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Everything posted by loman

  1. My juice boxes come with a straw πŸ˜‚
  2. LOL , Hey , you never know when your phone will die. Its like going skydiving without a backup chute . What can go wrong ... lol 🀣
  3. I print out a hard copy of most things also . I put it in a folder and keep it in my carry on . Everything is on my phone too .
  4. All Guests, All Aboard Updated August 22, 2022 | Effective September 5, 2022 We’re making it easier for more guests to sail with Royal Caribbean. Unvaccinated travelers can join us for almost all U.S. sailings. Starting with September 5th departures, guests who are not vaccinated can sail on almost all cruises from the U.S. (except itineraries that visit Canada or Bermuda). More details. Testing protocols will be easier Starting with September 5th, for U.S. cruises that don’t visit Canada or Bermuda: Vaccinated guests won’t have to take a pre-cruise test on cruises that are shorter than 10 nights. Unvaccinated guests age 5 and up will need to test within 3 days before boarding, regardless of cruise length. We will begin accepting results from self-administered home tests. See full testing details Requirements in other regions Starting September 5th, guests who are not vaccinated can also sail on European cruises. Currently published testing and vaccination requirements remain in place for cruises from Australia and Singapore; cruises that depart from or visit Canada or Bermuda; and transatlantic sailings, until further notice. To see current protocols by port of departure, visit our Getting Ready to Cruise page.
  5. Question if you dont mind, can i use the older version ( 7 ) as i cant access the newer version ( 9 ) on my xr iphone or my wifes 12 iphone. People at the Apple store said the app isnt available yet on the app store.
  6. I checked in just after midnight when it opened up . Picked 11 am . Used my iphone on the app to grab my timeslot and finished up later on in the day with the rest of the information required . I have to check out of the hotel so i wanted a morning slot rather than a late slot. Didnt want to pass some time waiting around in the terminal if i got a late time.
  7. Sounds frustrating , hope it works out for you. I booked my check in time a couple of minutes after midnight for a FLL departure to the Caribbean, through the app, on my iphone. Worked like it was supposed to , picked my time and left everything else for the morning to complete . When it works , it does go smoothly . Good luck !
  8. Oh well , guess id better go back to planning for the worst πŸ€₯
  9. Im on Allure too , lucky we dodged a bullet there 🀣
  10. Yep , me too . 🀣 I have one coming up and i intend to have a marvelous time .
  11. So... plan for the worst and hope for the best ?
  12. Nice catch ! My cruise is after September 5th .πŸ˜ƒ Lets see when RC makes the announcement .
  13. I booked my check in time at midnight . I used the app on my iphone as it was available a minute or two after midnight . I got the 11 am check in time. The app only needs your check in time . You can add the other info later.
  14. Ah , the glory years ! Franco , the immaculate one πŸ™‚
  15. Granted its only preseason but ill take it . Get to see some first round picks do their thing. Kenny Pickett had a good outing in Pittsburgh yesterday .
  16. We each bring a 26 inch piece of luggage and everything fits in the drawers and closet in a standard balcony cabin. We dont bring any of the accessories for extra storage .
  17. Our cabin has nothing in the way of the attendant when they come in to clean up. Everything put away including bathroom toiletries . I like to peer into cabins when the door is open, some look like crime scenes , All thats missing is the bodyπŸ˜† .
  18. He was leading everyone on the way out to safety.πŸ˜‚
  19. We take a small purse like travel bag with meds , documents , and socks and underwear , just in case luggage is lost.
  20. Ok , something to think about , What if the pax before you used a drawer to store their dirty underwear. There , i said it . lolπŸ˜† And i have seen videos of people storing their shoes on the shelves , rather than the floor where they are supposed to be. I put my nice clean folded clothes on those shelves . Thats why we wipe stuff down. I dont mind if you dont though . Its ok with me. πŸ™‚
  21. Not too much gets by me , lol 😁 Brilliant acting and writing, best comedy ever.
  22. Ya , we wipe down the inside of the drawers too . You dont know what was in there before you got there . We leave them open to dry and air out before we put anything in them .
  23. I dont typically eat them but , the french fries are really good as soon as they put a fresh batch out. I take a few as a side , with a carved meat and some gravy.
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