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Everything posted by zap99

  1. Perhaps I misunderstood. I looked at CP on Sunday and no trips were.......just had another look. There they all are.🤣.Look quite reasonable. Thanks for steering me in the right direction. That direction probably being St trop, or Casis, although Castellet looks interesting. I think the mini-train may miss out this time.🤔
  2. We have prepaid tips. The cabin steward may get a bit extra. We have already paid 18% on top for drinks and speciality restaurants.
  3. I was looking at your posts on the other OBC thread from early July and must admit, I'm a little confused. No change there then🤣
  4. They were dishing out OBC for October. Before final payment day somebody on here asked Southampton. Oh no not Britannia. The day after, guess what. £660 for new bookings. I sent an email to his Lordship, answered by his executive team. After exhaustive investigation we can confirm this offer does not apply to your cruise, but have a great time on Iona. I pointed out that their exhaustive enquiries missed that I was actually on Britannia.Yes I am sure.
  5. Nothing there for our October cruise yet. If no decent excursions, then a trip to the beach on the mini-train. Yippee!. At least there is an umbrella in the cabin....whoops, that's celebrity.
  6. No extra OBC on the October cruise.....see previous posts.....still well hacked off.
  7. We didn't have an excursion booked, but got the email. Itinerary change. Open up the attachment....what's changed......oh ! We are going to Toulon, not Marseilles. It would have been easier to look on here.........I wonder why...oh!, Operational reasons. At least they had a good reason.🤔
  8. Back to wearing a mask. This time with a snorkel.☔
  9. Lots of bad luck. Could have been worse. You could have bumped into me and DW.🤣
  10. A bit like when they had ocean village.?
  11. Perhaps they had similar thoughts Jean.🤔🤣
  12. Lots to see in Give if folk look.
  13. They were on Celebrity a couple of weeks ago.
  14. Watched the GP and as DW describes it...The dross afterwards. Out for an Italian and watched the footy, which we recorded. Didn't have the radio on in the car. Didn't look on here or faceache. It appears I upset somebody with dodgy hair curlers. A first for me there. Well done England🤣.
  15. Brilliant. Have Mercedes left it too late?, will RB run out of engines ?. Can Ferrari stop tripping over?. Long way to go.🤣🏎️
  16. I'm not an expert on handbags ( or hair curlers). DW wanted to buy a handbag reduced fro £280 to £140. Checked online , that was a good price. The sales lady said don't buy it today, I will put it to one side for you .Come back tomorrow as we will be reducing it buy another 50% overnight.
  17. As you say , late breakfast, wander around the town and take in the great history. We will avoid the monkeys.🙊🙉🙈
  18. Well said . We ,pre badstuff, we popped over to Paris quite a lot. Some folk were there every day. Admittedly mainly Parisians. DW said shall have a week in Cornwall again next year. WHAT, we have been there about a hundred times.🤣
  19. DW purchased a Michael Kors handbag on Independence of the seas. Tremendous price. Nothing went wrong with it. We also purchased a pack of playing cards. No problems with them either.
  20. When Piorot did it on the blue train, a lot more than 6 hours and somebody got murdered.
  21. Nothing wrong with Toulon. We were there once with NCL and docked near the town. The other times the other side of the harbour, so a boat ride to town. I think this time an excursion may be on the cards, or the mini-train to the beach. Decisions, decisions.🤧
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