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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. Are you aware of how Air2Sea works? These are consolidator tickets. The tickets were negotiated in price a year ago. Along with city pairs and airports. These are not the same tickets you or I may purchase from the airline directly. They don't take your request and then call the airline and buy tickets for you from the airline of your choice. They look at what they have available and then issue a reservation. It could also be that they do or did have ticket pairs that matched your needs, but only have 2 and you need 3, therefore unable to sell to you. There is an old but still viable sticky post on the Cruise Air board that can help one better understand how cruise air and deviation works.
  2. I can't speak for every travel insurance policy sold in the US, but most treat Covid as any other medical situation. I cannot speak towards the rules, regulations, policies of travel insurance sold in the Philippines.
  3. While I respect most people's feedback, I'm still going to disagree. Whether staying in a hotel, a condo, a resort, an apartment, an Air B&B, or a ship stateroom, while I'm staying in these locations, I should have a sense of safety and security as if I were in my own home. There is implied consent that housekeeping will be in and out. There is no implied consent for other people to be entering my space without some form of notification. Hotels notify you. Apartment complexes notify you. Resort management notifies you. It's not too much to ask that cruise ships notify you.
  4. Furniture replacement. The last 2 sailings on Royal, my wife and I have returned to our cabin mid-day to find our cabin door open 4 or 5 crew members inside our cabin to include the cabin steward. Both times, they were replacing the couch. Nothing wrong with the old couch that we were aware of. The first time, I must admit, I was upset and voiced my concern to the crew members, the cabin steward, Guest Services, and the Director of Hotel Services. I was upset not because they were replacing the couch. I was upset for the lack of communications. We could easily have been left a note the evening before that this was going to happen. What was the result? The low man on the totem pole (cabin steward) got in trouble. When I realized this was happening, I lit into the Director of Hotel Services and told them that I felt this was a leadership and communications problem, not a cabin steward problem. Fast forward to our recent Anthem cruise out of Southampton, same thing happened again and have no clue why. It wasn't like the old couch either time was broken, torn, or dirty.
  5. Asking for my wife, please don't ask me to explain the why's and whereto for's? I've searched TSA.gov and can't find the answer. A few years back, she got TSA Pre-Check because she was tired of standing in the lines while I was enjoying my coffee waiting for her to get thru security. Then, a year or 2 later, she decided to get GE. (Please don't ask the obvious question 🤯) Now, she's receiving notification that it's time to renew her Pre-Check. The commonsense approach would be that she's got GE (which includes pre-check) so don't worry about it. The other part of me is that no one that I'm aware of has ever accused a US Gov't agency of using the commonsense approach. Thoughts?
  6. Depends on the Terms and Conditions of the credit card. My CSR card states that a portion of the trip needs to be used. Some other cards require that the entire trip needs to be used. Always trust but verify. (Go to your cards website, take a look at the latest terms and conditions because as with many things, the terms and conditions can be updated at any time.) When I plan my trip, I make an Excel spreadsheet showing dates, times, whom the payment was made to, which card was used, and then a notes section. This way, if needed, I can go to my spreadsheet and I can see that I paid X amount to ABC for XYZ on such and such card. Then go to my credit card web site and download that months statement and highlight said purchase.
  7. Considering that many of the entertainment staff are athletes and performers in their own right, and that many of them eat from the same menus/options we are given, many of their YouTube videos show exactly what and where they eat. Their self-discipline and dining choices are way above my inability to stay away from the junk that is available and that I gravitate to. So, yes, there are plenty of health choices available. I just choose to ignore those.
  8. If my observation was mistaken, then I'll accept that. If true, then Royal put zero thought into it and it's disappointing. Wonderland on Symphony was a true delight compared to Anthem. The difference is night and day like a county fair is to Disney World.
  9. We did Wonderland on the Symphony. Loved the experience. The food was good, but the themed experience was even better. The characters and the atmosphere put you into Alice's Wonderland. We did this again on the Anthem this past October. This time, it was a whole different experience. It was very obvious that this venue used to have a different use. Then somewhere along the line, someone decided to try to change the decor and call it Wonderland. The menus were worn out, no "characters" such as the Madhatter, the atmosphere was different, and the food? Well, just didn't live up to our expectation.
  10. Good information, however, the OP posted that their cruise is sailing in US waters only. Therefore, any medical coverages via Medicare will be covered just as if they were at home.
  11. When I think of "Fit to Travel", I'm reminded of that great movie called Bucket List with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson where both characters are dying from some medical illness. Fortunately Jacks character has more money than any one person needs, he can afford to self-insure, and they travel to some amazing places. Well, if that was one of us, we would probably not be able to purchase travel insurance because upon the review of any claim, it would be denied because we were most likely not deemed fit to travel.
  12. Are you talking about a river cruise totally 100% within the US? If so, then I wouldn't buy any insurance. There are no travel insurance policies that cover only comprehension/cancellation etc, without including medical as part of the policy. Myself, when in a situation like this, I risk going without. As a backup, I do have some shared risk coverage with my credit card that I use to purchase my travel and I also have Medjet Assist for any situation I may find myself in once I get 150 miles from home.
  13. For the most part, I agree. While tragic, I still haven't stopped riding or driving in a car, flying on a plane, sailing on a cruise ship, or occasionally running with scissors.
  14. Those boats/ferries to Blue Lagoon are going to be the safest, most inspected boats in the world by the time Blue Lagoon reopens. Perfect time to go. The boats/ferries are going to be safer, and the island is going to be less crowded for awhile.
  15. Unless I'm mistaken, Chief recently explained that even if the Feds (Congress) were to change to laws nationally, the possession would still be prohibited due to some maritime law/treaty, etc. So, the cruise lines would still be required to make this a prohibited item.
  16. I usually only do a "group" slot pull with close friends who are only doing this to kill some time, enjoy a beverage, and we will work out any potential issues amongst ourselves as friends. When it becomes an "organized" group event? I stay away for various reasons. There's usually a gain or profit motive behind it by the organizer. Usually points on their card albeit minimum, it's still there. The number of rules and time it probably takes to organize, means it's no longer a "fun" objective. The potential tax issue just complicates things. The organizer will receive the W2G, wants all other parties to pay their fair share of the taxes, whereas there will probably be no tax liability to the organizer due to income and tax deduction policies and why should Canadians or other possible nationalities pay their fair share when they would have no tax liabilities. Then, in every organized group there's going to be a "Karen" who lives for drama. Therefore, I stay away.
  17. The cost for the insurance is gone. The best you could hope for would be a credit towards future travel.
  18. Last I remember, Royal was using a 6 deck continuous shuffling machine.
  19. No matter when you pay Royal for the flights, they don’t actually pay the airline until about 30 days out.
  20. If you get charged for the single supplement, look at your travel insurance. You may be able to recover some of the loss due to previously approved vacation time being rejected last minute.
  21. Hard pill to swallow when you don't get the feedback you were hoping for. Then again, maybe you learned something and didn't know that your travel insurance might allow you to recover some of this loss. (Also check to see if you have any travel cancellation insurance with the credit card used.) But, most of all, Thank YOU for coming back to respond in a polite manner. Many people don't. Especially if the feedback isn't what they expected. Cruisecritic can be a little harsh at times, but we do empathize with your disappointment.
  22. I believe that eventually, these visa waivers are going to do away with passport books. They will become electronic. Along with your electronic passport and the visa waiver, your entrance and exit from a foreign country will be enough to satisfy the host countries requirements for tracking individuals who travel (legally). My entry into the UK was done with no stamp recently. Just an electronic scan of my chipped passport book and facial recognition software. My exit was facial recognition. My entry back in the US was facial recognition only using Global Entry. No scan of my passport.
  23. Many of us recommend Steve at Get the Best Trip Insurance Details, Advice (tripinsurancestore.com)
  24. Nobody has pre-existing conditions? Not even any family members not traveling with you should they get sick or worse and you need to cancel? See this page for help and/or definition Get the Best Trip Insurance Details, Advice (tripinsurancestore.com) We always purchase insurance from Steve within a couple of day of initial deposit. We put the lowest amount of trip cost of $500 just to get the wheels rolling. Then, as time goes buy we call Steve and increase as needed. I also make a spreadsheet for my own records with date of purchase, to whom, how much, is it refundable, which credit card did I use, and room for a note regarding the purchase. This way, I have a complete record if I need to file a claim. I know which CC I used and filter the account for that statement showing the purchase.
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