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Everything posted by arxcards

  1. The disadvantage of being in flight mode to stay connected to medallion and their internet. Messenger would work though.
  2. Would be awesome, but reckon my missus would kill me if I booked it.
  3. I have one of those ceilings. It wasn't me!! Mind you, the pot had boiled dry before it exploded.
  4. Yes, really important to open the tin first. Plenty of washing up required if the tin explodes.
  5. Won't be Costa any more. Burnt Peppa bacon for breakfast.
  6. Les, can you fit the Irish Stew can in the air fryer to save washing up?
  7. At least the Luminosa cabins look bland enough, well, carpet aside. I wonder if Peppa Pig will make it down with the ship?
  8. A similar current question with some more answers in the US West Coast ports forum. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2864685-transfer-recommendation-lax-to-long-beach/
  9. Are these still a thing in UnZud? Thankfully, no coconut.
  10. I think there could be a double refit. Those booking the new itineraries for this season will know what limited Carnival features are aboard. Hopefully by the time she returns the following summer, it will be more of a Carnival ship for those that were expecting Spirit. Cabin layouts should be pretty similar, as they are sister ships, but the decor could well be different. Much of the cabin decor tends to live with the ship throughout its life, so I hope it is compatible.
  11. No drydock or conversions yet. She is sailing for Costa until 4th September. Her final cruise ends in Trieste, which seems to be a popular place for ship reno's at present. 2 months will be plenty of time to get some work done and get down here. No Whale Tale, no water slides. Not sure what they are doing and what they are otherwise skipping. I guess there will be a Carnival media blitz about all of the new additions when the new itineraries are finally announced.
  12. I had a look at the port bookings, and it isn't on the agenda. It looks like they are overnighting off Airlie Beach.
  13. 5 days. 4 is enough for Airlie Beach, but 5 isn't enough for anything else unless they wanted to line-up Tangalooma for a day.
  14. While we are happy to cruise on pretty much any ship, I do feel at home on Princess as soon as we get out of the embarking throng around the atrium. Coral and Royal class will offer us something a little bit different in layout, but I expect we will know it is signature Princess within minutes of being aboard.
  15. 14 weeks till her maiden sailing here. You would think they would have released some itineraries by now. 🤔 Lots more brands to compete with for November
  16. The cruising of the fiords is amazing. I am also aware that tour is very popular, although we haven't done it. For the tour, you will get a scenic cruise into Milford Sound and tender to shore there, while the rest of the passengers stay aboard for the other fiords and a sea day around to Dunedin. This tour is something that has caught our eye for a long time, but it is hard for us to give up a couple of nights on the ship. Both this tour and the scenic cruising of the fiords is dependent on ocean conditions at the entrance, so either option is a special experience.
  17. Just thrusting away from the wharf now, bang on the revised time. Bon Voyage!!
  18. Karl is nowhere to be seen. He only works on weekends when he can be filmed in front of of a major bushfire, cyclone or flood tragedy. As horrific as this must have been for the 1000's aboard, it wasn't bad enough for Karl to get out of bed for. 😉
  19. Correct, or they are choosing to be overly dramatic to get people to take notice of them.
  20. I hope there are no new gremlins. This is what mine looks like when I tap my profile pic. Interesting though, a new cruise has been recently added, Royal Princess on 23rd November this year. That one was cancelled on us months ago, and hasn't been visible since until now.
  21. Well, based on times, seems they are doing it today. Borderforce are just there to collect arrival cards, and potentially check for excess duty free. Private security and terminal staff have dual roles around disembark and embarkation. Many staff will arrive just for check-in, but there are several that are there for both.
  22. A friend of mine is responsible for two of those videos, including the sloshing pool one. They were taken in the morning so they could get back to sloshing their drinks. Interesting, ABC attributed the video with his name embedded at the top, yet channel 9 didn't do that. A bit of help yourself to social media content I think.
  23. I would expect all passengers are well and truly off by 5:30pm, which is the time Princess has messaged. Yes, check-in might open a bit earlier than that, but it looks like they want to empty the terminal before embarking passengers arrive. Key is staffing, and on a Sunday when the casual staff were expecting to work on Friday. With limited staff, check-in won't open till all passengers have made their way through the terminal and the disembark staff are redeployed. It is just easier to keep the check-in area closed,, as not everyone will take a seat, but start to queue waiting for the check-in desks to open. Not sure I want to loiter inside with a mask on for an extended period either. Ideally, they would like most passengers to arrive, drop their luggage, show their boarding time at the door and take the escalator to check-in. Then a short wait to be checked-in and join the line through security and to the ship. OK, that doesn't usually happen on a good day, but they hate crowds and queues.
  24. Authorities need to clear every arrival. Officials come aboard to check and signoff on entry documents, including health reports.
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