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Everything posted by Teeara

  1. Hi Deb! So what's your solo discount? Pam and I are thinking of booking our own separate cabins rather than sharing a suite. It's less expensive to do it that way.
  2. It's the flying expense that is holding us back, too. We're in the Boston area, so that flight home from Australia to Boston might be more expensive than the cruise itself, especially if we book Premium Economy or Business Class. I've done a 12+ hour flight in Economy going from Toronto to Tel Aviv and it wasn't pleasant. But at least I was sitting in a 2 row with my mom so we didn't mind snuggling up together during the flight. Not gonna do that with my roommate ;o)))
  3. Yes, and the storm looks eerily similar to what we just experienced on Monday. Windy, rain going sideways and lots of soggy shoes.
  4. I wonder if you'll have any pier runners today even though you're at the downtown dock.... ;o)
  5. Thanks! I miss that cabin. Pam and I spent the time saying we needed to build a house with one Wonder Owner's Suite for her and one for me! Toss in a craft room and big kitchen with pantry for me and a library and storage room for her and we would be set. She still has a torn meniscus and now she's having ankle issues. They think it's vascular. No blood clots and it isn't broken (she had a bunch of tests). Next appointment is next Thursday afternoon. She says the ankle bothers her more now than the knee. Both bothered her during our NYC trip last month for the Macy's parade. It hampered some of the things we wanted to do. Hopefully they can figure out what's wrong so she's good to go on the Panama Canal cruise next year. And tell Bucky he's going to have to sleep on the couch if he doesn't stop stealing the blankets! ;o)))
  6. I've broken down a world cruise into 7 segments. I'm NOT taking them consecutively. They will be taken over a span of many, many years. Last year was segment 1 - TA from Barcelona to FL (where I met Pat and Bucky in the SL every night). This year I skipped segment 2 and went straight to segment 3 since my mom wanted to do CA to HI. Next year is segment 2 - (Panama Canal) FL to CA. So segment 4 is a partial TP - HI to Australia. Segment 5 is Australia to Indonesia. Segment 6 is Indonesia to Dubai and Segment 7 is Dubai to Barcelona. They won't be all on RCI (last year's segment 3 was on the Royal Princess). We want to make sure we can afford a suite (or 1 balcony cabin for each of us individually) in each segment and that is easier financially doing them piecemeal than 1 big world cruise. We're also still working so we can only afford 2.5 - 3 weeks of vacation and each segment works within that time frame. We also don't have a ton of money, but enough to enable us to travel once a year on a big trip in a comfortable manner. Plus, there are other trips we want to take besides cruising. Right now I'm working on a trans-Canada road trip for 2026 with my roommate, my mom and my aunt. It will be a 3 week trip and has many logistical hurdles, the least of which is that my mom and my aunt will be in their 80s and I need to keep in mind that both of them use walkers. I'm loving every minute of planning it though ;o) So I do love the idea of a world cruise and am following several of the WCers on FB and YT. I'm enjoying it dreaming I was there, too, but will use it as a learning experience for my future segment planning.
  7. Oh, Wonder's suite area rocked. We had an Owners Suite for the WB TA last year and lived in it for the two weeks due to Covid fears (which we caught anyway). We'll be dreaming about that suite for years to come. And the Suite Sun Deck was delish.
  8. My roommate always brings her own hair care products. She says fixing her hair is like trying to tame a wild beast ;o)
  9. Are you required to have a minimum number of people in order to book a 2B GS?
  10. Totally agree. Ridiculous amount of money for a 7 day cruise in an interior cabin. Very sad that most families who they will be marketing to won't be able to afford it.
  11. Pack the topper! Have to say after that luxurious bed in the Owner's Suite on Wonder, I'm spoiled ;o) Do whatever it takes to be comfy onboard the ship. I hope you and Bucky have a great time, Pat!
  12. As long as you have no issue with medication that restricts your being in sunlight, then port side for the sun is fine. It does, however, get hot out there as you approach the Bahamas.
  13. Suez repo is on my bucket list (maybe in a decade or so 😉😄).
  14. Is there a particular time of year when fog is more of a concern than other times? Just curious since we're leaving on April 8 next year for a Panama Canal cruise.
  15. Grrrr....still waiting for Fall WB TA for Allure to drop. No, Harmony wasn't listed before. However, having Harmony drop allowed me to do some dummy bookings to get an idea on pricing. We could get a 2B Grand Suite or 1B ATS for about the same as what we paid for the Owner's Suite on Wonder's WB TA last year. Might have to work on the roommate to consider the ATS, although I don't think she wants to spend that much. We'll see....
  16. I would be more concerned with delays with customs in Miami. When we did the Wonder TA last fall there was a lengthy delay going through customs due to only a few agents working (this was at Port Canaveral, but I've heard that it can happen at any of the arrival ports). For ease of mind and less stress, either book a later in the day flight or stay overnight in Miami then take an early flight home the next day.
  17. It's crazy. We paid less than $5k each on the Wonder TA in our Owner's Suite. So glad we were able to enjoy that. We'll just stick with each of us having our own balcony cabin for the Allure WB TA in 2025.
  18. Thanks for sharing. Haven't heard anything about this.
  19. That sounds like us in the US and the Caribbean and Mexico itineraries. That's why we're changing things in 2026 to drive across Canada. New scenery! New food! ;o)
  20. Ouch. But you have to do it. Very disappointed that the Allure WB TA didn't drop this morning. I was really looking forward to booking it. The wait continues...........
  21. No WB Fall 2025 TAs on offer which makes me sad, but doing a dummy booking for the EB Spring 2025 TA on Allure was just nuts. Not happy with the prices at all. Itinerary was less than impressive, too, although they might be prepping the ship for dry dock for the crossing?
  22. I agree with you on the half-full. It was the same on the Wonder WB TA last year, too. Just lovely.
  23. Thanks for the clarification. I was extremely confused (not that that isn't hard to do right now as I sit on pins and needles waiting for the darn thing to open for booking).
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