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Everything posted by KroozNut

  1. Ummmm, after 24 years in the U.S. Navy, most of those years at sea; followed by 25+ years of civilian cruising, I think I know what I'm talking about.
  2. I wouldn't like that at all. I prefer an ocean view when cruising as opposed to a view of a shopping mall.
  3. Glad we have the DBP for our upcoming Explorer sailing! 🙂
  4. I read that the 'welcome lunch' menu is derived from the Chops menu.
  5. In some hotels you can smoke inside and outside of designated rooms, like in Vegas for example.
  6. You know what they say, right? "The early bird gets the worm" 😉
  7. And this is precisely the crux of the problem: One's definition of "Casual" may be a woman in a wet bikini, or a man in his whitey tighties and shower shoes in the MDR on formal night. By your comment, this would be acceptable to you?
  8. On the contrary.. The direct causality is clear: Obesity and alcohol abuse along with their associated health costs directly impacts me in the very real form of increased costs for my health insurance.
  9. Yes, they are.. in the form of the price of the cruise.
  10. Yes, indirectly.. as they receive a commission on the cruise they sold you.
  11. Not really true.. It is well documented that the health care costs associated with issues such as obesity and alcohol abuse in this country are shared by us all in the form of increased health care insurance costs across the board.
  12. That's in her job description as a TA, and you are paying for her service, so you don't really 'owe her any more'..
  13. Can you please elaborate on this a bit more (for a Royal newbie), I'm not sure I understand what you mean here. We currently have 6:45pm reservations for each evening of our upcoming EOS sailing in April.
  14. Heck, I even got it on my flight to my last cruise out of Ft Lauderdale.
  15. Uncomfortable, miserable and can't wait for dinner to be over so we can change clothes.🫤
  16. As has already been said, too much time on their hands.. 😏
  17. I think that everybody's grown weary of the topic, and has no more energy to debate it 😏
  18. And to carry it one step further, in order to have a true representative sample, your prescribed method would need to conducted on more than one evening, and also include a formal night to be statistically significant.
  19. I added gratuities to our booking today, based on learning of Celebrity's recent increase. But they're not actually paid yet, only added to the total cruise fare as part of our balance due at final payment. Are they still 'locked in' at the rate we have booked now if/when Royal increases their rates at some point prior to sail date?
  20. True, although some people even add additional tip onto that at point of service onboard. Of course this is totally discretionary and not required or expected.
  21. As others have mentioned, most travel insurance will cover this situation.
  22. Here's another good source for information: https://www.royalcaribbeanblog.com/cruise-compass
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