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Everything posted by loman

  1. I cant handle the heat and especially the humidity at the aqua theatre . I tried watching a game there once and ran back to the air conditioned indoor venues. The on air club was my choice.
  2. I booked a cruise last week and now its 550.00 more . It was the same price for several weeks prior to this increase. I was hoping for a price reduction so i could call RC and get the re-price. Prices do fluctuate .
  3. We dont cruise with others either . In fact we tend not to tell anybody we are going in case they get some funny idea to join us . We may casually mention it close to the cruise date when the cruise is hopefully sold out.🙂
  4. I tend to find Caribbean air very high in humidity , so leaving the door open wont help comfort wise. The cabin will be hot and also very humid.
  5. My mock booking was exactly the same as the agent quoted me. The agent ( Becky ) was phenomenal . Gave her a 10/10 on the follow up survey. She told me to book my MTD reservations now as that was open . And to check closer to sale date for the entertainment bookings. I have always had very good RC agents whenever i book .
  6. I check the website and do a mock booking first . This gives you the cost . Then i call RC and book with an agent . You can ask them if any other cabins are available that are in a better location. Have your credit card ready for the deposit. They will tell you when final payment is due. Then they will send you an email with the details . I did this last week for a fall cruise.
  7. I get water at Cafe Promenade . Its cold and wet .
  8. I would pick the ship out of the Miami cruise terminal as its much closer to the airport. Ships are both Oasis class , so not a whole lot of difference.
  9. I called in last week around noon to book a cruise . They pick up real quick for new bookings .Within a minute . I make sure i get what i need so i dont have to call back and the agent was as pleasant as could be. I have to say i have been very lucky , and have never had an issue getting through . Gave the agent a 10/10 on the survey .
  10. Try to get on early and go to the windjammer buffet . Way more food options and seating.
  11. Muster station first and then join the mayhem at the windjammer . I treat it like a challenge to get a table and food.🙂
  12. They had them on Allure a few months ago along with those sun chips. I asked for them as they were not displayed on the counter.
  13. Tried it once on the Anthem several years ago for the novelty and that was it for that one.
  14. I have been on many Oasis class ships and not once did i have the desire to get on it.
  15. I like this arrangement as you dont have to wait for the people next to you to get their food before you start eating. But you can chit chat with them until the food arrives.
  16. And check your coverage once you reach 65 . My credit card coverage only goes to 4 days of coverage rather that the 7 days it used to offer. And you need to have stability with meds 180 days rather than 90 days. And some wont cover you if you have two comorbidities. This is what i found out up here in Canada.
  17. I was considering using a TA on cruise i was looking at, but after reading this thread i think i will go back to looking after things myself. Thanks Twangster . 🙂
  18. So do we . Usually around 8:30 am. We stroll right off . The facial recognition speeds things up too.
  19. Yep , im with you on that one. Why would you want to shlep all your luggage around especially if you get on early and the rooms arent ready until 1 pm
  20. The novelty does wear off quickly . Tried it once the Anthem several years ago .
  21. The serenity . You escape the madhouse of the main dining room , and the service is more personalized . No line ups to get in. And you dont get the singing waiters forced to sing while you wave your napkin in the air.
  22. Not much of a perk at that level. You need to get a few more cruises in to hit the diamond level to get any meaningful perks . ( 4 free drinks per day and access to the diamond lounge for free expresso ) So you have some work ahead of you to jump to the next level. Get busy planning more cruises ! 😀
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