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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Well that shows how little I know about plum pudding! 🀣 Thank you for explaining. πŸ™‚
  2. It's been a quiet day here (other than the sound of fireworks since the big game started). 🀣 I got outside for a bit and did some weeding -- so nice to see more and more crocus and hellebore blooming. AND I finally finished the painting. So that's put away until I find something else to paint. The kittens now have names πŸ™‚ The black one is Captain Soot (Soot for short) and the grey one is Smudge -- I'm sure the boys had a lot of input for the names. πŸ˜‰ Mary Kay @cruzn singlecould you share your Uncle's recipe for plum pudding? DS and DDIL have a plum tree and it may be a way to use some of their plums.
  3. Good morning all! Happy Birthday Mr. Lincoln! If I ever lost a penny I didn't know it, and have never had plum pudding but it sounds good. Will pass on the meal and expensive champagne (our bill at Total Wine yesterday was less than 1 bottle of this) πŸ˜‰ The drink sounds very yummy but a big no-no for Diabetics. No big plans for today, and not being a football fan, I won't be watching the game. DH might watch some of it. Since yesterday's plans changed, I'll be doing what I planned to do yesterday (finish painting and fold laundry). Not too exciting. πŸ˜„ We've been to Cobh twice, in 2014 on the Eurodam British Isles cruise, and in 2019 on our 50th anniversary cruise on the Nieuw Statendam. In 2014 we took the train to Cork and went to Blarney Castle. In 2019 our Captain was Noel O'Driscoll. This is (near?) his home and the whole town came out to cheer the arrival of the ship! On that visit we took the ferry out to Spike Island, or as our guide calls it, the "Irish Alcatraz". Some photos of our visit to Spike Island, the "Irish Alcatraz" Entering the prison grounds Cell Block A, burnt in the 1985 riots. The punishment block from the 1850's Solitary confinement cell View of our ship and Cobh from Spike Island Love the colorful streets of Cobh These houses in the background going uphill are called The Deck of Cards. And a few of Blarney Castle from our visit in 2014. We did not choose to kiss the stone πŸ˜‰
  4. Yes they are brother and sister, rescue cats. The grey one is a girl and the black one is a boy. He's bigger than her but she holds her own! No names yet! Lots of ideas but nothing chosen yet. I love that legend!
  5. We had a change of plan today, we went to meet our grand kitties today instead of tomorrow! Apparently the boys wanted to stay home with them instead of doing the day of skiing they had planned, so when DD asked if we wanted to come today I said yes!
  6. Good morning all! Today will be sunny and high 40's F so I hope to get out to the garden. Now the Crocus are starting to bloom along with the Hellebore -- I love to see the first signs of spring! And they're predicting a little snow next week..... Also will paint that last wall in the entry. Yesterday I had to stop painting to get to the dentist by 2:30. The meal today looks so good. I printed off the first recipe and we'll have it tonight. Nice to have all the ingredients already. We're getting lots of photos from DD of the new kitties -- no names yet! Last night went well, the cats seem to have settled in quickly. Each of the boys had a cat in his bed again. DD said to hear the sound of purrs in the house again was so good. πŸ™‚ Cannot wait to meet them tomorrow. Vanessa @JazzyVI'm so sorry to hear that your BFF's uncle was diagnosed with cancer. I hope you'll be able to see him when you visit in May. Prayers for all on the care list and cheers to all who are celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  7. You are so right, my mouth felt better immediately. So far I've been told to drink 64 oz (half a gallon) of water/fluids/day and I've been drinking a little more than that. I'll ask the doctor on Monday if she wants me to continue with that much. I'm sure I'll be posting more photos of my grand-kittens as time goes on. πŸ™‚
  8. Thanks for checking in Sandi, and Bon Voyage! Thank you so much Graham and Pauline! So glad to hear that you're back in your cabin! And your kitty was beautiful. These kitties are our DD's, but you can be sure I'll be loving them like they're mine πŸ˜‰ The black one looks a lot like my buddy Jinx from across the street who passed away in December. I think so too πŸ™‚ Can't wait to see them in person.
  9. No more purple stitches in my mouth!! They said I was very patient to leave them in there so long and were surprised they were still hanging in there. I didn’t tell them I’ve had more pressing matters this week! And here are the newest members of our family! DD just brought them home. The boys will be thrilled when they get home from school.
  10. Thank you Vanessa. I don't know, but would think she will. I guess I'll find out on Monday. Well I could have finished the painting today, but the dentist can squeeze me in at 2:30 to take a look at these stubborn stitches. So I have one more wall to paint -- that should go fast tomorrow. πŸ™‚
  11. Maxine mine lasted between 2-3 weeks -- I also heard about "stuff" going around. DH never caught it! Unfortunately this winter has been awful for everything, and strange "new" things too. I hope you feel better soon! And thank you for the encouragement! Mine had been steady at stage 3 for about 15 years -- then suddenly made a big jump to stage 4 😞 Right now I'd be happy to get back to 3 or at least not advance further. No it isn't, Ann. Thank you so much.
  12. Good morning all! Today will get clear up to 50 degrees F, and no rain! I could hear birds singing when I got up this morning. Spring is coming! I own 2 umbrellas but rarely use them. There's a saying around here in "rain country" -- you can tell the tourists, they're the ones with umbrellas. πŸ˜„ Seriously though we do use them occasionally but I prefer just putting up the hood of my rain coat. I don't own any flannel, prefer sweat shirts and layers. Never have played cribbage. Love Lily Tomlin! Will pass on the drink and wine, most of the recipes sound delicious -- and yes, Debbie @dfishI will pass on those with cilantro! 🀣 The others sound good though. Yesterday I talked with my doctor, it was sobering. She's concerned, and said that it's possible my kidneys were damaged permanently and may never get better....She did agree that it's likely whatever I had in early December is the cause -- that plus the meds I'm on. I have an appointment to see her early Monday morning to talk more. Meanwhile I'm to stop one of my Diabetes meds and cut a blood pressure med in half. And continue drinking lots and lots of water of course. Trying to stay positive, but to tell the truth this has thrown me for a loop. Today I'll start painting the entryway downstairs. Yesterday I only got so far as prepping and taping the walls. Also have to call the dentist, because on day 10 the stitches are still in my lip. That doesn't seem right. They aren't the dissolvable type, but he said they could come out as early as a few days. Maxine @AncientWandererI sure hope you don't have what I had, and you'll be feeling better soon. Mine was all intestinal, is yours? Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserthank you for posting your and Sandi's @StLouisCruisersvery interesting photos. Lorraine @cruising sisterI'm sorry you had such a bad night. That sounds so painful! Glad you got some pain relief.
  13. Good (late) morning all! I guess I'm playing the waiting game too. So far I haven't heard from the doctor. Granted my test results came in late yesterday, so I'm not surprised. If I don't hear from her pretty soon I'll call this afternoon. Meanwhile I'm continuing to guzzle that water... DSIL said yesterday that one thing they should do is cut out my Metformin because one of my lab results is so low it requires cutting out that drug. As he said, it's deflating to do everything you should and still get poor results...so I'm bummed today. A1C and blood pressure are all good, this is just very puzzling to happen so abruptly. Thanks for the encouraging posts and Debbie @dfishthat's very encouraging to hear about your dear Dad's experience. We had pizza just a few days ago so will pass on that, like others I can't imagine celebrating a toothache, and no tub now to read in. We took it out and extended the shower. Will pass on the meal, drink and red wine. We've been to Athens several times and spent several days there before cruises. I won't post photos as they would be too much like those already posted. We always like going to that port! Jacqui @kazugreat news that you're out of the splint and no cast required! Hurray! Nancy @ottahand7I hope you're able to return to your own cabin today and even more I hope that the odor is gone. Paul @kochleffelvery sorry to hear about the positive Covid test. I hope your symptoms are few and mild. Sandi @StLouisCruiserssafe travels tomorrow and Bon Voyage!!
  14. Thank you Vanessa. Yes, doctor has been keeping an eye on it with regular tests. Six months ago everything was closer to the normal range. No history of kidney stones and no new meds (although I'm guessing they will decrease/take away some I'm on).
  15. Thank you Lenda, Vanessa and Sandi. Unfortunately the test results show the kidney function is even worse. 😞 This is so puzzling and maddening. Six months ago they were fine. The only change is how sick I was in Nov-Dec. I'm sure I'll be hearing from my doctor before the day is over. Meanwhile our DSIL (the PA) has been peppering me with texts and questions. So glad today is his day off, LOL. I had a wonderful time with BFF, and it was good to have her support and prayers when the results came in by email.
  16. Good morning all! We actually will have a dry day here today -- amazing, since yesterday/last night the rain and hail came down so hard it sounded like it would come through the roof. Crazy! Both the grandsons are in Boy Scouts and their dad (DSIL) is their pack leader. I love to see kites flying, and my DBIL is an opera NUT. That is no exaggeration. He's in Europe most of the year and goes to operas every single day. He's always been a little bit different... πŸ˜‰ I like the quote and drink, the wine is one of my favorites. I think I'll make the meal (not today though) because DH loves honey mustard. Not sure I'd like it, but it's worth a try. This morning I have an appointment for a blood test to see if there's any improvement in my kidney labs taken 2 weeks ago. I've been drinking more than the half-gallon of water/day my doctor told me to do, so I sure hope so. I will leave right from the clinic to meet BFF for lunch mid-way between our homes. I haven't seen her in months, so really looking forward to that. Terry @smitty34877That's wonderful that you were able to sleep 6 hours straight last night. Very sorry about your cousin's son's good friend. Prayers for his family. Katherine @Lady HudsonCongratulations on the weight loss! Lorraine @cruising sisterbest wishes for a successful surgery tomorrow and swift recovery. Joy @Seasick SailorI hope you hear from your doctor soon so you can get some kind of treatment. That sounds so painful!
  17. Good morning all! I slept better last night (meaning that I was able to get back to sleep quickly after waking up a lot during the night). Any night I'm not awake 1-3 hours is a good night! In my case a full moon has nothing to do with it, since it happens all the time. No stress right now either, just the way I am. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ I try to send out birthday cards and always send Christmas cards -- today I should buy some Valentine cards for the grandsons. Always wave to my neighbors (with my whole hand) πŸ˜… and other than Nutcracker Suite I've never been to a ballet. Will pass on the drink and red wine, the first recipe looks good. In fact I may have some in the freezer....better check! Never have been to this port. Today I need to get my hair cut, and pick up those cards and a few other things. Yes Debbie @dfishthe painting upstairs is done. I'm taking a couple days off before doing the entryway downstairs. Wouldn't you know, we bought a gallon of paint and I didn't need it...I'm sure I'll find something else that needs painting lol. I woke up to the good news that DD's family has been accepted to adopt the kitten siblings and they can get them this week. πŸ™‚ Of course I'll get down there asap to meet them! Also they will be staying with us for about 10 days total the end of this month while DD and family are away. She didn't have to twist my arm....πŸ˜„ @Cruzin TerriBon Voyage!! Roy @rafinmdI'm glad you slept well last night. Sleep is the best healer. Gerry @ger_77what a thoughtful gesture for your friend who lost her husband and is now going through radiation treatments. Debbie @dfishI hope the appointment with the surgeon goes well today. @tupper10Prayers that the antibiotics and drain work. So sad about the death and wounding of the police officers. And sad that it's happening more and more.
  18. That's great! We like Oyster Bay. As Rich said, we'll be on the Volendam for the Grand Australia. We'll be in NZ March 6-14, 2024. Nice to know you'll be there too! Have you joined the roll call? It's pretty active with tours being planned already. Edited to say I see you are on the roll call πŸ™‚ It's so large I missed it!
  19. Thank you for responding. I see that the Hawkes Bay area is the 2nd largest wine region in NZ, so that is most likely what we'll do. (and pick up some Marlborough wines in a grocery store). πŸ˜„
  20. Thanks Bruce, Google is my friend. πŸ™‚ https://www.waihekeunlimited.co.nz/waiheke/vineyards/ It looks like that area is known for its reds -- is that what you found? We drink only whites, preferably Sauvignon Blanc.
  21. I have a question for @erewhonor anyone else who can help πŸ™‚ I've been obsessing over our time in New Zealand on the Grand Australia '24 and wine. πŸ˜‰ As I've mentioned before, DH and I love, love, love the Marlborough SV's. Unfortunately it doesn't look like any of our ports will be near that region....our ports will be: Port Chalmers (Dunedin), Akaroa (Christchurch), Wellington, Napier, Tauranga, and Auckland. Any advice on which port may be best for something similar to the Marlborough wines? Oh and we only drink whites. Thank you for any advice!
  22. Good morning all! Apparently several of us had a hard time sleeping last night. I slept from 9:30'ish-1:30 and then was awake until well after 3am. I even checked CC, figuring Sandi @StLouisCruisershad started the Daily, and sure enough, there it was with 2 posts. πŸ˜‰ I thought of popping in and saying "HI" but went back to bed and slept until after 8:30! Crazy, but lately I seem to do my best sleeping early and late, just not between 2-5'ish. I like frozen yogurt but prefer ice cream. No comment on lame ducks, and chopsticks is something I never mastered. The meal sounds yummy, not sure what we'll be having tonight. Last night was take-out, I painted for 6 hours and was tired. Today I have 2 more walls and then will be done for now. I'll pass on the drink and wine. We've never been to Belgium, but it's somewhere I really want to go. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the great photos. DD told us that they have found 2 kitten siblings they hope to adopt, so I'm excited! She said they could have them by this weekend. I'll be happy to have kitties in the family again and I know the boys are excited. They really miss their cats Nimbus and Parkour. They fed/pet every cat they saw when they were in Thailand recently. Maybe I'll have kitten photos to share soon. πŸ™‚ Brenda @bennybearMy sincere condolences on the death of your aunt. Roy @rafinmdgood news that you slept better last night! Joy @Seasick Sailorhoping nothing is broken, let us know. @cruising sisterWelcome home but ouch about the fall! And sorry to hear your iPad is missing. Debbie @dfishHappy to hear your DB's surgery went well. Thinking and praying for the poor people in Turkey.
  23. LOL! You got it! I like them more than he does, but I don't love them either.
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