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Everything posted by sgmn

  1. We are having a hot spell in UK at the moment. My DS and family are moving house from London to Berkshire on Monday when it's forecasted to be the hottest day ever at 35c, 95f Way too hot to be packing , unpacking and arranging furniture etc
  2. Really enjoying your trip report, especially some of the ports I haven't been to yet. My DH loves granola, Greek yoghurt and fruit for breakfast and was disappointed he couldn't find it in OV on Beyond, though they did make him some nice yoghurt and fruit in the spa cafe
  3. The bright pink fizz that was delivered to us on Beyond concierge class was undrinkable IMO. From others on CC i've learnt we should of asked for something else, but didn't realise how awful it was until we had opened it and taken a sip.
  4. Deleted because op now says he's interested in yacht club
  5. Thank you, it was great with wonderful ports, I do like the Western Med too though Will have to try your local time tip next time we travel long haul
  6. Our second GS is due on 01Sept. Hopefully my DS n DIL will allow us to post pics, my eldest doesn't allow with our first GS. Though I did show Dani some pics 😉 Wishing your daughter well for the remainder of her pregnancy. It sounds like she's getting great care. My DIL also got covid (from me) during her pregnancy in March
  7. Great blog. I'm in awe that you managed so much sightseeing after such a long journey and in the summer heat too. We joined Beyond in Rome on the 13th just as you were getting off I guess. Though our ports were in Greece and Malta Looking forward to the rest of your trip report
  8. Must of missed this John , can you post a link ?
  9. Presume you're looking at business class?, BA is showing under £500 for YCL and around £1000 for prem economy. I was checking MIA though so maybe MCO is more
  10. We had slippers on Beyond concierge class last month. We didn't use them. I have nice flip-flops and DH always has his trainers on. The robes were good quality thick towelling
  11. I do like a drink with sail away and to toast the beginning of our cruise. We don't get the drink package so the Elite drinks are of value to us. On our second celebrity cruise (Elite thru RC diamond) I asked DH to get us some 'Elite ' drinks for sail away, forgetting about the first day rule. Of course he was told they are not valid on the 1st day but then the bartender kindly gave us them anyway. We did though purchase additional drinks later
  12. Sorry you and your family are so ill, hope you make a speedy recovery and figure out a way to get home soon. Awful being away from home when you are ill
  13. My husband still has box's of his mums stuff in the garage 22 years after she's passed. Also his father's Mercedes has followed us from house to house for 35 years, keeps saying he's going to get it road worthy but 🤷‍♀️....
  14. Definitely, we were looking in May for a last minute booking and found a really good price on Wonder OTS but the airfare was way too high We booked a cruise out if Southampton instead , one hours drive and £85 parking right next to the ship
  15. Currently watching The Ghost Writer on amazon . I've seen it before but it's a good movie, Political thriller
  16. They arrived at the Menin Gate an hour ago, the memorial to the thousands of commonwealth soldiers who died in the 1st WW At 8pm there's a ceremony in Ypres with the last post played as it has every night at 8pm for almost a hundred years. After that there's a dinner and large amount of beer and wine drank and tomorrow 60k ride to Dieppe for the ferry back. Its,very hot at mo but he's done OK and kept up. Said the average speed was 20mph which meant his electric bike cut out (it cuts out at 16mph) so it didn't help and actually worse as the electric bike was a lot heavier than his road bike. Here he is at the gate with his riding buddies
  17. Gary's cycle ride to Ypres is going well. Its pretty hot but he seems to be coping OK The charity is The Royal British Legion which is a forces charity for veterans and their families. Normally he does the London to Paris ride where there is over 300 who take part but this is a much smaller ride with around 50 Here are a few pics from yesterday and this morning Meeting at dawn for the ferry to Dunkirk One of the stops along the route View from top of a hill looking back towards Dunkirk Hydrating The Vimy Ridge memorial to over 11,000 Canadians who lost their lives in this area during the first WW
  18. Not Lunastella, but yes there's a nice outdoor area at the back overlooking the wake. Towards the back is also the freshly made pizza area. You can walk up to the sunset bar from the outside area with nice seating
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