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Everything posted by reallyitsmema

  1. We usually get the refreshment package because our vouchers are more than enough alcoholic drinks for us but we like soda, water and specialty coffees. We do not like the coffee from the machine in the DL, we prefer the specialty coffee from Cafe Lattetudes, especially mochas which the DL machine does not make. That is the lowest I have seen the refreshment package lately. Haven't sailed Grandeur but it is on the list of ships with freestyle machines, so that would be a huge plus for my diet root beer loving DH. Refreshment covers both still and sparkling water, so I always drink San Pellegrino with meals, instead of ship water. I would buy a refreshment at that price if I was sailing that ship. 🙂
  2. Brilliance docks at a different pier than Quantum. Quantum docks at the railroad dock aft which is directly below where the rock slides have been. The aft berth can be used but the passengers have to walk the forward part of the pier where the slide hit. Passengers were tendered later in the season last year but it is a slow process.
  3. I heard from the concierge this morning, there are still the normal 11-11 drinks, so I will be all set. I knew a lot have sailed Oasis recently, so I asked here too after emailing the concierge. I drink a lot of water too but I try to avoid the ships water. We will have the loyalty waters too and the welcome aboard water a suite gets, so I should be well hydrated! 😄
  4. Thanks. It is actually the soda and water that I am wondering about. I did not get a refreshment package since I was going to just get bottled water in the SL. DH got a refreshment because he lives on the diet root beer in the Freestyle machine plus he likes mochas. We never use all of our vouchers, so I was just going to use one voucher for my daily mocha. It isn't a deal breaker for us, I can just stock up on water bottles during happy hour if necessary. I was just cheaping out and not buying a refreshment package this time and now it is $10/day more than what we paid for his. I am going to wait and see what the concierge says and maybe I just buy a case of water.
  5. In the past, it has been 11-11 beer, wine, soda and water. I will have to see if I have a prior email to compare. We were on Oasis in October but we booked a balcony on that cruise since they were so cheap. We haven't sailed in an Oasis class suite since before covid. We have been doing Quantum class suites most recently.
  6. We will see what they have to say. I replied to the concierge email asking for clarification as well as CK reservations.
  7. I have a question for those who were on Oasis recently and in a suite. Was there still beer, wine, soda and water available without a charge in the Suite Lounge all day or has that disappeared? Letter from the concierge specifically states coffee and tea is available throughout the day and beer, wine, spirits, and soft drinks available from 5-8 pm. Wondering if things have changed....
  8. Check the website for the Comedy Club. Ours wasn't available to book in the app but was via the website. We sail soon and comedy club can't be seen on either right now but my reservation is in the app.
  9. I just saw that starting later today, The Traitors, that streamed on Peacock earlier this year is having a marathon on Bravo TV. This is the season that had Kate Chaistain from Below Deck, Cirie from Survivor, Rachel from Big Brother, Arie Luyendyk and Ryan Lochte to just name a few. I just set my DVR to record. Just figured I would share for all you other reality TV junkies.
  10. there are other palapas in the water near it that have tables to put your drinks on depending on the tide. When we first got there, the tables were just underwater. Who’s left, the tables were too high above the water to use. Fun just to hold onto and chat though. There are other floats that are anchored there too. Funny to watch people try to get on them.
  11. We sail pretty soon too and the main dining rooms aren't even listed in the app for our sailing anymore. It was there up until a few weeks ago, with menus too, but now it is gone. Coastal Kitchen had disappeared too but it is back with menus.
  12. I have no issues with who was sent home either. They are all over the place though. There usually isn't that many people getting votes at tribal at this point.
  13. Wow, I have been without mine for eleven months and it is driving me mad! I lost it once before after an allergic reaction to a medication, but it was only gone for about a month. I hope this does something for you. I had my DH smell the papers after I put the oil on them to make sure there was scent. It took a few days for me to smell anything but they are much stronger to me now. The abscent.org site had a lot of information that was interesting to read and the videos were good. They suggest doing bunny sniffs lol I was going to add the next four oils I have seen suggested but recently read a study that said there is no significant statistical difference between those that did the four oils versus those that did the eight. I hope it works for you after all this time. Sending positive thoughts and sniffs 😄
  14. I have never used essential oils so I went with the kit with the directions. Kind of like essential oils for dummies lol I knew not to just sniff the actual oil bottle but not what else to do, so this worked. I saw the original post, so responding to that. 🙂
  15. They look like they have been pruned and are hoping for new growth. You would think they would cut them all the way down if they were completely dead. Very sad looking though.
  16. @NHProud I want to thank you for bringing up smell training and Covid. I was hesitant to try but I am glad I did. I started using the essential oils four weeks ago and have shown some improvement in both taste and smell. Still a long way to go but happy to actually enjoy smelling my hyacinths and tulips. I ended up buying a kit from the Smell Project. Amazon carries it cheaper than the projects website. There is another I saw from an organization called “abscent. I thought that one had a cute name lol. Their website had some really good videos for anyone going through loss of taste and smell. Thanks for being the “push” I needed. 😀
  17. Did you notice who one of the guests was? They didn't mention him other than when they were going over the preference sheets but I noticed him once they boarded. It was Justin Guarini who was the runner-up on American Idol season one to Kelly Clarkson.
  18. I agree. I just tried to find the other post and it looks to have been pulled.
  19. Another forum is saying Tom Hopkins. Would be interested in knowing which as we sail soon.
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