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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. I had an interesting morning. As I walked down to our mailbox I saw a car parked across the street with the logo Evening Magazine (a Seattle television show). Two people, a man and a woman, were walking around and looking at our neighborhood's glacial erratic rock (or "the rock" as we call it). It's the largest in the state and possibly in the country. Concerned about what they would say on their program, I struck up a conversation with them. The reason I was concerned is that any time the rock is in the news, they neglect to mention that this is not in a public park, but private property and climbing the rock is not allowed. Not only that but we've had to put up with vandalism, graffiti, and even rock climbers have pounded stakes into it. We really would rather it isn't publicized, but understand the interest, of course. As interesting as it is, most of us would rather it wasn't in the middle of our neighborhood. I spoke mainly with the woman who is a segment producer for the show (while her partner was climbing all over the top of it 🙄). She thanked me over and over for letting them know and wanted me to be interviewed for the show --- to which I declined, no television interviews for me! Instead I suggested she contact our HOA President and talk to him. She did promise to say that contrary to what has been printed before, this is on private property. We had a nice conversation and even some laughs when I told them that I get mail for the Lake Stevens Monster (even a loan application) because my address is listed as the rock's address. Edited to add Roy @rafinmdI agree with everyone else, be careful and don't overdo -- I know that's hard!
  2. In the past our PCC told us that she gets credit if we book with her AND do take the cruise. I imagine they lose credit if the booking is transferred. Whether that would be all or some of the credit I don't know.
  3. Good morning all! Today is the only day here that has no chance of rain for at least the next 10 days so I'll try to get outside to do some garden clean up. Highs right around 50 F, not bad at all for February -- and when I hear about the frigid temperatures a lot of you are having, I'm feeling very grateful! Tomorrow when the rain returns I hope to (finally) get started on the painting that needs to be done upstairs. Well I could at least get it taped off and furniture moved. 😉 It's a good time to do it, no appointments for several weeks. Jack @HeartgroveI'm sorry to hear that Sue has Covid now too. Hoping you can avoid it! Roy @rafinmdI hope you had a restful night at home last night. Jacqui @kazuI'm sorry that it's such a long process of healing for your elbow and I hope the pain is manageable. This morning there's minimal pain in my lip and I slept well after taking some Tylenol for the pain last night. I didn't mention that I was surprised to see the stitches are purple! DH said the dentist must be a WA Huskies fan. We've been to Santorini at least 3 times and have enjoyed every visit. We've rented a car and gone to wineries, a tour to Akrotiri, and just browsing the shops and lunch. Annie @marshhawkwe've been there in October and I think it would be plenty warm to go swimming. It was always in the 80's or warmer. Here are the photos I shared last time. Taken from the tender Yummy Greek salad Funicular Scenes from Akrotiri In the museum A gold ibex figurine
  4. Thank you Vanessa and Jacqui -- my lip is just *sore* now, nothing too awful. I've decided that clam chowder tonight (without green chilis!) sounds good and should be soft enough. Jacqui I'm sorry your appointment was a disappointment and you got another splint, no cast. I hope you can get some rest tonight.
  5. I'm home from the dentist and wondering what I can eat tonight for dinner. They said "soft foods for a couple days" hmmm.... He said the lump inside my lip looked non cancerous, not to worry (but they're sending it in for a biopsy of course). That and the filling on a back molar was pretty much a breeze -- will see if I still say that once the numbness wears off. 😉
  6. We just applied for and received the Veterans OBC for the Grand Australia next year. I guess we'll find out if we can get the shareholder OBC too.
  7. Good morning all! I'm all for freedom and no politics (wish it was every day) and I didn't wait until I was old to become spunky. I've been called spunky and feisty all my life. 😂 I don't know if it's a "3rd daughter" thing, but I definitely got the feisty genes in the family. I'll pass on the meal, drink and red wine, have never been to this port -- thanks for all the photos! Posting a little late today, because I slept well! Almost 11 hours in fact! Made up for the night before. Interesting sleep conversation yesterday. I did wake up often, but always got right back to sleep. I call that a good night. Vanessa @JazzyVI'm glad to hear that you slept well too. Sandi @StLouisCruisersI sure do remember carbon paper. I was a secretary in the late 60's and was a good typist (120 words/minute) but like everyone, I made a few mistakes 😉 What an ordeal! Roy @rafinmdI'm sorry you had a bad night last night but delighted to hear that you will be discharged tonight! We're all doing a happy dance for you! Terry @smitty34877I'm sorry to hear that Tana has a GI bug -- hoping it's short-lived. I wonder too if it's from the antibiotics -- a common problem. Whatever is causing it, I hope it will be over soon.
  8. It has definitely gotten worse over time. I know my Mom had the same problem and when I was young I wondered why she had so much trouble --- now I know. It's yet another reason I love cruising because all that rocking gives me the best sleep ever!
  9. I'm a combination 😂 My typical night is sleep 1-3 hours, awake 1-3 hours (or longer) then sleep a few hours. Last night I slept 1 hour, was awake 3 hours, then slept 4-5 hours. Not enough sleep and yes it makes for a long day!
  10. Good morning all! It's 33F and we had a little snow earlier. Not much, it didn't last long or even stick. Fine with me! I haven't decided what to do for Backward Day -- and I always appreciate good art. Seems like every day is Plan for Vacation day for me 🙂 I like the quote, will pass on the meal. I like clam chowder, but wouldn't like green chilis in it. Will pass on the red wine, the drink sounds good. We've been to Alaska but not to Kodiak. Roy @rafinmdI'm glad the doctor is going to give you something for the problem -- I'm sure you already know that pain killers can cause that...😞 Welcome to the Daily @NodakboilerI hope we see more of you here! Jack @HeartgroveI'm sorry to hear your DSIL tested positive. I hope you and Sue continue to avoid getting it. Today we have an appointment at noon with a blind company to measure and talk to us about installing a motorized blind for one of the skylights upstairs. The sun tracks right over that skylight and in the summer lets in a lot of heat. Best of all, the blind is a Christmas gift from our DS and DDIL 🙂 Tomorrow I'll be at the dentist getting a filling and also he will remove a little bump inside my lower lip. I have mixed feelings about that, it really isn't noticeable and hasn't caused any problem. Not looking forward to it, but have put it off long enough.
  11. That was the first thing I thought of too, Vanessa. Just being ill and stress will do it. When I was so sick last month I had my highest ever blood sugar level -- even though I wasn't able to eat anything at all.
  12. Good morning all! It's a crisp 24 degrees F here this morning. Our "kids" returned home on a 5:30 am flight from Thailand this morning -- oh my they must feel cold! That's a good 60 degrees colder than what they've had the last 12 days. So glad we turned up the heat for them at their house. It was cold in there yesterday! We haven't had a land line in a long time, but I've heard some good "inane" answering machine messages. I love bubble wrap, and would really love to escape on a cruise but have to wait 3 months before doing that. I'll pass on the drink, wine and meal. Tonight's meal will be some Brunswick Stew I took out of the freezer. It's good for a chilly night. I've never been to Japan. Jacqui @kazuyes isn't the Kitchen Mama great?! I have my dear Dad to thank for it. A few years back (he probably was around 100 at the time) he showed me his. A little background, I've had a years-long aversion to electric can openers and due to arthritis, forget manual can openers. I don't know if it's because I'm left-handed or not, but electric can openers and I just don't get along. Anyway, I'm so glad you like yours and it helps you! I'm sure he's smiling in heaven to know he's helped several of us. Also very glad to hear that you slept well last night! Roy @rafinmdin nearly spit out my coffee when I read what that night nurse told you. I agree with the others, that's hogwash! I think you should let the doctor know, I'm sure he/she won't be pleased. @HAL Sailerbelated Happy Birthday! Jack @Heartgrovethank you for the adorable photo of Lily -- she's such a cutie! Sandi @StLouisCruisersthank you for stepping up and getting the Daily started each day. We appreciate you! One thing -- on the Care rotation list --sadly my niece (actually 2nd cousin but I always thought of her as a niece) is the same Patricia who passed away a week ago. So she can be removed from the rotation list. 😞
  13. Thank you for your honest post. We sail both HAL and Celebrity, but more HAL. We have another Celebrity cruise coming up in September. The Nieuw Statendam is my favorite ship, we most recently spent a month on the NS this past fall. I agree about Tao, he's a jewel! That's terrible about your shore excursion! I've never seen a time when they let non-excursion passengers on the tenders before ship excursions. Not good to have you sitting for 1.5 hours.
  14. And I'm sure you remember correctly! I should have realized it was northbound since our day in Newport was in May. 🙂
  15. Good morning all! My goodness, this may go onto page 4 by the time I finish typing. It's a cold but sunny morning here in the PNW. Snow is predicted in a couple days -- we'll see. I do a couple online 600-piece online jigsaw puzzles every day, and we have a drawer of puzzles we stocked up on for this winter. I keep thinking of getting them out, but there's always something else that needs to be done. I like chips a lot, but corn chips are my least favorite (not that I would turn them down). Have never swapped seeds, most of my plantings are seedlings ready to plant in the garden. The quote is good, and I know I would love the wine since it's a Marlborough wine. Will pass on the drink and meal. We've been to Newport on a cruise only once, on a Quebec City-Fort Lauderdale cruise in May of 2012. I believe that's when we met Rich @richwmn. I've wanted to get back to Newport ever since. It was a cold, rainy, windy day but we really liked that port. We took local transportation to The Breakers. One reason I want to get back there is to see more of the mansions. We had time to just see the one that day. Today is Patricia's funeral in Savannah. I'm thinking of her close and extended family as they lay her to rest. Roy @rafinmdI'm sorry to hear about your 02 level dropping. Prayers for a speedy recovery and that you can go home before too long. Sandi @StLouisCruisersthank you again for stepping in and getting the Daily started today. And oh my goodness Elliot Rose is so cute! Thank you for sharing her photo yesterday. Vanessa @JazzyVI'm sorry you're having more eye problems today but glad it isn't causing pain. Jacqui @kazuI'm sorry the pain is still a problem, I hope it lessens before you can get more pain meds. Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserI'm glad the effects of the 2nd shingles shot weren't as bad as the first one and only lasted 1 day. Usually people say the 2nd shot is worse (it was for me). Here are some photos of our WET day in Newport. We still enjoyed it a lot! Our first view of The Breakers, the 70-room summer estate of Cornelius Vanderbilt II built in 1895. The gates to The Breakers Front view Another view Some of the grounds. We managed to walk the Cliff Walk and were very glad we were dressed for it! Afterwards we dashed into this pub to dry off and for a bite to eat. We're going to take some chocolate chip cookies down to DD's house today for the boys and flowers for DD's belated birthday. They will be home early tomorrow. Have a great day everyone!
  16. Good morning all! Like everyone else, I was dismayed to hear Roy's @rafinmdnews this morning. Will be checking back often today to see if he has more news, meanwhile praying he's ok. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor getting us started this morning! The quote made me chuckle, that would be me. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine and haven't been to Argentina. DD, DSIL and the grandsons are now starting the LONG trip back home from Thailand. They will have life-long memories of this trip, it has been amazing. Feeding and bathing elephants, dodging monkey thieves, snorkeling, diving and swimming, and the boys made lots of kitty friends. I was mistaken yesterday when I said they will return Sunday morning, it will be Monday morning. With the time difference and missing date info on the itinerary she sent me, it was confusing. Jacqui @kazuOh no on more pain!! I really hope this was the last of it. So glad you could get there quickly. Annie @marshhawkthat last doctor sounds like a real quack. He really should be reported, at the very least. Terry @smitty34877thank you for another adorable photo of Miss Camilla! Vanessa @JazzyVgood that your stomach is better, but sorry to hear about the eye problems. I hope it continues to get better today.
  17. GRR! If I ever saw someone shooting at a cat or dog....I think I would go ballistic. 😞
  18. Good morning all! You had me at chocolate cake. It's the only kind of cake I'll eat. I won't be having any today though because we just finished the DElicious mini chocolate cake DH brought me 2 days ago for my birthday. Best of all, it was chocolate frosting and chocolate cake. It required extra time on the treadmill but was worth it!! Haven't punched a clock in many years, and never had a big wig. I'm guessing it's of the hair variety because it's 2 words and not one...🤷‍♀️ Love the quote, would try the drink and wine, but pass on the meal and stick to my own stuffed peppers. Never have been to China. Yesterday I bundled up and got out into the yard to do some garden cleanup. It felt good (but cold) to get out there and see signs of spring. The crocus and other bulbs are peeking out and the hellebore is blooming. When I was out I saw my neighbor who came home to bring a few items home -- she'll be able to move back into her house this weekend. It's been 3 months since the tree came through her roof -- a long time. Once the workers could get started it took only 6 weeks to get everything done, but the insurance company dragged its feet the first month. Today is our DD's 44th birthday, and also their next-to-last day in Thailand. If the flights are on time they should be home early Sunday morning. It will be good to have them home, but they've had an amazing time! Roy @rafinmdgood to see that you're feeling better this morning! Gerry @ger_77Welcome back! I guess I didn't get enough sleep, at first I read "drunk runners" instead of "drink runners" 😂 Annie @marshhawk That's sad about Fawn...I wonder too if it's some kind of kitty dementia. Or could she possibly be diabetic? My buddy cat Jinx who passed away last month was diabetic and sadly would get very confused when his blood sugar was low. Welcome to the Daily @rothburyand @iluvthe-c!
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