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Everything posted by edgee

  1. No mention to me, but a frequent reviewer posted that he was told Oceania would be addressing the problem. I have seen no specifics about whether it will have to wait until dry dock or can be done during ongoing operations. One very partial, but easy fix IMHO would be to install forward facing sound bars on tvs to eliminate sound from back of tvs pointing directly toward poorly insulated wall. Lots of discussion of that on other threads.
  2. After two cruises totalling 27 nights on Vista, highly unlikely we will cruise on her again. The noise between the cabins issue is pervasive. Those who have not had a problem are lucky. Period. Does not matter location or type of cabin, according to my conversations with the General Manager. One's ability to enjoy the cruise, based on luck of having quiet neighbors is unacceptable. Understand that Regent Grandeur (built in same shipyard shortly after Vista) has the same issue.
  3. Through a combination of sources my wife and I have $400 each in shipboard credit (not to be confused with SM excursion credit) for an upcoming cruise. Is this treated by Oceania as $800 for the cabin,or can each of us only spend our own $400? For example, if she purchases a $550 spa services package for the cruise, can she draw from our $800 combination of credits, or would she be charged on the credit card the $150 difference in excess being spent over her $400. Reason I ask is that I know that SM excursion credit cannot be shared between cabin occupants..wondering if it is the same for "regular" non refundable credit.
  4. IME, for good or bad, Oceania and Regent miss more ports than any other cruise company. In about 15 cruises with the company, I believe in one of them we made every port as originally scheduled. Their manner of decision making is a positive if you believe that they err on the side of caution. I just know that in 30 plus cruises with non NCL owned companies, I can count on one hand the number of times we have missed a port. Occasionally Oceania and Regent do not even give a reason for missing a port or significantly shortening the time in a port. They just say "for operational reasons."
  5. I have not sailed Avalon but read that they now offer an alternative buffet dinner for those who do not want to do a sit down multi course dinner in the dining room. Has anyone experienced this option? Trying to confirm if it is true.
  6. I am a pretty good researcher, but have been unable to find out which river cruise lines have ships that dock in Honfleur other than Scenic. Can you tell me others? Thank you.
  7. We have recently been to ports where we got an apology that shuttles were not available due to taxi union rules.
  8. Generally agree with you except they also threw in another excuse for not doing below PH categories....supposedly not enough time in the drydock...which of course they themselves scheduled🤔. I too really enjoyed the addition of Aquamor and enhanced Waves offerings on Vista and am looking forward to enjoying them on Marina when I embark next week. Just glad that when I booked this a long time ago, I decided to splurge (for the first time in 10 O cruises) on a PH.
  9. The ships seem wonderful based on videos I see on YouTube. Did you book through a travel agent or directly with Riverside? I have not seen a U.S travel agency which shows on their website that they book Riverside cruises. Just concerned about booking with a company that does not even have a U.S. phone number.
  10. Oceania's now retired founding father Frank Del Rio stated after the R class ships were refurbished beginning in 2018 that they were undergoing their final refurbish, as their useful life had only a few more years to go., or words to that effect.
  11. So if we taxi from cruise port to our hotel, no problem paying with a credit card...correct? Also, are taxis readily available at the port?
  12. I do not believe I was incorrect. I acknowledged that there was some grousing about the decision at the time. Main point was the inclusive move was eventually accepted and appreciated. Crystal continued to be successful and loved by guests, until other factors intervened several years later. Also, the quality of enrichment and entertainment did not suffer in any way. Thus, I was pointing what IMO is the false choice of including laundry or keeping quality enrichment.
  13. Oh good grief. We've already been through all of this, discussing the "luxury" of having it included, vs. paying several bucks for each pair of socks, for example. I see many Crystal cheerleaders who talk about how classy/ wonderful it is to have drinks included...not having to pull out your card every time a cocktail is served. When Crystal began including alcohol and other drinks about twelve years ago, I did not see the false choice being raised about how enrichment would suffer...maybe a little bit of "you're paying for it somewhere," but mostly praise. Now even the suggestion of Crystal including another benefit now trending in the luxury cruise market brings out cynical comments with the implication that if Crystal doesn't or can't offer it, it isn't a good idea, anyway.
  14. edgee


    Ocean friendly and less effective IMHO. Also, on Vista the machines have a not pleasant mildew like smell, which can happen with front loading washers unless you leave the doors open when not in use. (We used to have one at home.) Between less than stellar laundry detergent and slightly stinky washers our laundry we did on the ship lacked a fresh smell...had a slightly unpleasant odor to it.
  15. Dominique is wonderful. During our recent two cruises on Vista he stood at the bottom of the gangway as we came down headed for a shore excursion. One day, as usual, he greeted me with a smile. Then simultaneously with pointing out that my shoe was untied, he got down on one knee and tied it for me. It was an embarrassingly (for me) wonderful level of service from a great, caring guy. He also was the bearer of the bad news I learned in a discussion with him, of the reasoning (legal liability) that NCLH companies do not enforce chair hogging issue, as they are not allowed to remove personal belongings from loungers. He did not say he agreed with it, merely that it was corporate policy. I appreciated his candor.
  16. I think while a couple of hundred bucks for laundry service during the course of a cruise is comparatively trivial, folks balk at the thought of paying a specified amount per laundry item such as $3 to have a pair of socks washed or $5 for a pair of gym shorts, etc. etc. On the other hand if, the cruise fare is $200 higher with included laundry service being a contributing factor, they gladly pay the fare and marvel at the "wonderful" inclusion. I guess same could be said about Crystal's wonderful entertainment and enrichment sessions...you are paying for them in the fare. On the other hand, if you do not appreciate or want that level/quality of entertainment you can go on another luxury cruise line and be satisfied with much lesser entertainment/enrichment quality or load up your kindle or visit the game room and entertain yourself.
  17. Some folks do care. Significantly adds to the luxury experience.
  18. Have never wired funds to Celebrity and I play a great deal in the casino. I just apply for a line of credit, get approved, take out markers to play and bring a check with me to pay any debt at the end of the cruise. Easy.
  19. But on Regent you do get it free...so Regent gets the point on that one comparatively small issue. Geesh...some other cruise lines do a FEW things better than Crystal... but on the whole Crystal wins by a good margin IMHO.
  20. As many have said, it is good to have choice. Regent offers choice with nice self serve laundry facilities on every deck as well as included great/quick turnaround laundry service. Regent offers more choices in that than one aspect than Crystal. Check one in the comparison box where Regent is better. Period. Now if you want to talk about enrichment, entertainment, customer focused attention, excursion opportunities, dedication of staff, could go on and on...we know where those boxes are checked.
  21. Would be great if they copied Regent model where everybody gets free laundry including pressing...24 hour turnaround. Leave it in bag on your bed before nightly turndown..back before dinner next day.
  22. First night in the moment observations are not a fair indication of demand and available reservation slots.
  23. I am understanding of the need for such a pace. Fact that there are fewer available specialty restaurant slots available than can meet demand is a probable reason for slightly faster pace than many would like. As a courtesy to fellow guests I am willing to tolerate a pace which us a bit on the fast side.
  24. I respect your opinions and almost always find your postings most insightful. However on this one, I respectfully disagree. I think making the slight extra effort to obtain a small amount of foreign currency for tips is a way of showing respect for citizens of the country I am visiting.
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