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Everything posted by birdylady

  1. All, I found l link on how to get emails for the concierges by ship. Concierge Emails Thanx, Erika
  2. Thank you. Yep, I knew it was renamed, just couldn't for the life of me remember the name (knew it wasn't 'Suite Lounge', LOL). Thanx
  3. I know there are current Cruise Director and Current Captain lists maintained. I've searched and couldn't find one for Concierges (if there is one). In particular, does anyone know who is currently the Diamond Lounge Concierge on Allure? I have family traveling and have asked if I could get them an email address. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanx Erika
  4. IF you can't see it on the App and signing out and back in doesn't work, try deleting and downloading it again. I know that sounds absurd, but sometimes that's the only way I get my app to 'refresh'. So glad the IT group isn't in charge of sailing the ships.
  5. We did Brilliance out of Sydney in November. Our first bucket list trip. Absolutely loved everything about it (well, except the long flights). Having a smoke free casino was wonderful. Didn’t end up coughing up a lung from playing or walking through. interesting about the lanyards and prepunched cards. Ours weren’t. But it was easy peasy getting customer relations to do it for us. Agree, easiest embarkation ever. They actually were ready for us so early they came out and asked if we were waiting to board (as we had to leave the hotel prior to checkin time) and we were sitting having a coffee. Wow! Just wow. Disembarkation was just easy peasy. i think the only thing we’re sorry about is that we didn’t build even more days in Sydney. Enjoy your sailing. I’m going to live my memories vicariously through your thread. Erika
  6. Or not. In March our luggage never showed up. And we weren’t the only ones. They kept saying everything was out. I noticed a number of pieces of luggage on the wrong carousels. Many people had to go looking at all the carousels. We had to leave without it. I filled out a claim form but when I called back, no one knew anything about it. They did find the luggage and I was asked if I wanted to pay to get it back or forfeit it. Seriously?? I did pay (and filed an insurance claim). Guess what! I got it before the ship came back from the sailing. So, not a fan of carousels there. Erika
  7. I posted this in the port threads on Friday and got no response. Was hoping someone here could answer. We just got off of Independence this morning. We noticed as we were leaving the parking deck, all the booths/kiosks/ticket machines have been removed. Does anyone know what they are doing? Gotta wonder how crazy it’s going to be for those arriving this morning for their cruise. thanx Erika
  8. We just got off of Independence this morning. We noticed as we were leaving the parking deck, all the booths/kiosks/ticket machines have been removed. Does anyone know what they are doing? Gotta wonder how crazy it’s going to be for those arriving this morning for their cruise. thanx
  9. As we know Royal is great at enforcing their rules (chair hogs, anyone?), what makes you think they will (or do) enforce non-smoking sections of a casino, or smoking only for players. I have on to many occasions and different ships seen people come in, stand around an ashtray and smoke, then leave. And on Explorer in March, I saw people go up to the non-smoking section and stand and smoke. I even asked an employee if I was mistaken and that wasn’t non smoking. She said yes it was, why? I pointed out to her the smokers and she just said, oh well. yep, this will be a forever debate unless it’s completely banned in a casino.
  10. Following as I’m expecting I’ll be going through the same thing. Hoping not… but… thanx and good luck. Erika
  11. Interesting take. My BIL always makes a point of using $2 bills as tips. He thinks everyone loves them. Personally I found it ‘odd’ to say the least when he wrote notes on them to give to a waitress at a fine restaurant when we went out with him. Not judging anyone, just commenting. Erika
  12. I’ve always been a Baileys or Kailua and cream person. Can’t stand vodka and other hard liquors. But dang Royal. They got me addicted to mudslides and chocolate martinis. Erika
  13. We’re still waiting for our Mariner block from our November cruise. I’ll be interested to see if/ when we get it which one it will be. Erika
  14. We did it last year. It was us and our friends we were traveling with. It was interesting and the food was good. Now that we’ve done it we don’t need to do it again. I think it’s an experience worth doing, but probably best with a group.
  15. I was wondering that, so thank you. Been surfing the web and when you put in 19 inches seems everything either comes back 20/20.5 including wheels. Then that’s NOT 19. Appreciate the feedback. oh and to clarify, hubby’s backpack is the Swiss gear one Sams club sells. (18x12.5x8.75). Has always fit under the seat. thanx again
  16. Question about Qantas luggage allowance if anyone knows. We will be flying home to the US from Sydney on Qantas with a premium economy ticket. The way they have it written is you can have 1 carryon (up to 22 inches) and a personal item (like purse or laptop) or 2 carry ons up to 19 each. Does anyone know strict Qantas is is measuring everyone’s luggage? I’m asking as hubby normally travels with a 22 roll on and his laptop backpack (which he always puts sea and fits fine.). We don’t want to have to buy a smaller roll on. But we also don’t want to get to the plane and have his luggage get required check in. thanx for anyone that can give us an idea Erika
  17. Different strokes. I actually thought it was one of the best cakes they ever had. Erika
  18. On Mariner I was asked if I wanted to use my voucher or discount. I asked and he said sure, you can use the drink voucher. Erika
  19. I thought I answered this but don't see it. Most info has been answered in post 7. I 'think' the ship was Independence. Yes, he was eventually allowed to leave. No, they never given a reason for this. Thanx
  20. To clarify. A couple (aka, husband and wife) that were disembarking this morning at PC. They are frequent cruisers so I doubt they were smuggling anything (intentionally or otherwise). When they were asked to step aside they thought it might have been in regards to extra drink charges. Nope. I joked maybe a cartel kingpin by the same name (really not likely). They asked why he was pulled for this and they were told they are not allowed to say how or why he was pulled. just find this so extreme of a search and extra time. Thankfully they didn’t have a plane to catch. Does make think twice about early flights though. hope this helps
  21. First, let me say, I’m getting my popcorn ready. I just heard from someone I know that got off a ship today and we’re pulled aside for a ‘full diagnostic search’. They said it included going through all their luggage toiletries, etc.. and required the person to open all their electronics for electronic testing. Anyone ever hear of this? Supposedly it’s random, but that’s pretty invasive random searching. just curious thanx
  22. We aren’t big drinkers so we don’t need wine or beer. Hubby gets the soda package so we don’t need more soda. There’s always food to be had so don’t need fruit basket. So we’ve been opting for the towels. To bad last two cruises they didn’t have them and said they won’t ship them. So here’s hoping they not only have some good choices, but also actually have them. Nice gifts that are never available are useless. Erika
  23. Just a word of warning. Unless you are IN the app, you won’t be notified of a text like you do in the real world. No banner, no chime, no nothing. They really need to fix that. If they can pop a banner that you have reservations or something coming up, why not a text? Erika
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