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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Just a quick note. We are up early so that DH can get to the Doctor in time for his 8:30 am appointment for his MOHS surgery on his scalp. Would appreciate a prayer for this procedure. Will post more later when i have time. God Bless, Terri
  2. Good evening to all. I am sorry to be posting so late. Happy Mothers’ Day to all those who are Mothers and those who care for others. I, myself, do not have children but have cared for many in my life, of late my brother-in-law for 40 years prior to his death. The members from the program he attended used to call me his mother. @Seasick Sailor I am sorry for your unfortunate situation with your Mom. i understand since that is exactly what happened with my Father. What they never understand is that the hurt they inflict never leaves. Their children remember forever. On the other hand I had a Mom that cared for me and did everything for me. She lived to be 100. She died in 2007. We were extremely close and I will be forever grateful for all the sacrifices she made for me. Here is a picture of my Mom with me. God Bless Terri
  3. Well, the cleaner didn’t show. She had an emergency. So I am ending up with all the work. I can’t have her during the week. Jim is having surgery on Monday, Dryer coming on Wednesday (hopefully this time it is not damaged) and I am sure we will have to go back to the doc a few times. So I don’t know when I will see her. I am really bummed out. Terri
  4. Good morning and Happy Saturday. Interesting collection of days. it is important that we honor birth mothers, who for whatever reasons decided to give their child up for adoption and a better life. It must be a heart wrenching decision. I will skip the other two days. Interesting quote, now that we have the explanation from @0106. Thank you. i will skip the food. Rather than Prosecco, we have a bottle of Santa Margarita sparkling Rose on Ice for tomorrow. I think we will crack that open. The drink sounds good. Thank you for the photos of the port. I have not been there. Today I will finally have a cleaner come in. She is known to me. She is one of the people from Service Master who worked on our house during the flood. She does this work on the weekends. She is someone I know and trust. She knows every corner of my house, probably better than I do. This will really help me as I find doing housework really causes my polymyalgia rheumatica to flare up. Daisy (my Roomba) also helps quite a bit). All went well yesterday with the clerk at the Probate Court. She said we should have the documents that we need in a few weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed. Lunch at the Fish Camp was nice. Had Fish and Chips and took some home to warm up for tonight. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  5. Thank you Debbie. I don’t want anyone to feel bad and I am glad you don’t. I really do appreciate everyone who contributes to this thread. Terri
  6. Debbie, I certainly did not mean to leave out anyone. I often mention everyone in my posts for your daily contributions and really appreciate it. My brain cannot work fast enough to provide a limerick for each of you. Please know that I did not mean to exclude anyone. Terri
  7. Good morning to all, Welcome back to @richwmn Rich. I hope your experience on the World Cruise was everything you wanted it to be. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor the Daily and Fleet Report. It was nice to see the Zuiderdam pulling into Fort Lauderdale. Don’t know if the world cruisers are happy or sad if their adventure is over. Welcome back to all of them. Interesting collection of days. I like limericks, Nurses are so important and i appreciate them immensely. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is real. Some people fool about it but those who have it suffer very much and it is a condition that needs attention. I think I will pass on the meal and I will see about the drink and wine. I have not been to Limassol, Cyprus. Thank you to Debbie @dfish, Ann @cat shepard, Dixie @summer slope and Eva @summer slope for all your work to keep us fed, hydrated and up to date. Prayers for all on the Cares list and Cheers to those celebrating. Today we are going up to Beaufort, SC to hand in our forms and documents to the Beaufort County Court. Hopefully that will get things moving regarding Eugene’s estate. We have an 11:30 am appointment. After that we are going out to lunch at The Fish Camp. It’s a really nice restaurant in Port Royal. So it gives us the opportunity to do something fun as well. Got all my financial work done yesterday and the really nice thing is that my new cleaning lady starts tomorrow. I am so excited to finally have some help. Have a good day everyone and God Blesd, Terri
  8. For national limerick day I have one to dedicate to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for all her dedication to this thread while Rich was enjoying his world cruise. So here goes. There once was a lady called Sandi Her dedication to The Daily was quite handy. She rose early each day To get us on our way. And for this we are all fine and dandy. Three cheers for Sandi. Terri
  9. My TA gave us shipboard credit. From what I understand they they buy it. Therefore it is refundable. The shipboard credit you get from O Life or from Stock is not refundable. But if your TA buys SBC for you it is refundable. If they told her something different, they are wrong. Terri
  10. Good morning to all. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and Fleet Report. Nice collection of days. Eat what you want. Well, I don’t eat what I don’t want. Those days are long over. Since I am in charge of the kitchen and cooking in this house, everyone who lives here (DH and I) and those who pass through will eat what I want. Make a book—not today. Have made a few books of photos of the places where we have traveled. And where would we all be without the technology. Certainly we would not be communicating with each other on this forum. Thank you to Debbie @dfish for the recipe. i am sure it will be good. However I will pass. My tummy will not tolerate that amount of tomatoes any more. The wine and drink sound good. i have not been to the port. Thank you to Sandi for the photos. Today we will continue working on finding a place for everything. Just too much stuff. Trying to get stuff done before Monday since after DH’s MOHS surgery he will not be able to do much for 10 days. Surgery is on his head. Happy that our house is power washed and our patio is nice and clean. We enjoyed having our cocktail out there last evening before dinner. Hope everyone has a great day Prayers for everyone, especially those on the Cares List. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising., Stay safe everyone and God Bless, Terri
  11. Good morning to all, While today is clean your room day, for us it is clean the outside of your house day. It will be power washed this morning and look shiny and bright. That way the Architectural Control Committee will have no problem with us. All houses in the community must be done by May 31 or you will be fined. We don’t have a business, small or big, and I do appreciate School Nurses, even though we do not have children. We have been to the port and have stayed in Malaga on our driving trips through Spain. The meal sounds good, but we may go out tonight for a change. Prayers for all on the Cares List and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. The weather is a bit cooler today. Yesterday it was in the 90s. Too hot to do the work that we had to do outside. Today I will tackle other stuff inside while our house is cleaned on the outside. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers, Debbie @dfish, Eva @superoma, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for keeping this thread going. @richwmn your cruise is coming to an end. Hope you had a great time and it was everything you wanted it to be. Have a great day everyone and God Bless, Terri
  12. Good afternoon everyone. I am exhausted. We had to remove all the patio furniture from the patio so that the house can be power washed tomorrow morning. Lots of work in 90 degree weather today. Thanks for all the positive comments about our legal woes. The truth is that this will take care of the Beaufort County end of the problem and have the checks from Capital One reissued. However, we are nowhere near finished with New York State. The case remains in the hands with their Estate Tax Department and will not get out of there until the checks are reissued and then, and only then, will New York State tell us what the tax is on the estate. i think we are looking at another year at least. So there we are. So we move on. Thank God we are not relying on this money for our livelihood. Tomorrow is an early day since the guy who will do the power washing will be here at 8 am. I am usually in my pjs at that time of the morning. Hoping that tomorrow I can try to finish my purging of the second closet and get those clothes to the Thrift shop by the end of the week. It just seems that there are too many things to do these days. Just can’t fit everything in one day. Prayers for everyone, especially those on the cares list. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Have a good day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  13. @StLouisCruisers Georgia Public Broadcasting will air the current episode of Call the Midwife at 3 am on May 13. Set your DVR and you won’t miss it. It was the season finale with Trixie’s wedding. Good show. As an update. I was in touch with Beaufort County Probate Court and they were very helpful. I really don’t need an attorney and they want minimal info and only one form completed with some documentation. It will take about 3 months to process but but it will get done. It should not be too hard to get done. Thanks to all who expressed concern for our situation. Terri
  14. Good Monday morning. It looks like it will be a nice sunny day here. i have been to Martinique but don’t have any photos. It appears that every time we have been there has been a Sunday and we ended up going to Mass at the Cathedral. A beautiful church. Most of the stores were closed. Today we will continue to see what we can do to on getting the situation with DBIL’s estate cleared up. I am sure that is going to take a good part of the day. We have an attorney in NY working on this and now it seems we need another down here in SC. I hope not. Another thing making me nervous is that it is 5 weeks to our cruise and we are far from ready to go. I have yet to know what we are going to do in the various ports. i have about 5 of them organized and many where we are still wondering what we will do. Wednesday the house gets power washed. Next Monday Jim has MOHS surgery on a spot on his head. On the 17th they will attempt to deliver another dryer. Still waiting for one that is not damaged. Adding to this we have decided to get another Covid booster before we leave. I think we want to do this soon so that we can deal with any reactions we may have. Note that aI usually have a polymyalgia flare-up after the vaccinations. I originally had thought of not getting another shot but after seeing how many people have returned from cruises with Covid, I decided that i was better off getting the vaccination than not. So we will do that at the end of next week. I did manage to sleep last night. I think I was so tired that nothing was going to keep me awake. I slept about 8 1/2 hours, which is pretty good for me. Went right to bed after watching the final episode of “Call the Midwife”. Love that program. Thank you to all that make this thread happen. @StLouisCruisers, @superoma, @dfish, @summer slope, @cat shepard. What would we do without you! Prayers for everyone on the Cares list. It makes me realize that my problems are small in comparison. I hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  15. Good Afternoon to all. Happy Sunday. I just finished reading all the posts from yesterday and today trying to catch up. i did not even begin to read Friday’s posts. Friday was a day to forget. We have hit a major snag in trying to settle DBIL’s estate. Rather than go into all the details, all I will say is that I will never ever do business with Capital One Bank after this is over. They are the most unreasonable people to deal with. They have withheld money for 1 1/2 years without cause and now are asking for documentation that is totally unnecessary according to our attorney. End of rant. Say a prayer this can be settled quickly without further ado. Thanks. Terrri
  16. Just remember nothing is “free”. It is included in the price of your fare. You are just not paying extra once you are on the cruise. Terri
  17. Good morning to all. I am going to make sure I post today. Yesterday we had no internet service all day. It was very frustrating. It went out about 10 am and finally came back some time about 9 pm. Never an explanation and never any compensation. Hope everyone is having a good day. Prayers for everyone on the cares list. And cheers to all celebrating. Have lots to do today. Yesterday I was not feeling well. Had some digestive problems that kept me from doing much. Time for some breakfast and get the show on the road around here. Take care everyone and God Bless, Terri
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