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Everything posted by loman

  1. The suite concierge is supposed to contact you . If you dont hear from them call in a week prior to the cruise . They will book all shows and dining for you. They were trying to contact me through my old work email which i had deleted from my contact info 3 years ago . But i was getting daily emails from RC on my personal email, so i dont know.
  2. I put everything away in our cabin as i dont want other people to handle my stuff especially our things in the bathroom. That counter is clear for sure.
  3. Yep , we leave our room nice and tidy other than making the bed. As i was walking by an open door once, i looked in and the room looked like a crime scene , only thing missing was the body. I looked down the hall expecting the CSI folks to appear .
  4. You seem to have missed the point entirely , but thats ok, carry on .
  5. I would put the important stuff ( passports, id , and cash ) in the safe . Its there specifically for items like this.
  6. I agree , 2 bathrooms plus close to the suite lounge and coastal kitchen. My wife liked the wider hallways on 17 also.
  7. I do know that you will pay the upgraded gratuity amount for the suite. I do know that you will not get double points if you upgrade from a balcony or an inside to a suite. I have read that you will get the suite benefits that go along with the suite. Someone will need to confirm this as i cant find it in the RCCL site.
  8. Correction ...That would be disembarkation day .
  9. On embarkation day the concierge asked me to meet him in a lounge on deck 5 of Allure at 8:15 am, so he could assist with the task. I walked right out without breaking stride just following the few people ahead of me. I wonder what he would of done differently had i followed his instruction. It would of delayed my departure had i followed his request. And perhaps my pocket would of been a tad lighter .🙂 I also didnt use them for anything the entire cruise.
  10. They just raised the gratuity rate recently , and now they cut the level of service, but i guess you missed that .
  11. I was going to mention the flies all over the food , but it looks like its already been established. I go back to the ship to eat .🙂
  12. My formal is black jeans and a button down shirt . I wont be packing a blazer anymore.
  13. Cool speech , and he`s a Black Sabbath fan i see, with the hand sign at the end.🤘 😂
  14. We used to collect them ( on RC ) and bring them home to eat after the cruise.
  15. I needed tums on my last cruise , had to wait until we docked in Cozumel . Found them in one of the stores on the pier. Added them to my list of meds to take with me on the next cruise.
  16. Was at the Riverside hotel in Fort Lauderdale having breakfast in their restaurant and a robot came out with our order . There was a few tables occupied as it was early and it blew us all away. Nobody was expecting it. I was so amused i forgot to tip it personally. I would of liked to put a few bucks on his tray as it retreated back to the kitchen.
  17. That appears to be closer than what i remember on the allure. Most people couldnt squeeze through that slit . I hope there is access for the table on the left on the other side.
  18. I dont see it being an issue for me personally . They should reduce the gratuity amount though. Its a cost cutting measure as i see it.
  19. Oasis class has lots to offer. Just an fyi ... the Allure doesnt have the big slides yet, as the others do.
  20. Congratulations on your diagnosis. You may want to see a doctor though before you leave as it may a bacterial infection and he can prescribe penicillin. I was sick for a week and went to the walk in clinic ... had an infection in my throat, got the medication and was better in a few days. It speeds up the healing real quick. Enjoy your cruise !
  21. So , i guess more cruisers will be packing a george foreman and do their own grilling on the balcony ? 🤣 I was planning a harmony cruise next year , but based on the reviews , i guess i will be brown bagging it. 😂
  22. No matter , i need to have access to the outside . Its priceless 🙂
  23. I dont do insides either, always book balconies for the 10 minutes per day that i use it. 🙂
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