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Everything posted by arxcards

  1. To get mine to show, I tap on my profile pic at top left of the screen, and they all display down the left of the screen.
  2. Yes, unless for b2b as mentioned. As soon as you book, your cruises show on the personaliser. For medallion, the deposit needs to be processed by Princess before it will show on the app.
  3. I haven't cruised out of the new terminal yet, but sincerely doubt they will allow access to the escalator upstairs until check-in is open. Authorities need to clear the ship before anyone can disembark, then they have to wait for the stragglers to depart. Very different to an airport where most boarding passengers are checked-in before the plane arrives. Generally, when a cruise is a delayed, the terminal becomes a mad house, and that is why they give that discouraging message. I hope it all goes smoothly for you.
  4. One metre seas, and cruising into a moderate 14kn breeze.
  5. How weird is the weather on the East Coast? An interesting curiosity on Pacific Explorer's current cruise to nowhere - cruising down near Bass Strait where the seas are calm. Explorer is also back to yellow status, so it is all plain sailing down south.
  6. Unlikely they will have priority check-in open until around 4pm.
  7. On those updated times, 4pm at the earliest as a guestimate.
  8. And Brisbane Ports has updated to 8am pilot, 11:45aam arrival at BICT
  9. There are 3 x portholes available for only $43K pp. An absolute steal. $86K for us both, yeah-nah.
  10. From aboard, Captain has just announced they are planning to board the pilot at 5pm. I also think that message translates into we are not going to board a pilot before 5pm, so anyone hoping to fly home tonight needs to make other plans.
  11. They did collect luggage on the original schedule. An experienced cruiser would resist, suspecting further possible delays. Friends chose not to put their luggage out.
  12. The initial revised schedule had arrival around midday today. I think they are still hoping to board the pilot sometime this afternoon, hence their smaller loops around and back towards the Sunshine Coast. Coral is pointing back towards the pilot station ATM, but also showing 4.8m seas and a 26 knot southerly in her current location, so it looks like a waiting game for an opportune lull.
  13. I saw this video yesterday, via a friend onboard. One of those lovely clips where the pool tries to empty all over the lido deck. Note, this was filmed yesterday morning in much calmer conditions. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-22/coral-princess-struggles-to-dock-as-it-battles/13984928 Even the skills of the ABC, I don't know where this Brisbane Harbour is.
  14. Thanks. A rare occurrence, and one I couldn't recall specifically. I am surprised it hasn't happened more often. Over the years, some of the aging ships have led to delays when the rubber band breaks, but we have mostly been lucky enough to see ships come in to Sydney with only minor delays after dodging an East Coast low. Yes, in times like that, we have usually found out more about the delay from here, social media and the port pages. The obligatory text message usually shows up a couple of hours later.
  15. You have the right to be cheesed-off, but I am not sure this would be handled any differently by any other mainstream cruise line. I am not sticking-up for Princess, as they could have had a plan to help assist passengers that arrived on the day, as they should expect that some passengers are coming in from interstate and overseas. The unfortunate part is that while the people in the terminal were representing Princess, they don't actually work for them. They will be the same terminal persons that will be there for Pacific Encounter and Carnival Luminosa, and likely many of the same casual staff will also be there working for a different employer for Quantum of the Seas as well. I don't know if Carnival Australia even has a Brisbane office. I would hope Princess will refund or credit 1/7th of your fare, as you are cruising for one less day. Almost sure you will also miss a port, so the relevant port charges in your fare will also be refunded.
  16. Yes, and it would be extra handy on a day such as today. We will be looking to see what is playing before we fly up.
  17. I hope you have a better day tomorrow. We have friends that have booked to stay there pre-cruise next month, done intentionally because it is the closest to the airport and cruise terminal. We would rather spend a bit of extra taxi money to stay in the old cruise terminal complex, with heaps of food, drink, stuff to do options. I guess you weren't needing to plan a spot to stay, so that is pretty unfortunate.
  18. I noticed the same sort of thing on Pacific Explorer. I got to thinking that on the early days, people are worried about catching it and being required to isolate. When the cruise has only a few days to go, they are way less concerned about catching it, knowing they will be off the ship before they could test positive. In the end, I reason that I wear my mask now to protect myself, not others. If others don't want that layer of protection, that is their risk, not mine. It would be nice to see more compliance so that the crew can feel more protected, as it is their workplace and home away from home that we are disrespecting by ignoring those rules.
  19. That is the big difference. Here we have an integrity/honour system, so surely that is following the same path through to successive cruises. Princess policy is largely applied from overseas, where they require physical evidence of negative results for each cruise, and facilitate the supervised tests on the final day of the cruise when you are doing a B2B. I would think though, that in line with their local policy, they would at least provide you with a RAT on the final day to be honourable with.
  20. Don't know why I didn't pick that. I just flipped a coin and walked past Barrington's to get an egg sandwich in Coles instead. If only I had realised.
  21. Our most delayed cruise was also out of Brisbane, which I think was Brisbane's 1st ever Princess full embarkation. Dawn Princess was in Cairncross dry dock, and running an hour late - but they missed the high tide and had to wait 11 hours to float out and over to Portside. We arrived around 6hrs late into Sydney, but trains run every hour so no compo for us. While having breakfast, we finally got a signal so Barb could call in sick for work, not being able to make it in time.
  22. They don't have to, but they usually do. There are various reasons, so if a ship was late due to engine problems, passengers would be suitably compensated. I can't recall the last time a ship was a day late due to weather though.
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