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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. That would be fine, except OP is already on the ship. Too late for your suggestion. Terri
  2. Well, the dryer came an hour earlier than expected. Glad it is done. They also gave me $50 for all the trouble. Now that is a store I will return to in the future. Also gave me a $35 cookbook that I did not ask for. Thank you all who contribute to this thread. Prayers for all God Bless, Terri
  3. Prayers for you today Debbie. I hope all goes well today. Prayers for the medical team as well. Terri
  4. i will amend my prior post with this. If there is a bank nearby in a port, take your passport with you and get your Euros there. You will get the best exchange rate at a bank. Terri
  5. You would get a better exchange rate at an exchange kiosk in port than on the ship. Try to do it away from the port where the rate would probably be more favorable. Terri
  6. Good morning. i hope everyone is doing well today. Thank you to Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report and getting us started today. Also thanks to all that contribute to this thread that keep us informed, hydrated, and fed. @dfish thank you for your dedication to making sure we have wonderful recipes each day and have a variety of meals each day,. And to @summer slope and @cat shepard for the wonderful cocktails and wine each day. Also thank you to @grapau27 for sharing great information about the days we celebrate each day. And today thank you to @0106 for putting the quote in context. Also to all those who share their wonderful photos of the destinations—especially @StLouisCruisersand @Quartzsite Cruiser. Thank you for being so organized and willing to share with us. Yesterday i decided that I just was going to get better results with the appliance store in person than on the phone and I was right. After the salesman made a few phone calls to the warehouse or wherever he called, a dryer magically was available and there was a delivery space available for tomorrow (Wednesday). I actually told him I wanted my money back because I could go to Costco or Home Depot and get it cheaper with less angst. He didn’t like that. That put him into action. We have been to Half Moon Cay a number of times and would probably duplicate photos. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  7. Hello all. i went to the appliance store this afternoon. i was very calm but firm and let them know that this situation was not to my liking and that they either had to return my money or produce a dryer. Somehow a dryer magically appeared and will be at my house on Wednesday. Go figure! Terri
  8. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for getting us started today. Interesting days. I like Maritime Day as it means I can celebrate sailing soon. Don’t really understand Goth Day and I don’t think I will be buying a musical instrument. I think the quote is funny. The meal sounds good., however I no longer make eggplant parm. I have a very good butcher who also makes meals to go. One of those that he makes is Eggplant Parm. I buy it and keep it in the freezer and it is good when I need something for dinner. All his meals are made on the premises and are quite good. A Godsend. Today we have to stay put as we will receive a FedEx package with Euros and British pounds in preparation for our upcoming cruise. Less than a month away. Time to start getting excited. Today I have to get some resolution from the appliance store. They have my money and I do not have a dryer. I am not going to wait for a phone call. I am paying a visit to the store today. That way they have to pay attention to me and somehow reach some agreement. Unfortunately my Polymyalgia is acting up as I expected after the Covid injection. Causing problems especially at night. Hope it doessn’t last too long. Have a great day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  9. Good afternoon to everyone. It is pouring rain and promises to remain that way all day. What a bummer! Nice collection of days. Wrote many memos in my day as an analyst. I applaud the works of the Red Cross both here and abroad. As for waiter and waitresses, here is my story. While in High School during my Junior i worked in the Woolworths at Columbus Circle after school and on Saturdays. i usually worked in the cosmetics section. One Saturday they were short at the lunch counter and put me there. I had no idea what I was doing and it showed. After about an hour the manager came over and asked me how I was doing and I told him that I was going to have to quit because I did not know how to do the job. I was immediately moved to Stationary and never went near the lunch counter again. I will pass on the food and drink today. As for the port, we were supposed to stop in Tangier on our cruise last year when we did the Canary Island cruise. After we were on board we were told that all ports in Morocco were closed due to Covid. It really did not make a difference to us anyway since DH and I were in isolation due to Covid. The ship stopped in Cadiz instead but we were unable to disembark that day. A diappointment. I am feeling wiped out from the Covid vaccination yesterday. i am sure it will take a few days for me to recover. That is the usual situation for me. So far I don’t feel like I am having a PMR flare-up and I hope it stays that way. Just feel very tired and have a very sore left arm. if it keeps me from getting Covid, I will put up with it. Once was enough! I hope everyone is having a good day. Thank you to all who make this thread happen. @richwmn for getting us started, @dfish for the wonderful recipes, @summer slope for keeping us hydrated, @cat shepardfor making sure we have the correct wine with our meals, @superomafor the Cares and celebration list in spite of all that she and her family are going through right now with her father’s passing, and for @grapau27for his great explanations of our special days to celebrate. Where would we all be without all of you! DH is doing better but the stitches do not come out until Friday. the incision site is clean and I dutifully clean and change the bandaging each day. He is a good patient. There is nothing else to report today. A quiet rainy day. Inside projects for today. Have a wonderful Sunday and God Bless, Terri
  10. Not every cruise line works for everyone. It is obvious that Oceania was not a good fit for OP. It is unfortunate that she had such high expectations and they were not fulfilled. However to really give her a hard time for this is not reasonable. I do think she focused heavily on food and not the entire picture, but then again, O advertises having the “best cuisine at sea”. I hope she finds the cruise line that works for her. As for me and DH, Oceania works well. Is everything perfect? No. But we enjoy the line. If something is not right we make it known. It is usually corrected if it is possible and we move on. I have not had a bad cruise on Oceania. Terri
  11. Beautiful horse. I will watch the Belmont. That was in my back yard. When we lived in NY, Belmont was walking distance from my house, Never ever went there,. Terri
  12. Jacqui, Mind you, these were not our first three HAL cruises we are almost 5 star Mariners. So when we walked away we were walking away from a lot. We were finished. I really do not want to go into all that happened, but in each of those cruises we were in the Pinnacle Suite with my disabled DBIL. They even gave his wheelchair away on the last one on the last day and what a job we had finding it. We were lucky someone didn’t take it home. We just swore off HAL after that. I have never been treated so badly, especially on the old Rotterdam. Now I will tell you that on O, I have had good and bad Butlers. I book the Penthouse suite because I like the size of the room. if we get a good butler, (which has been most of the time) we consider ourselves lucky. However the last two times they were just okay and there was even one that I had to nurse back to health because he had such a bad cold. Still the overall experience for us on O has been much better than HAL and has caused us not to look back. That being said, I think I would like to dip my toes in Azamara’a waters as well. They sound quite good. I will say that those on O who have tried Azamara say the food is better on Oceania. Sorry if I sound like a cheerleader. Terri
  13. The whole back is bashed in. I don’t want it. Terri
  14. Good afternoon everyone. I spent the last few hours reading all the posts since Thursday afternoon. After i posted on Thursday i never was able to get close to CC again as much as I tried. Thank you Rich @richwmn for your dedication to the Daily and Fleet report. Interesting days. Millionaire. I wonder who of us will own up to belonging to that club??? Although I own a bike, it sits in the garage. I won’t be biking to work since I am retired. I don’t feel confident enough to use that bike anymore. Endangered species? We need to protect them. Will pass on the food and drink. Have not been to the port. Interesting quote. I guess I have lost the cleaning lady. I have not heard from her. I will try to call and see if we can get back together and get a schedule. As for the dryer, the appliance store I have been dealing with does not know when then can get me another one. So I am trying to make a deal with them to return the washer I bought and get another brand so that I have a matching set. Waiting to see what happens. DH is still very tired and sleeps a lot. Not really sure what is going on. Adding to the mix we both got our second bivalent Covid shots today so that we will be protected on our next cruise. This means that I probably can expect a flare-up of my Polymyalgia Rheumatica. i sure hope not, but I am expecting history to repeat itself. @superoma Eva, i hope you are taking care of yourself. This is a hard time. It is good that you have your family around you. Prayers for all of you and for the repose of your Dad’s soul. Prayers for all on the Cares List and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Hope everyone has a good Saturday and God Bless, Terri
  15. Bruce, Hope you like the Cotton House. We stayed there last year. I think it is overrated. However if it’s free…. It’s in a nice area. A quieter part of town. Good restaurant. Hope you enjoy Baracelona. Terri
  16. Jacqui I know you had a bad experience on Oceania. I, on the other hand, had three unfortunate experiences in a row on HAL. When we received a brochure from O with an itinerary we liked, we decided to try it. We took that cruise and never went back to HAL. We are doing our 10th Oceania cruise in a month. We have had good experiences, good food, good service and have generally been happy. Has everything been perfect? No. But I will tell you we were treated very well when we got Covid on the Nautica last Spring. Compared to what I read on many other boards on the treatment passengers received, we were treated like royalty. Any issues I have had with O, I have made known on the ship and they have been handled in a timely manner. Terri
  17. @superoma I am sorry this is so late. i am sorry for the loss of your Dad. Prayers for you and your family. Terri
  18. Good morning all, Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Hope you are adjusting to normal life. Interesting collection of days. I don’t think I will be visiting any International Museums today here in the Low Country of SC. Nor will I be visiting any relative. Really don’t have many and those that I do have are not close by. As for dirty dishes, ran the dishwasher last night and haven’t had breakfast yet, so all are clean right now. The meal sounds good., Just may order a flatbread pizza. I usually don’t drink any thing other than wine, but maybe would try this one. The wine price is a bit high. As for the port, that is my hometown, the city of my birth. I was born and raised there and it will always be in my blood. The photos I have are really not of the tourist site so hard to post any. However, the very first cruise we took was in 1986 on the MV Atlantic on the Home Lines from New York to Bermuda. We sailed into New York early in the morning and I have this picture to share. Note: that at one point in my life i worked in World Trade Center and spent a major part of my working life in Downtown Manhattan. The photo is very special to me. i will never forget. God Bless, Terri
  19. I cannot believe I am writing this again. My dryer did not arrive. The one that was put on the truck was damaged. So after waiting all day, at 5 pm I received a phone call that they do not have a dryer for me. I am not a happy camper. They had the dryer for 2 weeks and today they decided to open the box at 5pm. I did a lot of work today and am exhausted. We will see what happens with the dryer. I am really tired of this. I have dealt with this company in the past when we upgraded all the kitchen appliances and was very pleased with their service. I just cannot understand this craziness. Tomorrow is another day. Will post more when I know more. Jim is doing better today. Thank God for little things. Take care everyone. Good night and God Bless. Terri
  20. Good morning, Happy Wednesday. Sounds like CC is having their problems this morning. I enjoyed reading @kazu’s post multiple times LOL. it was fun. Thank you @richwmn Rich for getting us started. Nice to have you back. Hope you are getting settled. Interesting collection of days. DH would win a prize for the World’s greatest pack rat. i don’t know how to get rid of the stuff he hoards. Hypertension. That is my problem and I am always trying to keep it under control. Telecommunications and Information Society Day. That is a mouthful. What would we do without a phone! Not sure about the meal. Wine price is a bit high and I will pass on the drink Have not been to Falmouth, Jamaica,. Jim slept a bit better last night, Not great, but better. That means it was better for me. Today he cannot nap all day since we will have activity here. So today we are finally getting our new dryer. The phone call yesterday told us it will be delivered between 3:30 and 5:30. Guess we are last on the delivery list. That does not make me happy. Maybe we will be lucky. We had the same message with the washer and then we received a phone call in the morning of delivery and they asked if the could come earlier. Hope the same thing happens today. I have to clear a pathway in the garage for them to deliver the dryer to move all of Jim’s junk. We had a clean garage before the flood, However since the flood, not everything has been put back where it belongs and now that he is unable to do stuff, it falls on me. Oh Happy Day! Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  21. Well, Jim slept all day. He went back to bed about 10 am after he had breakfast and woke up when I got back from my errands about 3:45 pm. He thought it was morning. At least he got some sleep and his head does not hurt as bad as last night. I will change the dressing again before we go to bed. i think tonight he can sleep in the bed rather than the recliner. I am really tired. I am not only doing my chores, but his as well. I am just sitting down after being on my feet all day. i am a bit disappointed. I just found out (too late) that the movie “The Way” was re released and was in the theaters only one day and that was today. I missed seeing it. I saw it many years ago and would have liked to see it again, especially on the big screen. I did see it on Netflix a few years ago and would like to see it again. I hope I can stream it on my TV. If I were younger and in better shape I would seriously consider doing the Camino de Santiago. However, not at this point in my life. I just hope I can go back there some day. It is a very inspiring place. i saw an interview with Martin Sheen on TV yesterday and it was very good. I am counting on getting a good nights sleep tonight. Hope everyone had a good day. Terri
  22. i have no idea if I will ever see my cleaning lady again. She wanted to come today but I said no because I had no idea how Jim would be feeling. I was right in my decision. i am not sure what to do at this point. I just have too much to do on my own. Terri
  23. Thanks for all the votes of confidence. Now that DH is up I found out that after I fell asleep, he woke up and was awake most of the night. He went in search of Tylenol and couldn’t find it and didn’t want to call me. So he had a worse night than I thought. After I change his dressing, he is going back to bed to try to get some sleep. I am going out to run some errands. Need to go to the wine store, Staples and Home Depot. Then back home to do what needs to be done around here. More later. Terri
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