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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. Happy Victoria Day to all Canadians. I like the character Eliza Doolittle; I'm a big My Fair Lady fan. HR can be an important department, if run well. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Miyako. An important day in history. It's partly sunny right now, and already 76F. It's going to be hot. I'm starting to gather some things to take with me tomorrow, in preparation for staying at BFF's house. It's confirmed we have to be at the hospital at 5AM! My stomach was upset yesterday and I don't know why. So I'm eating gingerly today, as I don't need that today or tomorrow. It's 4 weeks today since my back surgery! I can't see the incision, so BFF has been taking photos of it for me. @superoma I hope your cough goes away soon. @MISTER 67 I can commiserate with you on the knee pain. Good luck with your golf game today. @StLouisCruisers I hope you can fight off the possible cold. Those cakes look delicious, especially the chocolate ones. @0106 Thanks for the explanation. I've never seen South Park. @smitty34877 I'm glad you got a bit of a break this weekend. I hope your week goes smoothly. @kazu Don't try to do too much in the garden. Thanks for the wishes, although it's BFF that's having surgery tomorrow. @Heartgrove I'm sorry to hear that Sam fell down the steps last night. @ottahand7 I'm glad you had a safe and pleasant trip to the cabin. @aliaschief I hope your lower back is feeling better soon. @marshhawk Oh no on mama cat in heat again. @kochleffel Sorry to hear about your back pain today and I hope the Ibuprofen works for it. @durangoscots I'm glad you're home safely, and I'm sure the dogs were happy to see you. @Quartzsite Cruiser Good luck at the dentist today. @ger_77 I've not heard of someone deciding they want to get off the plane at the last minute, then inconveniencing all the other passengers by a delay. I hope Maurice is feeling better. Nice of Wayne to offer to bring dinner over. @sunviking90 Welcome back to the Daily and thanks for sharing your photos! @Copper10-8 Great photos and video of Eliza Doolittle. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  2. Today’s Care List: RMLincoln’s DH follow-up with eye doctor Kazu with foot infection and having foot pain RMLincoln’s DH requiring eye drops & pressure massages for drainage incision JazzyV’s BFF with a fall and sustaining a tib-fib fracture, surgery 5/21 Victims of flooding and storms across the country Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues Cruising-along’s BFF’s DIL Amber with a stroke, now in rehab StLouisCruisers’ nephew Alex’s in-utero identical twins Celebrations and Shoutouts: Ottahand7 heading to the cabin Nickelpenny post back surgery, now home, doing well RMLincoln’s DH with eye drainage incision still open on last evaluation Luvteaching having made progress with her stuck hip flexor muscle The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 5 days for MrSnuggleupagus (Koningsdam May 25 to June 1) Alaska Inside Passage Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage), and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to June 8 ) 28d Passage to Normandy & Baltic Jewels + Zuiderdam (June 8 to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage
  3. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll salute the boys and girls club. Testing for hepatitis is important, to prevent long-term liver disease. I didn't know what May Ray Day was, until Graham's explanation. I don't think the quote is funny. I'll pass on the meal (fish), maybe for the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to the Conflict Islands PNG. A good day in history. It's going to be pretty warm and sunny here today. It's already 76F. I slept pretty well last night. I made an early quick trip to Aldi for a few things. There were people all around my neighborhood; I thought the annual garage sale was yesterday, but it's two days I guess. I'm going to rest up again, as my knee and shoulder are bothering me. The shoulder from using the cane to go up stairs and putting a lot of weight on it; my right leg is still weak for stairs, and I need clearance before I can go back to PT. BFF has said I only need to stay with him until evening after his surgery; I told him I'd not be happy if he needed help during the night and I wasn't there, so no deal. He stayed with me for 2 weeks after my surgery! @grapau27 Thanks for The link and also the explanation of Ray Day. @StLouisCruisers I hope you get to visit Cobh; it's a lovely city I visited last year on my TA. @MISTER 67 Welcome back, and I'm glad you had a good cruise. @RedneckBob Good one! @1ANGELCAT Prayers for Shirl. It's a difficult issue. I was lucky that when my DM could no longer live alone, she didn't object to me bringing her from NJ to PA. @Cruzin Terri I'm sorry to hear that you're still not feeling well. Prayers for a complete recovery soon. @dfish Congrats on defeating the furniture and getting it assembled. Your deck and patio look great! @marshhawk I hope the days ahead get a bit easier. @Quartzsite Cruiser You've been very industrious with all the cleaning you're doing; where do you get the energy for all that? @Mr. Boston Congratulations to your nephew Nick! 🎓 @ger_77 That's a thought. I'd been contemplating having to get up around 3:15 am (going to bed at 9, but who knows if I could sleep?). It's about a 25 minute drive to his house, but at 4 am should be faster. Prayers that DH's cold won't delay his surgery. @RMLincoln Good luck with your travel planning. @Sharon in AZ Enjoy the time out with family and pizza. @Nickelpenny I'm glad you're doing well. I wasn't allowed to drive for 2 weeks after the surgery, and it's still somewhat uncomfortable at the incision site against the seat back (I keep changing the position of it). Oh my on someone stealing from you; you're right to feel violated. I don't have anything outside much, but I do have cameras all around the outside of the house, and a motion detector floodlight on the garage. @Norseh2o Sorry to hear your Anniversary dinner wasn't what it should have been. Enjoy the cruise later this summer. @kazu Prayers for an answer for your foot pain. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  4. Today’s Care List: Ottahand7 leaving for the cabin Kazu with foot infection and having foot pain RMLincoln’s DH requiring eye drops & pressure massages for drainage incision JazzyV’s BFF with a fall and sustaining a tib-fib fracture, surgery 5/21 Victims of flooding and storms across the country; fires in Canada Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues Marshhawk’s DH’s vascular surgery not successful Cruising-along’s BFF’s DIL Amber with a stroke, now in rehab Celebrations and Shoutouts: Nickelpenny post back surgery, now home Durangoscots attending a dog show in New Mexico RMLincoln’s DH with eye drainage incision still open on last evaluation Luvteaching having made progress with her stuck hip flexor muscle The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 6 days for MrSnuggleupagus (Koningsdam May 25 to June 1) Alaska Inside Passage Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage), and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to June 8 ) 28d Passage to Normandy & Baltic Jewels + Zuiderdam (June 8 to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage
  5. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn and to all contributors. A salute to all military on this Armed Forces Day! The other 3 days are also good ones; I like Reese's peanut butter cups. Funny Joan Rivers quote. Maybe for the meal and the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Rarotonga. It's 70F and becoming sunny. The weather will be on the hot side this coming week. There was more rain overnight. So, there were 4 confirmed tornadoes yesterday, making 10 in the past 3 weeks! There are normally only about 4 per year. The one near our zoo, is on a route I often travel, and is only about 5 miles from where I live. Fortunately, each only touched down briefly, mainly resulting in downed trees and wires. One person had a tree come down on their car. But property damage appears limited and no one was hurt. I'm doing laundry today; my knee isn't happy about going up and down the basement steps. I don't know if the Ortho would give me another steroid injection, as they had seemed to stop helping, and the Synvisc didn't help either. I'm not ready for any more surgery for a good while! My 2 new books came, both over 700 pages! They're the life stories of Oppenheimer and Turing. @Norseh2o Happy 50th Anniversary Katherine & Bob! Great set of photos of you two. @StLouisCruisers It sounds like you're enjoying your cruise. Lovely photos from Rarotonga. @grapau27 That's a beautiful poppy flower. @aliaschief I'd like that make your own pizza. @kazu Continued prayers for a resolution of your foot issues. @dfish I hate when putting things together that the holes don't easily line up, and you have to jiggle and push to get it to work. Good luck! @Haljo1935 That flooding in the Houston area is terrible. We had some minor flooding yesterday, but nothing like that, although one person had to be rescued from their floating car. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Rarotonga photos. @ger_77 I'm hoping with rest and all your ministrations, Maurice can kick this cold quickly. @superoma Feel better soon! @mamaofami Congrats to Jeremy on his graduation! @smitty34877 Enjoy DS and DGS being there this weekend. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  6. Today’s Care List: Marshhawk’s DH’s vascular surgery not successful RMLincoln’s DH requiring eye drops & pressure massages for drainage incision JazzyV’s BFF with a fall and sustaining a tib-fib fracture, surgery 5/21 Victims of flooding and storms across the country Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues Cruising-along’s BFF’s DIL Amber with a stroke, now in rehab Kazu with foot infection and having foot pain Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Anniversary Norseh2o (Katherine & Bob)! Welcome to Copenhagen YourWorldWithBill! Welcome Home MISTER 67! Welcome Home Niagarawine! Nickelpenny post back surgery, now home Durangoscots attending a dog show in New Mexico RMLincoln’s DH with eye drainage incision still open on last evaluation Luvteaching having made progress with her stuck hip flexor muscle Rich back and posting the Fleet Report/Daily The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 7 days for MrSnuggleupagus (Koningsdam May 25 to June 1) Alaska Inside Passage Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage), and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to June 8 ) 28d Passage to Normandy & Baltic Jewels + Zuiderdam (June 8 to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage
  7. Jake @Crazy For Cats and Juan will be on that cruise too.
  8. Thanks. Storms have now moved out. I'm fine. And the places that were affected seem to mainly have trees down and some power outages. No injuries thankfully.
  9. Yikes! 3 possible tornado touchdowns in the last 2 hours. One north and one east of me. We've had 6 touchdown in the past 2 weeks in counties here. This is quite unusual for this part of the country.
  10. @Nickelpenny I'm glad you're home and up and about. I think you'll find the shower chair helpful. I'm still using mine, and just put together the same one for BFF. He's going to try a shower today with a cast cover. @rafinmd I hope the hand is starting to heal. If your skin is thin it may take longer.
  11. All I know is that the puntal eye plugs are used to treat dry eye syndrome. They go in the tear ducts and block tear drainage. I had such dry eyes that I developed a callus on my cornea just from blinking. I was sent to a specialist, who mentioned the plugs, but we tried Restasis first, which has worked for me.
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll celebrate graduation tassels. I like walnuts for baking. Someone else can have my pinot grigio. True quote; I have books on Turing and Oppenheimer coming today. I like the tart, pass on the drink and yes to the wine (I've had it). I have not been to Surabaya. It's lightly raining, with more storms later. I did relax yesterday, after having done a lot helping BFF the last few days. The lawn got mowed and shrubs trimmed yesterday by my lawn guys. I may try to do laundry today. BFF was told today that he might be the first case for his surgeon, and if so we'd need to be at the hospital at 5AM, meaning I'd need to leave to pick him up at 4AM! 😲 @StLouisCruisers Enjoy the sea day today. @cat shepard Enjoy your dinner tonight. @Copper10-8 John, I was sorry to read of Shiv crossing the rainbow bridge. @smitty34877 I'm glad to read that DS and one DGS are coming to help this weekend. Please try to relax a bit while they're there. @marshhawk I hope you're able to get some relaxation time this weekend. @dfish You've been so busy working on your deck. I'm sure it will be a good place to be this summer. Good luck with the storage box assembly. @RMLincoln Enjoy the concert tomorrow. @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad you had no damage from the storms. Sorry to hear of the deaths. I saw the windows blown out of tall buildings on the news. @grapau27 Enjoy your afternoon outside. I'm sorry you had to give up golf due to your arthritis. I can't bowl any more due to my shoulder arthritis. @ger_77 So sorry to hear that DH has come down with a cold. I'm a fan of zinc lozenges or Zicam to lessen the duration of colds. Plus Vitamin C. @kazu @Nickelpenny Thinking of you and I hope you're doing better. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  13. Today’s Care List: Marshhawk’s DH’s vascular surgery not successful Nickelpenny post back surgery, with complications RMLincoln’s DH requiring eye drops & pressure massages for drainage incision JazzyV’s BFF with a fall and sustaining a tib-fib fracture, surgery 5/21 Victims of flooding and storms across the country Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues StLouisCruisers’ DB with pulmonary fibrosis Kazu with foot infection and having foot pain Celebrations and Shoutouts: Durangoscots attending a dog show in New Mexico RMLincoln’s DH with eye drainage incision still open on last evaluation Luvteaching having made progress with her stuck hip flexor muscle Rich back and posting the Fleet Report/Daily The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: YourWorldWithBill (Nieuw Statendam to May 18) 13d Jewels of the Baltic, MISTER 67 (Enchanted Princess to May 18) 7 Night Eastern Caribbean with St. Thomas, Niagarawine (Koningsdam to May 18) 7d Alaska Inside Passage, Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage), and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to June 8 ) 28d Passage to Normandy & Baltic Jewels + Zuiderdam (June 8 to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage
  14. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. 3 good days to think about. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal and the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Incheon. A good day in history. It's cloudy here, 69F, with 76% humidity. I think there's supposed to be sun later. I guess I was tired yesterday. I slept until about 6am, posted the Cares List, then fell back asleep until 8:30! I intend to not do much today except maybe catch up on some recordings from my DVR. I was sore yesterday, as I've been doing a lot more in taking care of BFF. But the leg has been doing well, with no pain and a bit of numbness from the knee down occasionally. @aliaschief and @DWAliaschief Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the photos of the progressive dinner. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for checking in. I'm glad you and your fellow crafters found a better time to come together. @RMLincoln I'm glad you're lining up fun things to do, and I know you'll manage the eye routine amongst your goings on. Sorry to hear your DGD had a kidney stone, but glad that she passed it. Those columbines are lovely. @rafinmd Oh no! Are you ok? @Haljo1935 Best of luck with your eye procedure today. @ger_77 Be careful on the ladder. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos from South Korea. @marshhawk Thinking of you and DH. @Cruzin Terri I hope you're feeling better today. @kazu I hope here's less pain today and that you are getting some answers to your issue. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  15. Today’s Care List: Marshhawk’s DH’s vascular surgery not successful Nickelpenny post back surgery, with complications RMLincoln’s DH requiring eye drops & pressure massages for drainage incision JazzyV’s BFF with a fall and sustaining a tib-fib fracture, surgery 5/21 Victims of flooding and storms across the country Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues StLouisCruisers’ DB with pulmonary fibrosis Kazu with foot infection and having foot pain Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy 32nd Anniversary Aliaschief & DWAliaschief (Bruce & Sue)! RMLincoln’s DH with eye drainage incision still open on last evaluation Luvteaching having made progress with her stuck hip flexor muscle Rich back and posting the Fleet Report/Daily The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: YourWorldWithBill (Nieuw Statendam to May 18) 13d Jewels of the Baltic, MISTER 67 (Enchanted Princess to May 18) 7 Night Eastern Caribbean with St. Thomas, Niagarawine (Koningsdam to May 18) 7d Alaska Inside Passage, Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage), and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to June 8 ) 28d Passage to Normandy & Baltic Jewels + Zuiderdam (June 8 to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage
  16. Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll salute families and kangaroo care. MPS is a bad disease, and hopefully there's a genetic cure soon. Good quote. I'd like the bread, pass on the drink and wine. I've been to Athens on a land trip in 1999, pre-digital. Yay to Women's Suffrage - the Today Show had performers from the Broadway musical Suff on today It's been a partly cloudy day, upper 60's. I'm tired. I took BFF for his heart Echo today, then back home, where I did some things around his house. The only evidence of yesterday's misadventure is a bruise on his knee. A mutual friend came by later, with takeout, so we had an early dinner together. Now I'm home. Hopefully things will be quiet until his surgery on Tuesday. @StLouisCruisers Great photos from Piraeus/Athens. @Mr. Boston Nice photos from the Acropolis. @marshhawk I'm glad DH got that earlier appointment. I hope a solution can be found. So sorry to hear about your friend whose cancer has spread. @cat shepard I'm glad you and Bindi are ok; tornado warnings are scary. I'm glad to hear that your sister is doing well. @mamaofami Good to hear from you. I'm glad your eye issues are resolved. @RMLincoln Keep up the good work with the regime! Prayers for a successful outcome. @kazu I'm sad to hear that you're still struggling with foot pain. I hope there's an answer soon. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos. @grapau27 Your lunch looks delightful. @1ANGELCAT Very nice of the vet to send flowers in memory of Houdini. @Nickelpenny I hope the raising of the head of the bed went well today. Don't let the pain get too bad; I know you don't like taking pain meds, but it's only for the short term. @bennybear Great photos from Meteora. @Cruising-along Nice photos. @Copper10-8 Thanks for the memes and changing of the guard video. @dfish That gym obviously doesn't want your business. Let your money do the talking. @57redbird What you went through today sounds like no fun! I hope it wasn't too painful. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. Just a couple of photos since mine are similar to others posted. View of Athens from the Acropolis The Parthenon Erechtheum of Acropolis
  17. Today’s Care List: 57redbird having dental extractions today Marshhawk’s DH’s vascular surgery not successful Nickelpenny post back surgery, with complications RMLincoln’s DH requiring eye drops & pressure massages for drainage incision JazzyV’s BFF with a fall and sustaining a tib-fib fracture, surgery 5/21 Victims of flooding and storms across the country Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-surgery Kazu with foot infection and having foot pain Celebrations and Shoutouts: RMLincoln’s DH with eye drainage incision still open on last evaluation Luvteaching having made progress with her stuck hip flexor muscle Rich back and posting the Fleet Report/Daily The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: YourWorldWithBill (Nieuw Statendam to May 18) 13d Jewels of the Baltic, MISTER 67 (Enchanted Princess to May 18) 7 Night Eastern Caribbean with St. Thomas, Niagarawine (Koningsdam to May 18) 7d Alaska Inside Passage, Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage), and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to June 8 ) 28d Passage to Normandy & Baltic Jewels + Zuiderdam (June 8 to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage
  18. Well, I thought I was going to have a relaxing afternoon/evening, after my dental appointment. That is until BFF called. He'd been talking to the surgeon about swelling and new bruising on the leg with the ankle fracture. An US at the ER was recommended to rule out a blood clot. So off I went to pick him up and take him there. Fortunately the test was ok. Then at his house, with him using the rollator, in his driveway he decides to bend over to pick up something, without locking the rollator. Down he goes, before I could try to grab him! I thought we were going to have to call 911 to get him up (no neighbors out and about), but after about 5 tries he was able to get up, and was unhurt. I gave him a talking to, lol. I'm home now, having dinner and a glass of wine. @marshhawk I'm sorry to hear about Chuck's surgery not being successful, and complications. Have they checked his thyroid? An overactive thyroid can cause weight loss. Hugs for you and DH both. @luvteaching That's great news that not only did you not lose ground during your PT hiatus, you gained. Good going! @dfish Sorry to hear that the new community center has made changes that make the water fitness classes not good for you any more. I hope you can get them to change!
  19. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. I'll salute the Stars and Stripes Forever, as it's a great march. The chicken dance is still popular at wedding receptions. Every day should be decency day. Good quote. Maybe for the meal. Pass on the drink and wine. I've been to Germany quite a bit, but not Kiel (Hamburg). A good day in history. It's cloudy and humid here. I had a dental cleaning today; I'd not been in a year, as my October appointment had to be cancelled due to my back epidural, and this was the first available! I will have to go back in June to replace a very old filling. Yesterday was tiring. I took BFF for his preop exam. Then it was determined he needs an Echo prior to surgery, per his Cardiologist. So calls were made to try to get that quickly. Then we stopped to pick up a prescription and then for takeout for a late lunch. I then did some tidying at his house and got his trash and recycling to the curb. I was careful not to do too much, taking the recycling bin out on the rollator seat. Tomorrow I'll take him for the Echo, luckily not too far a trip. @summer slope Happy Anniversary Dixie and George! 🍾🥂 @marshhawk Prayers that DH's vascular surgery went well. @StLouisCruisers I'm glad you had a good lunch, and sorry to hear dinner wasn't great. Thanks for the Kiel/Hamburg photos, and the onboard photos. @Heartgrove I'm glad you enjoyed your MSC cruise. Thanks for the Kiel photos. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos! @RMLincoln Prayers that all your diligence with DH's eye care leads to good results. @bennybear Great owl photos. @Nickelpenny I'm sorry to hear there were some complications with your surgery. Prayers for your recovery and that you'll be walking soon. @quilty964 Check out https://foodbodsourdough.com/ . She has lots of tips and a simple "master" recipe for sourdough bread that is easy to follow and turns out well. It does take some practice to get a loaf you like, but you get to eat your mistakes most of the time and they taste good even if they don't look as good as you'd like. @XBGuy Thanks for the wine information. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  20. Today’s Care List: Marshhawk’s DH having vascular surgery to repair/replace stent today Nickelpenny had back surgery yesterday RMLincoln’s DH requiring eye drops & pressure massages for drainage incision JazzyV’s BFF with a fall and sustaining a tib-fib fracture, surgery 5/21 Kazu with a foot infection and pain Victims of flooding and storms across the country Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues Cruising-along’s BFF’s DIL Amber with a stroke, now in rehab Kazu with foot infection and having foot pain StLouisCruisers’ nephew Alex’s in-utero identical twins Celebrations and Shoutouts: RMLincoln’s DH with eye drainage incision still open on last evaluation Rich back and posting the Fleet Report/Daily The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: YourWorldWithBill (Nieuw Statendam to May 18) 13d Jewels of the Baltic, MISTER 67 (Enchanted Princess to May 18) 7 Night Eastern Caribbean with St. Thomas, Niagarawine (Koningsdam to May 18) 7d Alaska Inside Passage, Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage), and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to June 8 ) 28d Passage to Normandy & Baltic Jewels + Zuiderdam (June 8 to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage
  21. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn and welcome back! Thanks to @kazu @rafinmd and @StLouisCruisers for filling in. I like croutons and hummus. Not into frog jumping. Good quote. I like the meal, for a change from meat. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Gaspe. It's going to be warm and sunny here. I slept well last night, about 7 hours. I will be taking BFF later for his perioperative clinic appointment. But he just found out they don't have the OR staff for his surgery Friday, so it's postponed to Tuesday the 21st. I feel bad for him as the sooner it gets done, the sooner the healing can take place. @Nickelpenny Thinking of you today and prayers for a successful surgery. @RMLincoln Prayers that DH gets a good report at the eye doctor today. @StLouisCruisers I hope you get your dining situation straightened out. @aliaschief Thanks for the photos from your safari. @AroundWithMAPTravels Nice photos from Gaspe. @smitty34877 Try not to overdo it now that DB and DSIL have left. @marshhawk I hope you get good news from the Pulmonologist. @ottahand7 Sorry to hear your procedure had to be delayed. Enjoy celebrating your sister today with family. @Haljo1935 Seems everyone's procedures are getting rescheduled. I hope you get an OT appointment. @kazu I hope your foot is doing better. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  22. Today’s Care List: Nickelpenny having back surgery today RMLincoln’s DH’s eye check up today JazzyV’s BFF with a fall and sustaining a tib-fib fracture, surgery 5/17 Kazu with a foot infection and pain Victims of flooding and storms across the country Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues Cruising-along’s BFF’s DIL Amber with a stroke, now in rehab Kazu with foot infection and having foot pain Celebrations and Shoutouts: RMLincoln’s DH with eye improvement on last evaluation Rich starting up the Fleet Report/Daily again The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: YourWorldWithBill (Nieuw Statendam to May 18) 13d Jewels of the Baltic, MISTER 67 (Enchanted Princess to May 18) 7 Night Eastern Caribbean with St. Thomas, Niagarawine (Koningsdam to May 18) 7d Alaska Inside Passage, Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage), and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to June 8 ) 28d Passage to Normandy & Baltic Jewels + Zuiderdam (June 8 to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage
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