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Ocean Boy

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Everything posted by Ocean Boy

  1. They eat a lot of chicken. However, the chickens are their home grown ones. They are not supermarket chickens full of hormones and who knows what from factory farms.
  2. I also am not getting on a plane for less than 7 nights on a cruise. And doing a b2b in order to make 7 nights doesn't excite me either. I don't want to spend a day doing turn around.
  3. Be thankful they are doing the maintenance. Maybe United would not have been all over the news yesterday if they did some.
  4. Even ancillary services are complicated. There are radiologists and there are radiologists. When services are done at the hospital I know who is reading the CT or MRI scan. I have no idea who is reading the scan at some place you shopped around for. And those three letters you used... PCP. I detest them. I'm not a "provider". I'm a physician. Ok, I guess my trigger was pulled. I need to get off of my rant. I already posted that I gave up alcohol for Lent. I blame that for my grumpiness.
  5. It is the future and it is coming. Private practice is is fading away. I'm the tail end of the old generation. These new folks don't want the hassle of running a business, dealing with insurances, being on call, etc. They want a lifestyle that is more predictable. Go to work at a certain time, go home at a certain time, and collect a paycheck every two weeks. And the fact is that insurance companies run medicine now, not doctors. They control the purse strings and they make the decisions. It is a brave new world.
  6. I think their are many factors to consider when it comes to your medical care than simply shopping for price. Having a physician that you are comfortable with is a huge factor. Those relationships are going to be harder to come by as medicine continues the transition to location based care instead of physician based care. That meaning you will go to a place where you receive your care and that care will be provided by whom ever happens to be working that day. And those providers will supply services exactly how their bosses instruct them to. The new world of medical care.....
  7. That's funny. Seems to me that you've been complaining about RCI, and especially the food, for as far back as I can remember.
  8. I agree. Turning over an O class ship twice a week rather than once a week creates a lot more work for the crew. I thought this would never happen on the big ships but, obviously, I thought wrong.
  9. I saw that on the news. Very interesting to actually see the video of the tire dropping off. I'm wondering if that tire was recently changed and someone either didn't put the lug nuts on or didn't tighten them. I just heard that two planes just clipped each other in Miami. I don't have details yet.
  10. And that is how businesses works. Provide a product that people want and at a price they are willing to pay. If you can't then you close and some entropreuer will fill the void.
  11. Hopefully, they are smart enough to refuel in Cuba or they might all get picked up by Oasis as she cruises around and end up back at Labadee.
  12. You forgot about the previously mentioned jet skis.
  13. I'm pretty sure John has a Samsung S23 Ultra. I was also going to what he used to take the video with.
  14. They are going to ride jet skis to where?
  15. First, welcome back... again.🙂 So with the little info I know about your situation you most likely have type 2. This means you are manufacturing insulin from your pancreas but your sensitivity to it is decreasing. There are various reasons for this but I can't get into all that here. I have never heard of the supplement that you mentioned so I cannot comment on it. The key in the initial management if type 2 is lifestyle changes. Decrease your simple sugar consumption and be careful with the amount and type of carbohydrates that you eat. Exercise and weight loss is also key. Then see how your lab values respond. I have many times been able to manage type 2 using no medication at all when people have been willing to make the necessary lifestyle changes. Of course, there are always some who just won't put the effort into their health and want meds to fix everything. I've never been a big believer in better living through chemistry. Then there are those who end up on meds no matter how hard they try.
  16. Actually, it seems that you are the one who doesn't understand economics. It is all about supply and demand. The $24 fast food meals won't continue to cost $24 if people don't buy them just as cruises, that are now costing me more than double what I used to pay not long ago, would come down in price if people stop buying them. Now, whether or not someone should be making $20 an hour to hand burgers across a counter is a whole different matter. AND, even at that pay rate they still have a tip jar on the counter.
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