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Everything posted by steveru621

  1. I'd be concerned the amount of data is insufficient.
  2. It's always the problem. The alternate cruises, only crap cabins left.
  3. You'll probably have more issues with the hopefully automatic transition between WiFi routers. What I've found we are sharing the internet with 2-5,000 other passengers. They all have discovered streaming is possible.
  4. CEO Michael Bayley for RCI? MBayley@rccl.com or RCL CEO Jason T. Liberty?
  5. There are an increasing number of ports that are limiting passenger capacity.
  6. Unless your checking account is in the same bank as your credit card you will pay at least one day of interest. More if it's a weekend. Use your ATM/debit card.
  7. That's not likely to be a bank ATM in the hotel. The ATM is going to charge you a minimum of $3 and your bank $5. There is no conversion fee if you use an ATM card.
  8. Don't ever use your credit card for a cash withdrawal. You'll start accruing interest >19% on day one. ATMs are great but use your debit card. And I agree, don't let them do the conversion.
  9. That's what you selected by arriving on the day of the cruise.
  10. I think it's better in port, more to see and it's free. I don't think I'll pay for it.
  11. RCI excursions always get priority; suites and Pinnacles generally get escorted to a separate tender area by the concierge. Only one passenger needs to get tender tickets for the entire group.
  12. RCI doesn't pay their employees, you do with your cruise fare. Any salaries at any merchant are paid by their customers. It's a business expense.
  13. Each passenger can have their own individual CC.
  14. Hahahaha, you are correct! I guess I can make things up too.
  15. That's your opinion. I've been cruising for 20 years. I can assure you, most Pinnacles is not a thing.
  16. It's a checkin time, not a boarding time. the times are to prevent crowding at the terminals.
  17. Security is not the TSA. Private security is looking for alcohol and prohibited appliances.
  18. No, RCI security is looking for alcohol.
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