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Everything posted by Gwendy

  1. My daughter is a nurse, she says the only time she would present to the medical centre on a ship was if a bone was sticking out of her arm or leg.
  2. I am on same cruise. The Princess plus package I was “gifted” did not include gratuities. Booked in Australia. I have an email which states my package will stay the same, no extra charges, but will not include the special desserts or exercise class. Think I can deal with that. Contact Princess again, whatever is decided get it in writing.
  3. Just got off Encounter today. When booking restaurants they tried to dictate where and at what time we would eat each night. We quickly sorted that out, new cruisers were impressed that the staff had organised their dining for each night, Angelos, some nice meals, risotto very good, desserts not really. Dragon Lady, some good, some not so good. Lukes, lovely meals, but unable to get no alcohol beer. Shell and Bones, not operating again, 3 cruises, November, December, January not operating fir any if them. All of the restaurants were only half full each night. Not sure if it was a staffing issue or what. One couple we talked to wanted to dine at Luke’s one night and were told it was booked out. We were there that night and it was half empty. Waterfront, appalling, you can only book for certain times, even if tables are available. The person in charge is officious and will not allow anyone in outside set times, which by the way are not advertised, the service is slow, food mediocre, charged twice for one drink. Seems to be a problem with staff training. All the restaurants have no dress code. We saw a woman in bikini top and denim short holey shorts at dinner, no problems. We had to ask to have our table changed half way through our meal one night because of the raucous laughter and noise from the table behind us. Live how the Pantry on the last day bring out prawns, mussels, spring rolls, paella for lunch, never seen them prior to this. Happened on our November cruise as well, is it a marketing tool so when you complete the survey, this us the last meal you remember?
  4. Informed on Monday we would be missing Noumea because of engine problems which meant we could not get there on time. On board screen showing 17 knots at times (?), lots of on board activities programmed for time we were supposed to be in Noumea, obviously entertainment staff knew we were not docking well ahead of time. Also missing Port Vila, still going to Lifou and Mystery island now added. All a bit strange. All passengers were “graciously” given $50 as compensation. I suspect there is a problem with docking as there are now only 2 tender ports. Will see when we get back to Brisbane.
  5. We could only book P3 for our cruise which left Saturday, have previously used P1 and were very happy with how close it was. P3 seemed a long walk but my daughter dropped the bags and me (another old bag she said) at terminal, parked car walked back, took 10 mins from when she left me, so not far at all.
  6. Boarded P&O Encounter on Saturday, 2nd time from here, So organised and quick, our boarding time was 11,30 am. We were in our cabin at 11.15. Didn’t even have time for coffee from stand outside terminal, had to have one on ship instead.lol
  7. Leaving tomorrow from BCIT. Parking filled up fast could only park in P3 a bit of a walk from terminal. Lucky I am travelling with my daughter who will drop me at terminal, then take car and park it and walk back to terminal, I knew I had those kids for a reason. Lol. I will have a coffee from the happy guys at the coffee cart while I wait for her. Hoping embarkation is as good as last time, very quick and efficient.
  8. Gratuities are generally only included when ship sails from Australia. In this case we sail from Barcelona to Athens, so gratuities need to be paid separately (or not if you choose to remove them from your account).
  9. Go to DFAT site and find email address for PNG embassy then ask them. Best information from the horse’s mouth, as it were.
  10. Nope, you get zero. Buy one at the junk shop before you go, $2 to $3.
  11. Yes it’s in an industrial area, but you are going there to get on a ship not sightsee. I have been to equally shabby port areas all over the world. In Buenos Aries we had to board a bus at the terminal and then travel through rows and rows of containers to get to the ship. ln Peru we docked next to commercial fishing vessels unloading their catch, Costa Rica pretty dodgy etc, etc. Main problem with BICT is distance to city and lack of transport options.
  12. Sydney down under you are correct. Sailing the Med in April this year and we are requested to pay gratuities.
  13. No, apparently it had to be sent from the main warehouse.
  14. Years ago a friend won the prize at the art auction. When she found out how much it was going to cost to have it sent to her home she gave it back.. lol Anyone who could drink a full glass of the free stuff they give out has a stronger constitution than I have.
  15. Doesn’t matter, 1 cabin, 1 mini bar, except for suites.
  16. In 2019 we were delayed leaving Lima as divers had to clean hull before we entered NZ waters. Apparently it is a requirement when entering NZ from some countries.
  17. Talk about uncomfortable. Years ago as Aussies we did a day trip around LA. Before the bus even left, our guide announced. There are some Aussies on board, we tip at least 10% here, don’t forget that. We always follow local conventions wherever we are but to have it pointed out in this way was in my opinion plain rude.
  18. Yes Celebrity Australian office called us. Not happy we booked elsewhere but at the time their website showed cruise was fully booked. This was when there was great drama about big cruise ships being banned from Antarctica and we wanted to do this cruise.
  19. Years ago we booked a Celebrity cruise with a US agent. Celebrity in Aust said cruise (to Antarctica) was fully booked. After we paid Celebrity rang us and said we could be denied boarding because of booking in US. As the cruise was leaving from Buenos Aries and we were flying in 3 days before, I was quite stressed, even planning how we could use our time in BA if we were denied boarding. Boarding day came, no problems and the most fantastic cruise, but I don’t want that stress again.
  20. When we were there we gave the children playing on the beach some pencils and colouring in books. About 20 mins later a very fierce looking man came up to us, the children’s father and gave us some bananas. I was very impressed by this gesture. Everywhere we went on this cruise the local people were wonderful.
  21. We were on Pacific Sun in 2007 when she was hit by a rogue wave in South Pacific. The whole ship heeled over and then, thankfully righted itself. The duty free shop was trashed, all displays wrecked, a piano skidded from one side of the room to another, much more interior damage. One window cracked on a top deck. Thankfully only one passenger injured, she fell off a top bunk. My mother was playing Bingo on Deck 10 and when I found her, she commented, I thought it was strange when the water came up to the window. That was my first cruise, have done over 50 since then, including Antarctica, never experienced anything like that again.
  22. I see that the train from Cittavechio to Rome stops at St Piettro and there are 50 steps to entrance. Has anyone done this recently and can confirm there is no elevator. Think I will struggle with steps and might have to look at bus instead. Thanks in advance for any replies.
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