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Everything posted by loman

  1. My last venture to the Indian food place, i watched one of my mates eat some sort of green pepper. His head turned a shiny bright red color and i swear i could see steam emanating from his face. Sweat pouring off his chin. As i was casually eating my flatbread i asked him how he was enjoying his meal. He said it was good. ( I think he was not telling the truth , lol )🤣
  2. I tried Indian food a few times with my workmates several years ago. Just couldnt handle it . The last time my clothes reeked so bad i left them in the basement as i didnt want to infest the bedroom. I went to an Indian wedding , the flatbread was fine.🙂
  3. I drink the water offered at cafe promenade . Cold and wet , just the way i like it. No extra charge and Delicious too ! 😀
  4. Im with you on Mamma Mia . Will see Grease in a few months but will sit on the end of the row just in case 🙂
  5. Try the machine in the suite lounge also. More variety of coffee there.
  6. i booked a cruise last month and now its up 600.00 ( total for 2 )
  7. Try the dining room for dinner. Many people find the food agreeable . You may want to try the 3 day dining package to compare the two. Although formal attire is suggested on the 2 formal nights many people dress casually now. No need for formal wear if you choose not to. Oasis class is a nice choice. As another poster mentioned , check out the youtube videos. Lots of information available. Enjoy your cruise !
  8. Call RC and ask for the concierge dept. I had to call , and found out they were using my old work email that i updated 3 years prior.
  9. If you need a chip fix, go to the windjammer and have some french fries .🙂
  10. I dont book any flight before noon. Too close for my comfort zone any earlier than that.
  11. You have to ask for them now. They dont put them on the counter like they used to. They had lays and sun chips a few months ago.
  12. 1702 shares a wall with coastal kitchen. 1764 doesnt.. Has a wider hallway too.
  13. The heat should automatically be cranked up when people leave the balcony door open. That`ll learn them.😂
  14. I recall another thread where a pax suggested if its two of you , you could actually spread it over 4 days if you start in the middle of one day say at 2 pm and go to the next day until 2 pm. Then the next person start their free 24 hr period over the next two days mid afternoon .
  15. I agree with trying Oasis class also. Having been on most of the classes , i am only sailing on this class now.
  16. I might have one chocolate whatever the whole cruise so it doesnt really matter to me . Muffins are ok. I do have ice cream a couple of times in MDR and thats pretty good.
  17. Your husband is way nicer than me .🤣 I would of ended up with less friends.
  18. Yep. i tie red christmas ribbon around the handles , you can spot it easily on the carousel at the airport. I do self assist at the ship so one mishap averted.
  19. Anybody that doesnt check the name tag on a black piece of luggage is an idiot.
  20. I have MTD in the Fall on the Harmony at 6:30 pm. Hope they have it sorted out by then.
  21. We did the same , tried Oasis class , and now we only sail this class. Last 3 cruises were Allure . Great ship !
  22. Its a great improvement over what we used to do. I really disliked donning the lifejacket and lining up outside in the florida heat back in the old days. Sitting in the aqua theatre wasnt much better if you were in the sun.
  23. Meh, I could care less what the room arrangement is . Even on Allure there was about a foot of space to get into the closet if the bed was by the bathroom. As long as we both weren`t trying to get into the closet at the same time it was acceptable to me.( which was never the case ) And its only for a week , so i can adapt for the short time on the ship. On my next cruise on Harmony the bed is by the balcony . I pick the room location without regard of the layout.
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