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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. I believe it would be possible to scroll through a poster's history of posts on Cruise Critic and gather enough personal information to make an educated guess as to when they will be on a cruise, what cabin they're staying in, what dates they will be gone, their hometown, possible where they work, etc. and a lot more personal information. However, it would take a lot of man hours for such little return on the investment.
  2. I want to say thank you and job well done. The last time InsureMyTrip was given this opportunity, they allowed the questions to build for 30 days, then in one day, they came back and cut & pasted generic answers to some of the questions and never followed up. You, on the other hand, took the time to frequent this board and provide good answers to the best of your ability and even followed up. I believe you met the expectations of the Cruise Critic community.
  3. Flying in the day before is sensible. Speaking for myself, when I cruise out of Europe, I fly in 3 days or more pre-cruise. One reason is I want some time to be a tourist, another is because my body needs time to acclimate to the new time zone and weather. Would insurance cover if you missed the "ship" due to flight delays? I can't speak on UK travel insurance, but for US insurance? Maybe/Maybe Not. For US based insurance your travel plans interruption needs to cause you to miss more than 50% of the trip "I believe". Also if the flight delay was caused by a "named" storm, it would not cover. You should probably run your scenario by the people you purchased your insurance from and see what they have to say. And, since we're so litigious over here, we would recommend you get that information in writing, maybe a recording, or at a minimum, write down the name, date and time of when you spoke to them.
  4. I get mine from my local Triple AAA since I bank at a Credit Union. However, from my recent experience of 8 days in England, 36 hours in France, then a 12 day cruise to the Canaries, don’t get more than a couple hundred euros. All of my spending was electronic either via credit card or Apple Pay. Cash is going the way of the dodo bird.
  5. I'm going with Darwins theory. Now, if I can be safely assisted, then I'll accept it. If saving me is going to put anyone else in potential jeopardy??? Take care of yourself first and foremost. It may be coldhearted, but I accept that only the fittest survive.
  6. My strategy? Finding the price I'm willing to pay. Plunk down the old credit card and never look back.
  7. As Bridgemates indicates, if the injury or illness can somehow be related to ship operations, Norovirus, slip and fall injury, etc. the ship will most likely just absorb the cost of medical treatment. For other medical needs not related to ship operations, the medical operations will bill directly to your on board account.
  8. You have paid Air2Sea, however Air2Sea doesn’t pay the airline until about 60 days out. That’s when you’ll receive your 6 digit alpha/numeric PNR code that confirms the reservation.
  9. I'm taking a leap here and guessing you're from Great Britian. (the use of mum and holiday along with insurance asking for specific medical history) Most people on here are from the States and of course the rules and regulations governing travel insurance vary greatly from country to country. However, from spending 20 years on this board (it started as an AOL chat room), I would guess that you are correct in that the answer is No. Then again, is the cruise line that you are sailing with offering some type of insurance. I would imagine that while limited, they should have some level of coverage that falls within the regulations required by your Government.
  10. There's a reason we don't tell people about the suite life. Shush!
  11. Not sure what's going on. I just find it interesting. Most major airlines release schedules, what? 330 days out? Something like that. Alaska has stopped all scheduling past December 18th, 2024. Under normal circumstances, booking today would let you book out to Dec 21st. 20 years flying Alaska, haven't seen this before. Not sure they stopped scheduling during the pandemic. If anyone knows what's going on, please share.
  12. After enough time on the road and trying the local cuisine, sometimes, I just want some comfort food. Something I'm more accustomed to. I was just in Paris. While I enjoyed much of the food and wine while there, I just had to run into Popeyes Chicken across the street from Gard Du Nord.
  13. Okay. I'll ask, what's a freakin EFFY?
  14. Since they didn't answer your question, I'll share my experience. I sailed out of Canada to Alaska. Like you, I have Medicare which works in the US. I risked the 1 day I was in Canada. I did not insure this trip. It was only 7 days though and I do have access to Medjet Assist and Chase Saphire Reserve if needed. So, where is your risk? The medical bill for the ship should you get treated in the infirmary. Will that be reimbursed by Medicare? I don't know. Evacuation from the ship. That is free of charge. It's an international Safety of Life at Sea treaty and will be accomplished by a military Search & Rescue team. So? What's your risk tolerance? It's a tough decision. Good luck and safe travels.
  15. $0 trip cost or $500 trip cost will cost you the same at the end of the day. Most policies change the cost to the traveler at the $501 break point, and then $1001, then $1501, etc Since Trip Delay and Trip Interruption pay up to 150% of Trip Costs, why not put trip cost at $500? 150% of $500 would be a better return than 150% of $0.
  16. Let me share with you what I do. Just note that each US State has its own regulation regarding travel insurance. I live in Washington State. Waiver for pre-existing conditions is an important factor for me. Washington State does not require all non-refundable expenses for the trip be covered to be eligible for this waiver. I can afford to lose my cruise costs. I cannot afford to risk a possible medical crisis loss. Therefore, I ensure I purchase my travel insurance in the timeframe required to receive the pre-existing condition waiver. However, I only cover $500 to $750 of my travel cost. This way, I still receive the $100K medical and $250K evacuation. If there is a Trip Delay or a Trip Interruption, I still can claim up to 150% of trip costs to cover additional hotel, meals, and/or transportation. I do have additional coverage thru my Chase Saphire Reserve card as long as I pay a portion of my trip with that card. However, I don't really count on that coverage. It's just a backup. I'm allowed to do this in Washington. I can't speak for what you can do in Texas.
  17. @iamtrustworthy Could you expand on this a little further please. I understand that "Hey, at least I have some drawers, socks, shoes, pants, shirts, shampoo, etc at home that I can wear." What about any souvenirs I may have brought back with me that can't be replaced? Some of these items may even be high end. Or, maybe I'm confusing Baggage Delay with Lost Baggage?
  18. You're absolutely correct. My last international trip was 6 months after the official expiration, but I did start the renewal process prior to the actual expiration date, and I had no issue when returning to the States. My concern or anxiety was that there is no way to get any information about your renewal application once it's submitted. The web site just stayed at Pending. I drove up to the airport where they do the interviews to see if they could give me any update such as it's still in the queue, it's been flagged for further investigation, or whatever. Nope, no info but here call this number in DC and they can help. The number turns into the phone tree from hell that at the end gives you a recording that they can't provide further information.
  19. I'm not sure I understand exactly what this means. Could you expand please?
  20. Received my e-mail today that my status has changed from "Pending" Logged on and my renewal is finally approved. Just shy of 13 months.
  21. Cryptically speaking, this site does not allow us to specifically name other social media sites. But maybe.
  22. @Ferry Watcher Maybe you can chime in what documentation you require as a check-in person. Also, I'm curious to know if you receive any training on how to spot potential human trafficking victims.
  23. This policy is regulated by each State. There are a couple of policies that can be sold in Washington State that don't require the entire trip to be covered and still waive pre-existing conditions. I can't speak for Cali.
  24. These roll calls are dying a slow death. The other social media site is much more active with 250 members for this sailing. There are already 2 slot pulls and 1 gift exchange scheduled. Carnival Venezia December 6, 2024 We purchased our air the other day. We're flying in on Dec 3rd.
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