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Ocean Boy

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Everything posted by Ocean Boy

  1. Kid in diapers going in the pools is due to come around soon. You know, I want my 1 year old to gave really good memories of his/her cruise vacation.
  2. On the news this morning they showed pictures of the Gem not Pearl. However, I think sometimes news networks just use stock photos with total disregard for the actual ship and at times even the actual cruise line. The fishing boat appeared to have a dented bow as if it sailed right into the cruise liner. Of course, thst is assuming they even showed to correct fishing boat.
  3. Enjoying this and anticipating the rest. I've been considering Odyssey and appreciate your thoughts.
  4. Indy is a great ship. I've done several cruises on her and would happily do more.
  5. Never said that. More like you can put the effort in but don't be disappointed, or surprised, when you don't find what you expected.
  6. This thread is a perfect testament to how archaic the whole tipping culture is. Employers should pay their employees. Customers should pay for the product the company provides. That would stop these endless threads. Of course, that would probably lead to service like I've encountered in London where servers come around when they get around to it.
  7. In Port Everglades the porters are sure not shy about bringing up the subject of tipping. One told me about how he was going to get my luggage all the way right to my cabin.🙄
  8. I go if it is on an O class ship as it is usually in the Aqua Theater and they do a dive show. On V/F class ships I go if it is in Studio B as they usually do a short ice show. If Mario is aboard I dread having to listen to him, once again, tell everyone why he loves RCI. As for the drinks, I'm not sure they have any alcohol in them. So if they are your reason for going...
  9. Maybe this thread should now morph into how RCI's IT dept. sucks.
  10. Anyone who is satisfied with "camping in the ocean" would obviously think the OP, or anyone else with and issue, "doth protest over much".🙄 Most prople don't book a reservation on a billion dollar cruise ship to go camping. Absurd.
  11. First, because this is the Royal board. Second, because it is the line that I cruise with. Do you have any more questions for me?
  12. RCI is well aware that they can get away with doing whatever they choose when it comes to this issue as its customers tend to be very sympathetic toward the crew.
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