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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. I was going to leave this alone but, since it's been up over 24 hours with zero responses, I'll give it a go. I'm unclear as to what your expectations are or exactly what you are questioning. I look at travel insurance as a risk sharing management tool. There is no travel insurance that covers 100% of every possible scenario at a price point most of us are willing to pay. Therefore, what is important to the client? What can they risk? What do they choose to not risk? What do they choose to share risk? You say that TripInsuranceStore policies are pathetic with medical coverage? What's your expectation? The policies that Steve offers are up to $100K which is pretty much industry standard for 3rd party insurance. (I'm sure you could get more if you think $100K is too little. That would require a phone call and possible negotiations directly with the insurance writers. At an additional cost I would assume.) You can save a little money there if you choose a policy where the medical is secondary. (Cruise line policies, that I'm aware of are all secondary, no pre-existing condition waiver, limited to $25K). 3rd party policies do take age into account for pricing whereas cruise line policies do not. How do I cut insurance costs and yet cover the risks that are important to me. (Remember that travel insurance only covers nonrefundable expenses) Like you, I'm blessed to have the resources where I can afford to lose a $5K cruise. However, emergency medical with evac could cause serious financial hardship. 1. I book my airline tickets with an airline I have a status, or I book a higher cost ticket whether that be 1st class or business. If I have to cancel, the costs of my tickets will either be refunded or banked for future use. 2. I book directly with the hotel website and choose the price point that allows me to cancel with no fee up to 48 hours before check in. 3. I book private excursions that allow me to cancel with no additional fee. 4. My State allows me to not have to cover the full costs of the trip and still receive the full medical benefits with a waiver of pre-existing conditions. 5. I ensure I have 2 or 3 backup plans ready to go for certain scenarios that may happen during my trip. 6. I back all this up with extra coverages if needed in emergency with Medjet Assist and a CSR card with some level of protection included.
  2. To the question in the thread title. The shows are pretty good but, they're not THAT good! 🤣
  3. This is regulated by each State. In Washington, I don't have to cover the "full" cost of the trip for the medical to be included. This is one of the reasons why many of us recommend a broker such as Steve (IamTrustworthy) at TripInsuranceStore
  4. I think this was a "One Off" situation. This was during Covid and we decided to go to Cancun. (Prices were dirt cheap. Airlines and resorts were begging for business) The resort offered free medical insurance and free Covid testing prior to return. It was a Spanish company called Hellix (or something like that) Fortunately, the bill was only $3600 and my backup was my BCBS plan. They reimbursed $2300. All worked out in the end with lessons learned.
  5. I agree with you but let me take it one step further. It's important to ask them very specific questions if they tell you that their coverage is extended to international travel. My coverage had an international rider but I was skeptical. So I asked them. 1. Can the hospital direct bill them? No 2. Will they advance me the amount required so I can be discharged? No 3. Will they reimburse at In Network or Out of Network? Out of Network at Usual & Customary. 4. Will you pay to repatriate my remains should I pass? No With these answers, I decided to supplement my medical when I travel with a "Travel" insurance" policy.
  6. Yes it is. And for that, I apologize. Let me rephrase. While the hospital standards in the US require the availability of interpreters, it is an unrealistic expectation to think that all hospitals in every country around the world has the same standard. Therefore, understand what services are available to you from other sources. Other possibilities are from simple translations apps on your phone, to your embassy, to hiring a translator on your own dime. Also know what services are available from your travel insurance to include coverages available from annual medical assistance providers such as Medjet Assist, International SOS, Global Rescue, et al.
  7. It's been a minute since we last sailed Carnival. Specialty Coffees. Have searched a couple of different sites looking at deck plans. I don't see or haven't found a Specialty Coffee shop. Is there one? Looking for Mocha's, Latte's, etc? If so, are they covered by Bottom Bubbles Package or Cheers Package only?
  8. Unfortunately, Yes, I believe you did answer your own question. I believe this would be considered a pre-existing condition and/or a known condition. I will tag @iamtrustworthy though for a more educated opinion..
  9. When CC originally started ( I originally joined in the mid to late 90's), it was a dedicated AOL Chat room. Then it got bought or moved away from the AOL Chat area and was rebranded. Not that it matters but all of us from the AOL days lost all recognition of post count. Well, I shouldn't say everyone. Some complained loud enough and were able to keep their post count. What I'm getting at is that unfortunately, CC people are ageing out for the most part and group/topic forums are/have moved to other social media platforms. CC is one of the best places to learn about cruising, ask questions, seek advice, etc, however, they haven't kept up with other social media platforms.
  10. I agree with GeezerCouple. Most State regulations do have a time limit for resolution. Maybe Travel Guard needs a little push. For Alabama you could try here ALDOI - File A Complaint
  11. By International Treaty, you will not be billed for emergency medical evacuation from a ship. 960.PDF (imo.org) Evacuation (or air ambulance) from a land based facility or repatriation is another thing.
  12. D60 is the last gate of a huge terminal. Plan on a long walk. North Terminal (Concourse D) Shop+Dine · Miami International Airport (MIA) (shopmiamiairport.com)
  13. Thank you for putting this into words. I do sail on the mass market lines. I could afford to sail on the higher end lines but choose not to. Mostly due to being uncomfortable in a higher end setting. Even when we cruise with Royal, we do sail in a GS or higher. I enjoy the extra room and a few of the amenities. I even feel uncomfortable in the Concierge/Suite lounge. For some reason I feel as though I don't belong. So, I asked ChatGPT to help me put into words why I don't feel comfortable. This is how AI explained it. "I often reflect on my journey from a very humble, if not impoverished, background to where I am today, having achieved financial success. While I'm incredibly proud of my accomplishments, I sometimes find it challenging to connect with those who lead lavish lifestyles. It's as if I'm straddling two worlds, one of hardship and resilience and the other of opulence and excess, and navigating the contrast can be quite unsettling. It's not that I'm ungrateful for my success, but rather, I'm still grounded in the values and experiences of my past. This contrast between my roots and my present reality sometimes leaves me feeling like I'm on the outside looking in when I'm surrounded by extravagant displays of wealth." Yes, in my mind, even the Concierge lounge counts for lavish lifestyle. If I'm uncomfortable there, can you imagine if I were to sail on Seabourn or Cunard?
  14. Just a quick research on Assist America. My opinion only is that they appear to be a competitor of Medjet Assist. They don't provide travel insurance or any medical coverage, they are there to you for assistance in finding medical care or to assist you after medical care has been received, to include translation services and transportation back home if required. The above poster Saberline could have been greatly served with such an add on service had they been a member. Myself? I have Medjet Assist. The biggest issue with having this additional membership is remembering you have it when you find yourself in a medical emergency and your mind is going 1000 mph with the current situation going on with yourself or a loved one.
  15. My opinion only (and may get deleted due to antiquated policies) A few years back, this site was a big driver (still only about 5% of cruisers) for cruise lines and it was a good marketing scheme to promote and thank the cruise critic population with a sponsored gathering. As time has gone on, other social media sites are taking over and draining the cruise critic popularity. Therefore, the cruise line marketing teams no longer see a value in sponsoring a cruise critic meet and greet.
  16. A direction I would consider is that AON coverage does include Quarantine under Trip Interruption. So as an example only let's say the cruise was $1000 per person, that breaks down to $100 a day for a 10 day cruise. That would be $300 for the 3 days your trip was interrupted by the quarantine. MINUS whatever the cruiseline reimbursed you in the form of OBC. However, AON isn't even going to consider that unless you actually file for the reimbursement (under Trip Interruption) separately from the medical reimbursement. If another person in the same cabin was quarantined due to close proximity, I would think they need to file a separate claim. Whomever sold you the policy should be in a position to help answer any questions. If not, consider going a different direction next time with travel insurance needs. If you don't get any satisfaction, you can always file a complaint against AON thru your State Insurance Commission or Board. That location would be here Getting Help (ca.gov)
  17. So I asked this question on Chat GBT "Can my phone be hacked if I'm on an unsecure open wifi connection" NOTE: Before I copy and paste the answer, just note that the answer is generated by AI. The validity and/or correctness of the answer has to be verified by yourself. Myself? I never use a public wifi connection unless I have to and if I do, I will always use a VPN as an additional layer of security. VPN does slow down connectivity.. ChatGPT's answer: "Yes, it is possible for your phone to be hacked or compromised when connected to an unsecured open Wi-Fi network. When you connect to an unsecured Wi-Fi network, your data is transmitted without encryption, making it easier for malicious actors to intercept and potentially manipulate your data. Here are some ways your phone could be compromised on an unsecured Wi-Fi network: Eavesdropping: Cybercriminals can use readily available tools to intercept and monitor the data transmitted over the network. This includes capturing your login credentials, personal information, and other sensitive data. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks: Attackers can position themselves between your device and the websites or services you are accessing, allowing them to intercept and modify the data flowing between you and the intended server. This can enable them to steal information or inject malicious code into your communications. Malware Distribution: Malicious actors might set up fake Wi-Fi hotspots with names similar to legitimate ones to lure users into connecting. Once connected, they may distribute malware to your device. DNS Spoofing: Attackers can manipulate the DNS (Domain Name System) settings on the network, redirecting your web traffic to malicious sites without your knowledge. Session Hijacking: If you are logged into sensitive accounts while connected to an unsecured network, an attacker could hijack your active sessions and gain unauthorized access to your accounts."
  18. Proves my point. Who gives a crap what is required in the US. You weren't in the US. You were in France where people speak French. Entitled much?
  19. I might have left that part out of my story. It kind of screams ENTITLED UGLY AMERICAN HERE! I'm just thinking that you are blessed to be able to take multiple European vacations, tragedy strikes and your husband's life is saved by the medical professionals in Paris. After 11 days the bill is only $17K, and what do I hear? The professionals who saved my husband's life don't speak English. I'd have been google translating the crap out of things plus doing my Babble and Duo-Lingo and becoming fluent in French for 11 days. It's not on them to speak English to you. Would have been more comfortable though. I would bet a lot of money that some of them do speak some English, but maybe there was some attitude from both parties on expectations. You had a GREAT story to tell, and at the end, this is what I'll remember. Very glad to hear your husband survived his medical scare.
  20. I see no problem with communities social engineering the tourism industry to what they desire and their tax base calls for.
  21. That's about as far as I read. Everything after is an excuse. The maximum effective range of an excuse is 0 meters. Late = Rude
  22. Yes, it's an open network. Therefore, the security risk is real. How concerned one should be is up to each individual and their risk tolerance level.
  23. OP is from the UK. Completely different rules and regulations. I don't think Medicare or UHC information will be much help to the OP.
  24. It's always been rude. Service in the military taught me that if you're not early, then you must be late.
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