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Everything posted by osandomir

  1. We’re probably on the same cruise with you coming this month. I agree, it all depends on what you are looking to book. We normally book cruises well in advance when they become available for booking. “Unfortunately” our cruises almost never listed on any sale later on as they tend to be sold out well before the sailing date. Definitely, not all the cruises are booking that fast now. That being said, I think Oceania won’t be able to continue sailings at a loss for much longer, and it will lead to a price increase no matter of any sales.
  2. That only means that other cruise lines are likely to raise their prices as well.
  3. It was reported that Oceania postponed summer 2025 release until September. My guess is that with the inflation like now they don’t want to offer cruises so far in advance at the current prices. Just another indicator - the prices will go up.
  4. I remember that seats flying into Buenos Aires years ago 😀
  5. Let’s not forget that OP was asking about Inside/OV staterooms.
  6. I understand that anyway you found yourself in the difficult situation now. It’s not a good thing O insisted that Myanmar is safe to travel to with a possibility it’ll be canceled later. And you’re not the only one who booked that cruise to visit this port. It’ll be many others who are not happy with any outcome. Also, I believe that your TA provided you with an inaccurate information to begin with. COVID aside, it’s very rare (if ever) Oceania allowed cancellations or credits after FP because of an itinerary change. That’s stated in the T&C as well. I wish you good luck with any resolution that is acceptable for you. In case you ended up going on this cruise would you please post if you’re able to get to Myanmar and how you’re feeling about that visit. Will be following with a great interest. Thank you.
  7. I never said O could sail to the destination that isn’t safe. Just don’t understand why leave it to cruise line to make a decision while you ask them so many times if it was safe to travel. The political unrest in Myanmar isn’t something that just happened recently. The SD “Do not travel” advise was there for awhile. It was plenty of time to change your plans and cancel prior to the final payment. Do you really think now is the best time to complain or wait for bad things that can happen to trigger a legal case. I posted because this destination was on our radar for a long time but we decided against booking a cruise to Myanmar at this time.
  8. Don’t believe that your sarcasm is necessary. No need to comment on every post.
  9. It’s disgusting when someone feed the dog from their hands and then touch the table, the chairs and everything else in the buffet. Shouldn’t be allowed on the ship. Some people cannot stand even the kids on board. What about the dogs?
  10. We were booked on the O cruise with Myanmar stop in 2020. Obviously, it was canceled shortly before departure. COVID aside, travel to this country was never safe between then and now - political unrest and a lot of violence is going on. I saw this 2023 cruise on the Oceania website, but we didn’t book it. The State Department advised against traveling to Myanmar for a long time. It was clear to me that going to Myanmar and flying to Bagan still wasn’t a good idea no matter whether O stop there or not. So we didn’t want to find us in the situation when we’d need to ask for the cancellation after the final payment is done. Oceania is in business to keep cruising. It’s our responsibility to do research to make our traveling safe and enjoyable. I hope you’ll find a solution that will be acceptable to you at this point.
  11. Most likely you’ll be OK. Enjoy your cruise!!!
  12. I also don’t think that Oceania will pay for your overnight anywhere or even book you on the flight that requires an overnight. In your case there difference between 9:45 and 11am is minimal. If your itinerary is that complicated from the beginning it would be much better to choose booking your own flights and be in control of your routings. Of cause, you can try to contact Oceania, as LHT suggested, to find out what are your options now.
  13. I don’t think it’s a good idea to get up after 8 am on the disembarkation day. Most likely the flight from Hamburg will be within the European continent, so there will be no getting up in the middle of the night. We’ve been on numerous early flights traveling to or out of US.
  14. It’s pretty obvious that OP talking about a return flight. Given that Oceania booked their air the transfer to the airport is included, so it’ll be upon Oceania to figure out the logistics. Also, it’ll be easier to do, if the ship overnights in the port.
  15. Following with a great interest. We’ll be boarding in Barcelona on April 10 when you disembark. Can you please post about the temperature around the ship. Our last cruise, also Sirena, was in December and the temperature in all venues was very pleasant. Then, it was the Caribbean and can be much cooler elsewhere. Would like to hear your “live” opinion that can help me with packing right. Thanks.
  16. We just received our travel documents online. The Barcelona terminal information: Barcelona W T C - South Terminal Address: Puerto De Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Hope that will help.
  17. Unlike some other cruise lines Oceania guarantee cabins available on the category that is almost sold out for the ships that are mostly fully booked. Why one would expect to pay lower price for the last cabin on the ship not even mentioned the upgrades.
  18. I don’t think that what Pinotlover was saying. It’s your interpretation, but the statement just explained what happened on their recent cruise. We’re loyal to Oceania and looking forward to cruising with them in the future. Our next cruise is coming in April and we also have two more already booked. We always enjoyed our cruises including the last one post-covid in November. That being said, it doesn’t mean that we have no concerns about all recent schedule changes and port time cuts. It’s all very alarming now. Obviously, there’re lot of financial problems going on. Poor NCLH stock performance is a proof. I understand that some budget cuts are unavoidable at this point. At the same time, I agree with all posters that Oceania should be more open with their customers earlier in the booking process to allow them make a right decision weather to make a reservation for the particular cruise or look elsewhere.
  19. Was that an extra charge? A lot have changed since 2012😉
  20. When our March 2023 Asia cruise that we booked two years ago was changed significantly (not a surprise) we canceled right away and booked another cruise (a safer bet) that we liked. Now we’re going to Europe in couple weeks. This cruise has been completely sold out for a few months, so apparently the others like the itinerary as well. Nowadays, some changes are unavoidable. We are learning to be flexible. Maybe you can find something that suits you better.
  21. Not everyone has time to read every single post, but all posters want to help OP. Nothing wrong when some additional details are added to the information that was posted earlier. We have sailed on all Oceania ships but Insignia. There are some differences between the R and O class as it was mentioned above, but we feel that the style and atmosphere on all Oceania ships is very similar. So we pick the itinerary rather than the ship when we book our cruises.
  22. Ask for updated Oceania invoice. The excursions PDF should be attached to your invoice.
  23. There were never good sushi onboard Oceania ships. Can’t be compared to any sushi places that I have been on land. Fortunately, we don’t cruise for sushi.
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