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Everything posted by lissie

  1. You may have t o declare it - we have energy bars and chocolate here for sale in every shop!
  2. Still not decided about the wine tastings - given the current increase in case numbers I want to avoid group settings in buses and particularly unmasked eating/drinking - I really don't want to be denied boarding in SF! We may do Muir Woods instead
  3. I will -we don't board until the 24th - so won't bore you with Hawaii and SF pre-cruise!
  4. Get all the booster's you are due - one thing with Omicron is that its not the same disease as 2 years ago. I'm healthy 60 F my partner is a 70 M with heart failure, diabetes etc etc - he had the exact same symptoms as me when he got Omicron off me in May - we've both had worse colds in the past. I don't believe the antivirals are perscribed here unless you are a very immunocompromised have serious COPD or similar
  5. Just wear your favourite green gown - there is no way you need something different for every formal night -accessorize differently and no one will notice
  6. I will investigate further - the machine is dual voltage it can handle 110V We could buy one of these a few days into the cruise in LA if needed.
  7. I'll tell Cunard we only got the cpap the day before leaving home - so I'm not adding that to the list of things to do! I'm also not carrying a 5m extension cord either -the cpap is bad enough! I can't believe the Cunard are happy to run an extension the width of the cabin - talk about a trip hazard! We don't however need distilled water -no mention of that - tap water is apparently fine - and the ship's water is probably less mineralized that our home tap supply anyways. The machine is a current model dual voltage machine which although NZ designed is sold into the USA market too - so I doubt its anything special.
  8. Wow that's pretty outrageous - I was told not to test within 90 days of infection - so haven't. Note that you can test within 2 days for departures ex USA - not24 hours Preparing to sail - At the terminal - Cunard cruises
  9. Not in the circumstance described above - it happens that you may test positive long after you are recovered and not infectious - not everyone - but some.
  10. I looked long and hard for a power point near the bed in an inside deluxe on QE - I wanted to plug a device in. Now we maybe faced with having a cpap in tow I assume that cunard will provide the extension cord as I'm 99% sure there is no way to plug in next to the bed (which is nuts)
  11. Yup - I have lists and when I get home I highlight what didn't get used. Now sometimes I will still carry it e.g. I sometimes don't use my swimsuit but I'm an optimist so I always bring it
  12. That's true - I really want to take coffee bags for my next cruise -but have decided to buy them in the port rather than fly from home. I may have watched too much Border Force NZ /Australia!
  13. I assume the QE is the same as QV for cabin design? There was definitely one UK plug - but the others were US and EU - as none of them natively fit my NZ /AU plugs I'm carrying a EU and US adaptor but leaving the bulky UK one at home. Around the ship I never noticed - I'll have a look
  14. Well we are totally tempting fate because we fly out of NZ in 2 days - 10 days before we hopefully get on the ship in SF - if we test positive I guess we'll need a new plan to get to Barcelona. We are basically packed except I'd totally forgotten about makeup and then decided its all probably at least 2 years old and probably much older so I bought some new stuff - well new foundation, and lip gloss anyways. And we still don't know whether he will have to drag a cpap along or not - that's tomorrow's appointment. But we don't leave until the evening of the day after so all good!
  15. Yes really remote sure - but towns generally have sewerage - this was a town of maybe 5000 pop
  16. I wasn't refused entry - oddly I was returning from one of the few countries in the world that NZ did not require a pre-departure test from. I was isolated at home for 7 days- but that's no different if I got it at my local shopping centre.
  17. Don't ever take food of a cruise ship in Australia/NZ - its in breach of our biosecurity and you will be hit with an instant $400 fine - same as if arrive at the airport with a packed lunch! A pre-packaged sealed snack maybe ok but still needs to be declared. Its much easier just to go to a cafe or restaurant. I can't even imagine needing to snack in the evening on a cruise ship LOL
  18. NZ does extensive wastewater testing - its unbelievably accurate. In one case when we had zero covid in the community prior to Covid - they tracked one family in a rural town!
  19. To be fair when I got Covid I was totally convinced it was a mild cold as I'd been nowhere inside for a week (I was on a tropical island), and I had such minor symptoms - the only reason I tested was because it was a requirement for re-entering NZ - I was amazed to discover I had covid
  20. Merino wool is my go to travel fabric outside of very hot / tropical climates. I've just packed for a 3.5 month trip and although we are mainly in hot/tropical environments I still have a merino short-sleeved top and a merino singlet - the singlet is mainly for layering - and so I don't freeze leaving home mid-winter this week - but can also work as something to sleep in. My flash evening pants (for Cunard) are also black merino and I'll wear them if its starts getting cooler in Europe in October. My partner has a long-sleeved t-shirt and mid-weight sweater/jumper - he's taking those instead of a jacket/coat for Europe in October
  21. Just about to do a proper back we leave in 4 days - its one long trip so we are away for 3.5 months
  22. Maybe they have double the machines?
  23. Its in my sig- Cunard Queen Elizabeth its her repositioning from Alaska to Barcelona - for us the appeal is the Panama Canal and exotic ports like Bermuda and Madeira. We dislike the overnight flight to the west coast so are breaking it up with 5 days in Hawaii before we have 5 days in SF before embarkation.
  24. Its not your residence - its which version of Cunard's contract you signed up for - I think the UK version is the only one that makes insurance mandatory
  25. May have to - we managed to get insurance this time for my partner's pre-existing conditions - but at some point the last company in the country that will cover him will say no. What does he do then - stay home and wait to die? He's 69
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