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Everything posted by arxcards

  1. My mum has caught that bus, which is a shuttle to near the markets. We like the walk along the board walk, although it seems longer each time we walk it.
  2. It will be an interesting couple of months. Just the two P&O ships and Carnival Luminosa left of those coming down empty. All the others are in cruise mode.
  3. Awesome, she might need to get a bit of a wriggle on, and the timing all but confirms that she has no other stops along the way. Also for Sydney 10th - 13th August 15th - 18th August which fits with shakedown cruise(s) and her scheduled arrival into Brisbane at 5am on 20th August. Bit of a pity that Brisbane misses all the pre-cruise activity for Encounter.
  4. Being Princess, I can still go back to the single US agent I have used for them before. I haven't been lucky enough to line up those super deals with anything we have wanted to do yet, and our sliding dollar isn't helping with the margins on the regular US priced ones.
  5. Ahh, yes, forgot about your taxes and port charges. We would also say it sucks too.
  6. It would be case by case, but unless a passenger is unwell, they are likely to complete their quarantine aboard in transit.
  7. I would expect no less from our learned Canadian friends.
  8. Is that just a Carnival trait? 😉 For anyone who hasn't travelled internationally before, that is all part of the learning.
  9. There have been lockouts from time to time, especially when itineraries are being changed. As far as I can recall, Grand Princess cruises for 2022/23 have remained untouched throughout Princess' redeployments and itinerary changes. I can also see this cruise OK, although I would love to see a $959 price like yours. We are seeing around $1700 US for an interior down here.
  10. I think this refers to testing positive on the ship during the cruise, and the remaining isolation period would be need to be served in a hotel if you don't have a residence to go to. Generally, no testing is required on entry, but that may also depend on the number of reported infections on the ship. Even with a domestic cruise returning to Sydney a couple of days ago with amber status, they required all disembarking passengers to do a RAT.
  11. I certainly agree. Our next is the cruise prior to this, and then another two between now and the end of October. That includes an 11 nighter which immediately follows Majestic's Pacific crossing. 11 nights seems long by current standards. As a friend often reminds me, it pays to have faith that the cruise fairies will look after you, and they usually do.
  12. I have no idea how many will be Aussie travelling to the US/Hawaii and cruising home vs those cruising over from the US for a holiday. Fair to say though, that a large number of those will have other plans when they get here, including B2Bs around Oz or NZ. Certainly fly in the ointment stuff, so I hope the ships all land here in a healthy state, and everyone gets to complete their planned holiday.
  13. Ring Princess. They are doing shuttles into Anne St, Brisbane for those doing B2B cruises, so it might be possible to book onto something. A bit left field with a couple of ideas: A river cat to Northshore and a cab from there. A shuttle to the airport and a cab from there. Suggest to a friend that they really need to get a close look at the cruise ship, and get them to drop you off. We are staying a pre-cruise night in the Portside complex, and the cab fare from there seems reasonable enough to us.
  14. Prior to the app, the online registration via the Princess personaliser page always asked for passport details, and ID for drivers licence or medicare number (for kids) was able to be entered in that space for domestic cruises. Yes, the app is a bit clunky, but it is trying to abide by what is needed in various countries. collate vax & covid info, and then to access ship internet and ordering during the cruise. The efforts to refine it are probably more frustrating than leaving it alone, particularly when you need to redo information following a change. Once you have set it up, it does get easier for following cruises.
  15. ≥ 10% of passengers/crew and/or, Major impact to staffing and/or resource shortages and/or, Unable to maintain critical services and/or imminent cessation of critical services Generally 10%, but a ship could go to code red simply by having a number of key medical staff in isolation with covid.
  16. Well, it does for Explorer. If all the infections on Explorer were passengers, they start at zero for every cruise. After the media scrum that followed the announcement of Coral's numbers, I don't think NSW Health will release those specific numbers for the last cruise nor others going forward. The media will just speculate 100 cases for an amber arrival. Bit tougher for Coral with crew infections so large, but they may also be back to yellow again by now.
  17. Yes, that made sense, as it isn't like they need to get under a bridge into Brisbane or North Qld. I think someone from P&O got things a bit tangled in suggesting funnels had been shortened on both ships..
  18. Do I detect a little sarcasm with the title? CDC is no longer doing a cruise by cruise expose' by publishing a colour coded status for each cruise ship. Each ship still has to report their numbers to the destination port and the CDC at the end of each cruise, and as quoted in the article, are still required to take steps of mitigating covid spread. So CDC not enforcing rules, but still governing by outcomes, as they have always done with transmissible diseases. As for here, not a rats (yay, a pun) of relaxing rules much before Christmas.
  19. The bloke is very opiniated, but his opinion is based on whoever is paying for it, and generally he is a prat. Sometimes he is pro cruise though. Around a decade ago, a freebie junket on QM2, how awesome is this. Pacific Pearl cruises past - gee, looks like the size of one of our lifeboats. A few years later on Pacific Aria for the 5 ships in Sydney harbour - how awesome is this massive P&O cruise ship. I reckon Carnival Australia should offer the Today show another junket for Coral Princess. 3 nights from Brisbane to Sydney on 19th August would be ideal, and I will pack my plank. The Today show can't be reasoned with, but they can be bought.
  20. Docked at Sembawang shipyard, although not in the drydock.
  21. It is definitely a fluid situation Sandy. Looks like your cruise credits have changed from 1 cruise to 3 cruises and now back to 2. Not sure it was about port bookings, but to save money on mini-bar set-ups 😉
  22. There will be some, but the majority are from the original cruise that was originally 12 nights.
  23. For the August visit, it will depend on the numbers aboard, and they could always insist on a gangway RAT to cover themselves for the day, as it is only a single day visit. Would be a different deal later in the year for the cruises with multiple NZ stops.
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