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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good evening. Evidently the CC gremlins struck after I thought this had posted earlier. I hit submit reply and it said saving. When I came back a little while ago, it wasn't anywhere. Finally, it popped up in the quote box. So I'll post it now with what I intended to write now. Good morning from central Texas where it will be 85F thIs afternoon. Our warm weather is returning until Monday. Just having DD and DSIL here has been a great relief, and we both slept better last night just knowing we have help. With the muscle relaxer out of his system, DH is moving a little better, but still needs help moving over in bed. That is much easier with DSIL helping. I think I'll not be as stressed between now and Monday when the second surgery happens, and I can handle the routine things. DSIL brought two beautiful steaks, aspargus and salad to fix for dinner. Now, that's real help. 👏 A great big thank you to everyone for their good wishes and support. I know if I tried to list everyone, I'd miss one or two, so I'll just say thank you all. I don’t want to hurt anyones feelings if they were left out. We'll celebrate all chefs and all wait staff not only those in the UK. I'm not going to celebrate brandied fruit. I was never a fan of Grocho Marx, but I laughed at today’s quote. We'll pass on the meal, which was probably one of the dishes at lunch on our tour in Manila. I don't remember if I tried it. We'll also pass on the drink and the wine. We have been to Keelung and Taipei, but not today's port. @MISTER 67 Sounds like another great day on the golf course. Glad you're getting a new a/c. The new ones are so much more efficient. @aliaschief Thanks for the pictures of the Paul Bocus market. The food looks good. It reminds me of the indoor market in Sete with all the wonderful food and the vast variety. @Overhead Fred Safe travels today and tomorrow. @kazu Jacqui, when I got my booster and flu shot, the pharmacist told me they do one in each are, so if there is a reaction they can tell which shot caused it. @durangoscots Susan, I'm glad you arre enjoying the crabs and fried oysters. We can't get good fried oysters in the inland part of Texas. Safe travels home Saturday, and I hope you beat the bad weather home. @luvteaching Karen, I'm sorry your DH fell and broke a bone in his foot, and I hope the infection has cleared up. It's good he has a good altitude and is getting the help he needs @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm sorry the apartment didn't work out, but glad you have a nice place. I hope you don't have to stay until February. @marshhawk Annie, i hope you feel better by tomorrow. I hope your visit with DMIL turns out well. I'm sorry she is having memory problems. I consider myself hugged and hugs back to you. DH got up for dinner tonight which was excellent. DSIL cooked the steaks and they were very good. We have some steak left over for tomorrow. I fixed the aspargus in the air fryer, and DSIL made a wilted baby spinach salad with the bacon and mushrooms I'd prepped for the pizza I never got around making. We may just graze tomorrow with the leftover steak and meatloaf, aspargus and spinach. DD and DSIL both had to work today and have to work tomorrow, so grazing sounds good. While they work, I try to stay off the internet as much as possible. Right now, I'm using my phone as a hotspot since DD is on a business call with someone some where in the world. Lenda
  2. Good evening. There is good news and some not so good news. First, the not so good news is the doctor did not think it was necessary for DH to stay in the hospital, and he thinks the numbness is normal. The ER doctor had no grounds to overide the surgeon. We got home about 8:15 oot so. The good news is older DD and DSIL are on their way to help until we head back to the hospital for surgery. The best news is that the fall and how DH landed did not do any damage to the spine or the surgery work. If we'd known it was just for the x-ray, we'd have opted for the closer hospital. Everyone was very nice in the ER. We called 911 to get the EMTs to get DH dressed and in the car. We also called to get them to get him out of the car and in bed. While one EMT was finishing the paper work, the other entertained us on the piano. And, they put the throw rug back in place on their way out the door. DH is in bed as the trip was tiring. I'm waiting for DD and DSIL. It is a relief to know someone will be here for both of us for the next few days. We are very lucky they were both willing and able to come help. I'm sorry your DB is having so much trouble after the knee replacement. I hope things improve soon for him. Vanessa, I'm glad your eye is better. At least, we're pretty sure DH will have inpatient rehab for a while. We'll check on that tomorrow. I completely agree with this. Ann, our condolences to you, Pat and the family on the passing of his cousin. I'm sorry your cousin is failing so fast. I'm sorry you tested positive, but glad your DW didn't. Lend
  3. They can be crowded, but the main problem is findimg a campsite in Arch3s. They're worth braving the crowds. Lenda
  4. I'm very happy you and the others tested negative today. I hope that continues to be the case. Arches and Canyonlands are marvelous places to visit. Unless you are a camper, they can both be reached from Moab, which is mainly a base for visiting the parks. Moab is at just over 4000 elevation and part of the parks are even high IIRC. Spring and fall are probably the best times as it can be warmer, but not hot. It can also be crowded then too. Lenda
  5. Melissa, thank you. I appreciate the comments knowing that you are also going through your trials. This place as been a life saver during the past two years, and just knowing the support that's available here is a big help. We're still waiting to see where the doctor wants DH to go, and now DH wants to wait until tomorrow. I don't think that is an option.
  6. We have visited Puerto Vallarta at least 14 times on several cruise lines but mostly on BHBs. I have tried to find pictures that are different, but there is at least one repeat. I'll start with pictures of the Malecon Los Arcos at the end of the Malecon The end of the Malecon on the land side And of course these guys Statues on the Malecon Some sand carvings on the beach. All that work, and it gets washed away at high tide. The small market area near the pier. The area around dock 3 and the gate where it is easy to reach Wal-Mart and the mall. A small bull ring across from the gate by dock 3 The Mall Looking across from dock 3 to dock 1 and the new cruise terminal in the day time and at night. Lenda
  7. Good morning from sunny and cool central Texas. After yesterday's incident, it has been a frustrating morning. I need to get DH to the hospital for the x-ray. He's sore and not moving well at all this morning. Because of that our PCP's office thinks the ER is the best place. The surgeon's staff is trying to get him readmitted to a hospital and had arranged for home health to do an evaluation. When home health learned his is scheduled for for the second surgery Monday, they said there was not enough time for the evaluation. Because of insurance rules, they have to make 4 or 5 visits, and he needs more help than I can provide now. Home health was going to call the surgeon's contact person to tell what was planned on our part and their part, but it was the surgeon's office lunch hour. Now, I'm waiting to hear back from the surgeon's office. In hind sight, they now know what I suspected, and that's DH needed in hospital rehab. Believe me, I'm evaluating my life during all this and trying to see what I can do to improve things. I try to take care of my body so that I can be in the best shape possible. The rain forests are important to the environment and need all our help to survive. Even knowing the circumstances of today's quote thanks to @0106, I do not like or agree with it. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. But, boy could I use some to today's wine. I've tried Valpolicellas before and enjoyed them. We have been to Puerto Vallarta at least 14 times and maybe two more. Several were pre-digital visits, but I'll share some photos if I have time. @marshhawk Annie, you do not have to meet anyone else's expectations for your life. You can reevaluate you life to see if there are changes you want to make, and forget about what others want. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I'm glad you and your sister are having so much fun. I;m sorry for the loss of your neighbor, and I like the tribute to her of canceling all activities this week. @aliaschief Bruce, I'm glad you, Sue and the luggage arrived safely and the well dressed gentleman got you through immigration quickly. Loved the pictures. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm sorry your eye flared up, and I hope the drops calm it down quickly. @BrandelynCon Welcome to the Daily, a very friendly, supportive place on CC. I hope your HAL cruise next year lives up to and exceeds your expectations. Well, CC is adding to my woes. The pictures won't up load, so I'll try again later if I can. Please forgive my "rant", but I don't know how else to explain what is happening. Lenda
  8. The muscle relaxers were pretty potent, and were mainly prescribed if muscle spasms developed. With the underlying numbness and muscle weakness from inactivity due sciatica, I think they were just enough to cause more weakness. Lenda
  9. When we did our Amazon cruise, not only were we told not to gave candy to the children, but also not to give money to the children. Their parents would take the money and buy beer. Instead, we were urged to donate to the school or the church.
  10. Good evening. I've mentioned that the healing process for DH is slow and will be so for awhile. This afernoon, there was a set back. Because the numbness in the right leg has been a problem, a nurse at the doctor's office suggested taking the muscle relaxer. It turns out it didn’t do what she hoped. Instead, relaxing the muscles made it where DH's legs could not support him, and he sank to the floor winding up in a strange position. Thankfully, our neighbor came to the rescue and got him back in bed. We called the surgeon's office and he wants an x-ray of DH's back to make sure there is no damage. We'll get that at our PCP's office tomorrow afternoon. Thursday morning i'll take the cd to Waco to the surgeon's office. Right now Monday's surgery is still scheduled, but DH will have in hospital rehab for a while afterwards. We both feel this will be the safest way to go. I'm not strong enough to stop a fall or to get him up. They will work on strengthening his muscles. DH doesn't have any pain so thats good news. It's not how we wanted things to go, but it could be worse. I'm sorry you were exposed to Covid. I hope your tests are negative. I hope Ninja's blood tests give the vet the answers she is looking for. I know you'll enjoy Bore Bora. It's our favorite destination. Our condolences to you on the loss of your friend. Also, our condolences to your friend's family. Lenda
  11. Good afternoon again. As I said it was a busy morning, but now I am caught up on the Daily. We were a day ahead for meatloaf appreciation since that was dinner last night. I make my mother's recipe, and we both enjoy it. We can get two dinners out of it, and I can have my meatloaf sandwiches for breakfast since DH does not like it as a sandwich, or if I'm feeling really, really generous, we can get three dinners out of it. I tried a different recipe for a few years that included red and green peppers, but I never really liked it. Now it's the basic meat, cracker crumbs, milk, eggs, salt, peppier, and sage. The sage is what makes it taste so good. DH has never worn a beard, for which I'm thankful. In about 1956, my father grew a goatee for the 75th celebration of the founding of our hometown. He was the only one in the family that liked it, and it was weird since it grew out black in the center with white strips on either side. Now, all of the above was probably information overload, but at least it was not political. 😁 The quote brings a smile to my face every time I read it. 😄 Today, we are sort of in sync with the meal. I'd already planned on making pizza tonight since we have a cool day (61F now). However, there will be NO arugula on the pizza. @marshhawk I'm another who does not like it because of the bitterness. Ours will be a loaded pizza with a lot of pepperoni, cheese, onions, red and green peppers, mushrooms, bacon, mild Italian sausage and black olives. The only things I leave out are the kitchen sink and anchovies. Sometimes, DH adds jalapeno slices to his pizza. One reason I was late, I discovered I did not have enough cheese 😱 for the pizza, so another quick trip to the store. When I got back, I cooked the sausage, made the tomato sauce and prepped the toppings. I'll make the dough a little later, and after it's risen, all I have to do is assemble the pizza. We'll pass on the drink, but would like my key lime in a pie. Maybe tomorrow. The wine sounds nice, and I would like to try it. @grapau27 Graham sending you and especially Pauline good wishes on her Mam's fourth memory day. BTW, I agree with @Sharon in AZ Sharon about where you are, but I'll keep quiet too. Your dinner looks lovely. Give Pauline an extra hug from me. @smitty34877 Terry, thank you for asking about DH. His progress is slower than we expected, but there are some signs things are beginning to head in the right direction. Today is the first day he has complained about pain in his upper right leg, while the lower part is still numb. I hate that he is in pain, and hope the pain meds and the muscle relaxer are working. At the same time, I look at the pain as a sign that the numbness is beginning to lessen, as least from the surgery. It will be after the second surgery next Monday, that there should start to be real improvement. That is when the surgeon will do a laminectomy to remove the bone spurs causing the spinal stenosis, and also stabilize the two vertebrae. The doctor told us last week not to expect too much improvement until after the second procedure. For now, DH is spending a lot of time sleeping. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, first, I'm glad you both got your booster and flu shot. Our condolences to you and Dennis on the sudden lost of your friend. Also, condolences to Beverly's DH and her family and friends. @aliaschief Best wishes for smooth flights, and that you get some sleep on the plane. We'll be looking forward to reports from the river cruise when you have internet. @MISTER 67 Congratulations on shooting 2 below your age yesterday. Glad the water heater has been replaced, but ouch on having to replace the a/c too. @Cruzin Terri Terri, safe travels home today. I was glad to read that the insurance company had arranged an apartment in Hilton Head for you. From looking at Google maps, it looks like you'll be fairly close to your home. @ger_77 Gerry, great news that KLM found a flight for you even if your layovers are longer. @durangoscots Susan, please wish your DS a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us. Glad you got your crab cake fix. @HAL Sailer Melissa, I'm very glad you and your DH had a nice visit with his DS, and had a belated birthday celebration with her. Please wish her a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us. it was good that your DH and his DS had a good visit and a frank talk. It's a blessing that today he remembers the visit and the time he spend with his sister. @ottahand7 Good that you got the wine cooler replaced. We need to keep our wine happy. @kazu Jacqui, I hope they have the Pfizer booster for you tomorrow. @summer slope I'm glad the malaria meds saga has been resolved. Sending positive thoughts for negative tests in three days. Lenda
  12. @Seasick Sailor and @SusieKIslandGirl 🎂 🎈 A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BIRTHDAY GIRLS! 🥂 🍾 Lenda
  13. Good afternoon. Another day when the morning got away from me. I didn't get to sleep until after 2:30 this morning and finally got up about 8:30. I have finally finished all the morning chores, and will finish reading the Fleet/Daily. Since I'm late, I'm going to repost what I posted on October 12, 2021, about our visit to Kirkwall in 2017. Then, I'll fishing the Daily and comment. We have been to Kirkwall once in 2017 on the Prinsendam with Captain DD. It was raining all day, but we still walked around the area where the shuttle dropped us off and up to the cathedral. Then the light rain turned into a heavy, horizontal downpour that lasted so long we had to brave the rain to get back to the shuttle pickup point. Our raincoats kept us dry except for our lower pants legs which were soaked. Street scenes outside the Visit Scotland Centre St. Magnus Cathedral and grave yard The Bishop's and Earl's Palaces The area around the cathedral and palaces There was a lot more to see, and I would like to go back to Kirkwall when it is not raining. Lenda
  14. I'm glad you found a dentist who makes you comfortable. I have never been afraid of the dentist. It's more that I just don't like having people messing around in my mouth, but then I think that is just about everyone. The one thing that gives me the most problems is a root canal with the dam they put around the tooth they are working on. To be blunt, I have an over active gag reflex. The routine cleaning is not a problem, and helps keep worse things from happening. There have been three owners of the practice here, and two of them have been great. The middle one just seemed cold, and luckily I never needed any work done by him. The third dentist has a great chair side manner. He'll talk over the possible treatment options and if practical will go with the one with the least work needed, adding we can always take it the next step later if it becomes necessary. Lenda
  15. Terri, thank you for checking in. Safe travels tomorrow, and I hope the situation at home is a little better to handle after your get away . Lenda
  16. Well, I survived another visit to the dentist's office, not my favorite place. The hygienist is nice, gentle and thorough, but fairly quick, and it may be that I switched to an electric toothbrush several years ago It has made a great difference. I did get a slight scare while there, but not from the dental work. While the hygienist was working, my phone rang. Of course, my first thought was DH and something was wrong. It turned out it was older DD checking up on how things were going. I explained where I was and called her back later. While I was in town, I got my errands run, and am now finishing the laundry. I am glad you are enjoying Hawaii. I was sorry to read that the Bolt Creek fire is still causing so many problems and is not contained yet. Sending positive thoughts that you get some rain there soon. Vanessa, I'm you got a better night's sleep last night. I hope the flashing you found is not causing a problem. Lenda
  17. We spent four weeks on Koningsdam last fall and four weeks on her last spring. We received the am room cleaning and the turn down service at night on all eight cruises.. Last fall, we asked for two a day service, but did not ask for it last spring.
  18. Good morning from a cool, windy central Texas. The weather forecasters are saying it will be cloudy today and tomorrow, and I'm sitting here looking clearing skies and sun. The clouds will probably come and go all day. The high today is predicted as 72F, with the highs the next two days in the 60sF and lows between 39F and 48F. The predicted heavy rain turned into two showers giving us a grand total of .22. It looks like the roof did not leak, but we need one or two heavier rains to know for sure. One of my bosses spoiled me for any others, and I have had one boss while not horrible lived up to his last name -- Lemon. 😄 For 32 years DH could have been called my boss, but mainly we each handled our duties independently. We have pasta occasionally, and I like it a little more than DH. I don't think I have anything gaudy to wear. The Aldous Huxley quote is so true, and even more so now. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I would not turn down the wine if offered to me. Unfortunately, we have not been to Timaru, NZ. While we've been to NA twice, we were never further south than Auckland. @rafinmd Roy, the lists looked empty without Sabine's name at the bottom. I hope she is happy in whatever new position she has found. @msmayor The display bridal shower sounds like a lot of fun, and that's a great idea. I also would not spend $650 for a Burberry infant coat that would be out grown soon. However, some people who shop M-N would. Your DD and DSIL's visit along with Miss Lana sounds like something everyone will benefit from, and I hope you get a lot of grandbaby time. @SusieKIslandGirl 🎈 🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEK! 🥂 🍾 @grapau27 Graham, I hope Pauline's Mam's memory day has a lot of meaning and that it is not to difficult for her. I think we always miss our parents and grandparents after they are gone. @aliaschief Bruce, best wishes for good weather, safe on-time flights along with your luggage tomorrow. 🥂 BON VOYAGE 🍾 Enjoy both of your cruises. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope flight ease can arrange your flights soon and with business class. I'm sure if we were in that situation so close to leaving, we would be calling Flight Ease and not waiting for them to find something. DH would probably have a couple of flights to suggest. A pleasant surprise a few minutes ago. The letter carrier delivered my new purse. I guess the oversize boxes at the cluster box were full, and this box, definitely would not fit in our box. The purse is a little bigger than I normally use, but my old one was getting rather stuffed. The navy blue is more of a royal blue, but at under $25, I can live with it. The dentist office just called and had an opening at 11, so I'll get that behind me two hours earlier. Lenda
  19. Now, I'm even more sure I know who it is, but understand your reluctance to share his name. If I'm correct, he lives north of us a ways. I've seen his posts but have never really gotten to know him. I wish him the very best. Everyone should be allowed to be with the person the love without losing everything else. Lenda
  20. The Gentleman as you called the RVS resident pianist probably noticed the conversations more since he was there to entertain the guest. BTW, his shows on Prinsendam were outstanding, Md even though he had two shows, we never missed his shows, he was that good. As far as the mirrors in the tubs, I either kept my back to them, closed my eyes or made sure I had them really fogged up. I didn’t want to scare myself. 🤣
  21. Our weather is just weird, but then that's Texas for you. So far, our rain has held off, and is now predicted for later this evening into the early morning hours. It is still very overcast, dreary and windy. Tomorrow is supposed to be 71F, and Tuesday and Wednesday our highs will be mid 60sF. The sun comes out Thursday, and we'll be back in the 80s. I haven't accomplished much since I got back this morning. It's been a lazy afternoon. Ann, thank you for the pictures of Christchurch. I want to go there more than ever. Jacqui, I am glad Rich @richwmn could help you. That is what I like so much about this place -- the caring, helping people who inhabit the Fleet/Daily. The world could learn a lot from the Dailyites. Carol, I may know who you are talking about, but even if it's not that person, it still should not have happened. Growing up, I was taught tolerance at church, but now days, it seems intolerance of those whose beliefs or lifestyle is different is the new religion. I was glad to read that his parishioners support him. I hope things work out well for him. Our condolences to you on the passing of your friend and coworker. Also, our condolences to her family and friends. Susan, I have not been through the Denver airport, but have not heard good things about it. I have no desire to ever set foot in O'Hare again. JFK and Atlanta are not great but better than O'Hare. Since DFW is our home airport, we can navigate it pretty well. Enjoy your visit with your sister. Welcome tomthe Fleet/Daily. What an awesome picture for your first post here. Lenda
  22. Good afternoon from a wet central Texas. We had some rain this morning with more expected this afternoon into tomorrow. It started raining just as I left to pick up something DH needed from W-M 22 miles away. Although it rained most of the way, it had stopped by the time I got there. The heavy rain didn't start until I was bavk in the car, but fortunately, it slowed down when I got back on the highway. It can rain all it wants to until about noon tomorrow when I leave for a dentist appointment, just a routine cleaning. Add me to the list that thinks dictionary day and learn a word day are made for each other. Google is my new dictionary. For cats global cat day is celebrated 365 times a year. The quote is one I can totally agree with. It's been years since we've had flank steak, but it is good. We'll pass on the drink. I would try the wine especially since someone said chocolate twice. 😉 🍷 We have not been to Christchurch or Lyttelton. Christchurch is on the bucket list. @MISTER 67 I'm sorry your water heater was fried during Ian, and I hope you can get a new one quickly. @cat shepard Ann, I liked the meme, but I also thought we're on drugs, just not the illegal ones. @Cruzin Terri Terri, make the most of your last day, and safe travels tomorrow. The hotel looks gorgeous in the sunshine. @rafinmd Roy, thanks for including DH on the care list. Just one small thing, it's onIy his right leg that is numb. The numbness in the left one cleared up after the surgery. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm happy the visit with the work colleague went well. It's good the teen got to play, and that he had family there cheering him and the team. @StLouisCruisers Sandy, I'm keeping my fingers crossed 🤞 since out letter carrier, except the Saturday sub, gets our mail delivered by mid morning. And the Quartzsite PO has a new postmaster, so things are looking better there. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope your flights are straightened out soon and you are still in business class. @dfish Debbie, enjoy the Bay of Fundy, a truly amazing place. @St Pete Cruiser That is too bad Sabine has left the company. My guess is she got tired of waiting for her captaincy. Thank for checking on her for @rafinmd Roy. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm sorry your legs bothered you last night. Thank you for the pictures. Lenda
  23. The longest post season game was 18 innings in 2005 between the Braves and the Astros. The longest game was 26 innings on May 1, 1920. It was between the Brooklyn Robins and the Boston Braves, and took 8 hours 6 minutes. The info is thanks to Google. Lenda
  24. On our last Prinsendam cruise in 2017, we had dinner with our friend the Event Manager and one of the guest entertainers. For several years, he was the resident pianist when she was Royal Viking Sun, and would do two shows a week. He told us that the enrire area where the dining rooms, Ocean Bar and Pinnacle Grill were was all one dining room. It was big enough that there was only one seating at dinner. He added that the showroom started as more of lounge with nightly entertainment. People didn't all face the stage, and they would talk during performances. It was interesting to hear about the differences between how the cruise lines configured the ship. Yes, she was our favorite ship.
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