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Everything posted by lissie

  1. As above - that's what pockets are for! Though I must admit that never ever have I carried a hair brush with me! Glasses went in a pocket before I got bifocals. When I travel I carry a cross-body - but specifically on a ship where I'm never far from my room ... I really don't get it. You don't need a towel - they have them on the pool deck You can always go back for another layer if the weather changes dramatically. I don't wear make up, I put suntan lotion on before I leave the cabin (its not effective if you put it on after you get in the sun). If I need my laptop or kindle I carry them in my hand or over my shoulder
  2. I don't use lip balm- and i always keep tissues in a pocket even when I do have a bag with me.
  3. On Cunard the "app" will only give you a current account - it doesn't do anything else I will carry my phone if I want to refer to the daily schedule which I take pictures of. But I quite often don't need my phone. The wifi on board is bad to unusable and expensive
  4. I have pockets - card in one phone in other or my camera over my shoulder - I have no idea why youd need anything else on board
  5. Having been to all of them I can confirm that deck 4 has 3 drys and washers and the other -decks 4 through 8 have 2. HOWEVER what is unknown is how many are out of service - I know one washer and one dryer on deck 4 were out of service for weeks on our cruise and still not fixed on 29 Aug when we left
  6. It was unusable from SF to Cadiz in July/August - as in - you couldn't download your emails unusable! Forget about loading a website. Once we got to the Med - and the last week around Spain and Italy - it was useable - slow but OK. Call my cynical but I suspect that on the relocation to Australia it will be bad once we leave the Med - maybe OK when we get ot Australia. The middle east is an expensive place to get any sort of connection on roaming and my impression was that Cunard was paying as little as possible for their connection
  7. Thanks Roscoe! Oops re the rep - he'd have been in trouble - this is the description we have from Cunard Safaga > The Temple of Karnak > Buffet lunch at a leading hotel > Drive across the Nile to the Valley of the Kings > Statues of Amenophis III, known as the Colossi of Memnon (photo stop) > Temple of Luxor (photo stop) > Safaga Local guide, Egyptologists Buffet lunch with soft drink, mineral water or coffee/tea at a leading hotel Snack pack Photo opportunites
  8. We are booked on it - there is really no practical way to get to Luxor - it’s at least 2 hours maybe more to the town - and the road has issues with security - I wouldn’t risk a non Cunard excursion for this -. We are not impressed with lunch at a fancy hotel May do our own thing at that time depending on where we actually are. no one will hve actual expenses as they haven’t done this route since covid
  9. Just got the email for our 10 October departure from Barcelona- absolutely no mention of where to get an observed test in Barcelona! It’s their slipping home port for the summer you’d think they could include a link or 2? I can probably figure it out but they don’t make it easy for the average cruise passenger who are often not experienced independent travelers
  10. There were plenty isolated with Covid on our cruise across the Atlantic to BCN - no one was put off as far as i know - I think you are confusing stuff that happened last year.
  11. I can get seasick on a lake. The only thing that works for me Scopoderm patches. I've tried herbial, bands, dramine etc etc. Scopoderm kept it under control while in the southern ocean on a small boat. Many people were sick - I was sick in the end but it got rid of the nausea - and that is what makes it so miserable. We came of the QE after 34 days and I started feeling movement the 2nd morning - so I got my partner to put a patch on before I got out of bed (lying horizontal is a cure for me but somewhat inconvenient) - it lasts 3 days and after that I didn't need it again It was a flat crossing (we were on SF to Barcelona) - except between Azores and Maderia although the swell wasn't high we were sailing across it and several people weren't happy about it - but I'd got my sealegs and I was fine. If I was he - I'd put the patch on 12 hours before sailing - its truly a game changer
  12. You have everything to look forward to - great news that mask wearing is back to protect the crew and all of you. WE wore masks for 34 days in July/Aug- still had a great time -btw the Cunard masks are the most comfortable I've worn - I have a small stockpile of them now!
  13. You don't need a sports coat - what you need are collared shirts and slacks for the smart casual nights. For formal nights you need either a dark suit or a tux (which you can hire) . So yes you can just don't expect to dine in the MDR on formal nights. Note that the dress code no longer seems to apply elsewhere in the ship (personal observation from our recent cruise)
  14. Provided on disembarkation for steerage and all classes
  15. Hang it in the shower - job done - but seriously no one will notice or care except you. I wear chiffon a lot on board mainly because it doesn't need ironing. In fact we are using the cheap laundry deal - 15 items for $20 to get all my partner's shirts washed and ironed - he doesn't normally because he wears a jacket on gala nights and otherwise rocks the rumpled look - but why not for that price! Our only issue was that we struggled to find 15 items to put in the bag. My very light weight wash and wear clothes I hand wash because they shouldn't really go through a dryer. I've never used Cunard laundry in the past - now I'm rather in love with it! Top tip - the liquid soap works very well for hand washing
  16. I'm on QE now - I wear black mid calf skirt and a floaty top for gala nights he wears a dark suit white shirt and silk tie. We look ike about 50 % of people some are more dressed up some less.
  17. The review will have to wait - the only time the internet is usable on a laptop (rather than the phone) is late at night - and CC is horrible on mobile! SF was awesome - but so cold! We wore all our clothes all the time!
  18. Yup - I saw the patient go on board - he was walking and made the step from ship to ship with aid. Hopefully he's OK - we are now pedal to the metal and heading to see. BTW the wifi works perfectly fine around 6-7pm and after 11pm through to about 6am - so adjust your schedules accordingly.
  19. Will do - have it written down on paper in case the internet fails again LOL
  20. Wearing a mask is the difference - you cant eat masked hence the prohibiton
  21. They've already tested all of us staying on after FL - so that's not the reason - I suspect that Bermuda threw up another issue - I don't care so long as we get our $40 back - though i hope the internet is better than it has been to date!
  22. I was hoping that was the case we have a boarding time of midday in SF - but probably won't get there until 1pm or later and hoping the queues will have gone by then.
  23. Every government has some variation of a public health act which allows those who are infectious and a risk to others to be detained and stopped from making others sick! Typhoid Mary was in NYC and she got detained - and its wasnt a nice balcony cabin on a cruise ship either. The captian makes the law on the cruise ship (wll probably head office these days - but really its nothing to do with your passport)
  24. Should think so they still have them at the airports - we don't have any cruises at the moment post covid - they are approved to come but its the middle of winter - they will restart in October Ithink
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