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Everything posted by ceilidh1

  1. Oh-Oh...that's how it begins. Starting to sound like my VV cruise...
  2. I don't know what any of the football words mean, but what happened with the nachos? Enquiring minds need to know...
  3. In Vancouver, a dusting of snow is comparable to an East Coast whiteout...
  4. Have one for me, cause I'm freezing my wotsits off back home in arctic Canada!
  5. As a British/Canadian, I have to tell them they forgot the "U" šŸ˜œ
  6. Is he looking for a wife? Mistress? I know someone that would fit the bill nicely...and not fussy about age, either....
  7. Look at that handsome dude. I mean, obviously not young enough for me buuuuuttttt....šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
  8. For some reason I thought that was Mr Megan. And I haven't even had a drink yet!
  9. Bring on the shenanigans...sleep well. We need you on top of your game all week.
  10. oooof. I needed no encouragement. I still blame to Dominican rum. For the first time, anyways....šŸ¤£
  11. #jealous I love those SoCal margs!!!! Is the dog there? He seems to be a regular - or at least he has been there each time I have!
  12. Iā€™m already wishing I were in Miami instead of -14degree Vancouver!
  13. I can't even imagine the shenanigans if you and I were on this one, too!
  14. Fellow Tribey here for the ride!!! Get the shenanigans started!
  15. We got snow over here in the Pacific North West today! Only in Vancouver, Canada, can they warn about the snow all week then, when it arrives (and I'm talking a dusting of 1cm at most) the entire city grinds to a halt. C'mon people. This is meant to be Canada.
  16. I definitely had my fair share of ups and downs that week...šŸ˜œ
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