by Christmas - only required on cruises going to WA 😉
  22. Awesome. I have one complimentary one booked in, but at that price I better look closer at the other 2 menus. UBD is not on the app, but might be a good time for me to look on the personaliser to see if the price bubble is there for that too.
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