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Everything posted by zap99

  1. We don't know Harry and probably never will. I have lots I would like to say but won't. I would support Harry and Megan 100%.
  2. We decided to go with Celebrity to the Fjords. We went on Britannia previously and thought that was about big enough. Next year we have booked Azura and Iona to the Canaries. Sometimes we will use big ships and sometimes the smaller ships. Both are fine, but horses for courses.
  3. Our post has just arrived. 2 cards and a tax code. No junk today.
  4. The stuff the haven't told may be even more interesting.
  5. Must be a shock for them to go on strike and folk not noticing much.
  6. I have, lots. Sailing boats.🤣
  7. We arrive on the Friday flight in February, si will probably pop into a shop in Tenerife, just to help out.
  8. Our fresh air contains lots of water. You don't want a lungful of that, but nice to be able to turn the heating down a bit.
  9. Perhaps Harry and Meghan have an interesting tale to tell.
  10. We like the nice new ships. Many folk who only like the little old boats, have sailed on neither for yonks.
  11. Bad news Jean. Fred Pontin gave up years ago.
  12. I don't think that. I like the old vintage ships. Our first cruise was on Island Escape. That was a proper cruise ship, nothing like a car ferry.🤣
  13. Some may think Aurora looks a bit like a car ferry.
  14. She is called Arvia and looks stunning. The little ones, as you call them, were mega monsters once.
  15. We haven't got anything booked on her yet. Much tooo big for us, no interest at all. We will stick to the little old ships . Like Iona and Britannia .🤣
  16. Not long now. We are getting quite excited. We hope the rain holds off so we can pop down and witness the arrival. If you can't see her arrive ' live ' there will no doubt be a few videos posted.
  17. Our cruise confirmation calls us passengers and gives our cabin number, is yours different?.
  18. We are more stuffistikated down south. We use ministatements and cheque book stubs. At least DW does, I just spend cash from my pocket money.........Do you need another tenner this week, or are you OK?.🤔
  19. I went to a meeting just before I retired. They were doing a presentation on the monthly budgets with all their clever clog spreadsheets. I could see an error in one of the rows ( as a wind up I got a slide rule out of my case ) the figure in that cell is wrong , I had done the sum in my head. They didn't know what a sliderule was, so it got them a bit frightened. Lots of fun that was.🤣
  20. My Nigerian Prince friend keeps track of my investments for me. They must be doing OK as I haven't heard much from him recently.😉
  21. Stay safe while you watch Mrs K going to the dustbin check the birds water. We use a bird bath for that. Your lucky, I defrosted the car yesterday and the blooming thing has frosted up again this morning. Off to see DW's family for lunch, so will turn off the smart meter while we are out. That should save a few bob and pay for the diesel.🤣
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